Mixture of Toluene + Acetic acid + Water



InChI Key
Mol. Weight (g/mol)

Acetic acid

Acetic acid
InChI Key
Mol. Weight (g/mol)


InChI Key
Mol. Weight (g/mol)
Cheméo is a service of Céondo GmbH, since 2007, we provide simulation, modelling and software development services for the industry. Do not hesitate to contact us for your projects.


  1. Temperature, K x Mass fraction (4)
  2. η - Viscosity, Pa*s (2)
  3. Interfacial tension, N/m (2)
  4. ρl - Mass density, kg/m3 (2)

Temperature, K x Mass fraction [ref]

Operational condition: Pressure, kPa = 101 (Liquid mixture 1)

Fixed Measured
Temperature, K - Liquid mixture 1 Mass fraction of Acetic acid (2) - Liquid mixture 2 Mass fraction of Toluene (1) - Liquid mixture 2 Mass fraction of Acetic acid (2) - Liquid mixture 1 Mass fraction of Water (3) - Liquid mixture 1
288.20 0.0123 0.9871 0.2098 0.7875
288.20 0.0181 0.9813 0.2505 0.7472
288.20 0.0269 0.9725 0.3086 0.6885
288.20 0.0323 0.9670 0.3376 0.6552
288.20 0.0411 0.9579 0.3875 0.6034
288.20 0.0534 0.9454 0.4450 0.5446
288.20 0.0580 0.9402 0.4636 0.5252
288.20 0.0765 0.9210 0.5370 0.4448
298.20 0.0124 0.9868 0.2064 0.7921
298.20 0.0220 0.9770 0.2657 0.7321
298.20 0.0281 0.9707 0.3068 0.6898
298.20 0.0396 0.9587 0.3682 0.6227
298.20 0.0427 0.9556 0.3853 0.6055
298.20 0.0586 0.9390 0.4559 0.5317
298.20 0.0664 0.9308 0.4822 0.5049
298.20 0.0816 0.9150 0.5355 0.4452
313.20 0.0160 0.9828 0.2124 0.7857
313.20 0.0239 0.9748 0.2568 0.7354
313.20 0.0313 0.9671 0.3028 0.6904
313.20 0.0417 0.9560 0.3598 0.6334
313.20 0.0488 0.9483 0.3939 0.5988
313.20 0.0657 0.9300 0.4587 0.5322
313.20 0.0734 0.9224 0.4847 0.5030
313.20 0.0909 0.9034 0.5361 0.4490

Mass fraction [ref]

Operational conditions:

Fixed Measured
Mass fraction of Toluene (1) - Liquid mixture 1 Mass fraction of Acetic acid (2) - Liquid mixture 1 Mass fraction of Acetic acid (2) - Liquid mixture 2 Mass fraction of Toluene (1) - Liquid mixture 2
0.0000 0.0809 0.0043 0.9957
0.0101 0.4908 0.0685 0.9303
0.0119 0.5170 0.0772 0.9215
0.0142 0.5468 0.0885 0.9101
0.0166 0.5705 0.0987 0.8997
0.0196 0.5923 0.1095 0.8888
0.0233 0.6115 0.1205 0.8774
0.0275 0.6287 0.1324 0.8652
0.0325 0.6446 0.1458 0.8512
0.0376 0.6585 0.1610 0.8353
0.0429 0.6714 0.1778 0.8176
0.0000 0.1395 0.0078 0.9921
0.0494 0.6831 0.1934 0.8012
0.0570 0.6934 0.2077 0.7860
0.0627 0.7025 0.2310 0.7611
0.0760 0.7052 0.2622 0.7280
0.0971 0.7043 0.2766 0.7124
0.1555 0.7008 0.3096 0.6763
0.0001 0.2094 0.0133 0.9861
0.0008 0.2616 0.0199 0.9794
0.0025 0.3072 0.0277 0.9715
0.0040 0.3521 0.0357 0.9634
0.0055 0.3909 0.0436 0.9554
0.0068 0.4258 0.0512 0.9478
0.0083 0.4586 0.0590 0.9399
0.4268 0.5185 0.5185 0.4268

Temperature, K x Mass fraction [ref]

Operational condition: Pressure, kPa = 101 (Liquid mixture 1)

Fixed Measured
Temperature, K - Liquid mixture 1 Mass fraction of Acetic acid (2) - Liquid mixture 2 Mass fraction of Toluene (1) - Liquid mixture 2 Mass fraction of Acetic acid (2) - Liquid mixture 1 Mass fraction of Water (3) - Liquid mixture 1
288.20 0.0123 0.9871 0.2098 0.7875
288.20 0.0181 0.9813 0.2505 0.7472
288.20 0.0269 0.9725 0.3086 0.6885
288.20 0.0323 0.9670 0.3376 0.6552
288.20 0.0411 0.9579 0.3875 0.6034
288.20 0.0534 0.9454 0.4450 0.5446
288.20 0.0580 0.9402 0.4636 0.5252
288.20 0.0765 0.9210 0.5370 0.4448
298.20 0.0124 0.9868 0.2064 0.7921
298.20 0.0220 0.9770 0.2657 0.7321
298.20 0.0281 0.9707 0.3068 0.6898
298.20 0.0396 0.9587 0.3682 0.6227
298.20 0.0427 0.9556 0.3853 0.6055
298.20 0.0586 0.9390 0.4559 0.5317
298.20 0.0664 0.9308 0.4822 0.5049
298.20 0.0816 0.9150 0.5355 0.4452
313.20 0.0160 0.9828 0.2124 0.7857
313.20 0.0239 0.9748 0.2568 0.7354
313.20 0.0313 0.9671 0.3028 0.6904
313.20 0.0417 0.9560 0.3598 0.6334
313.20 0.0488 0.9483 0.3939 0.5988
313.20 0.0657 0.9300 0.4587 0.5322
313.20 0.0734 0.9224 0.4847 0.5030
313.20 0.0909 0.9034 0.5361 0.4490

Mass fraction [ref]

Operational conditions:

Fixed Measured
Mass fraction of Toluene (1) - Liquid mixture 1 Mass fraction of Acetic acid (2) - Liquid mixture 1 Mass fraction of Acetic acid (2) - Liquid mixture 2 Mass fraction of Toluene (1) - Liquid mixture 2
0.0000 0.0809 0.0043 0.9957
0.0101 0.4908 0.0685 0.9303
0.0119 0.5170 0.0772 0.9215
0.0142 0.5468 0.0885 0.9101
0.0166 0.5705 0.0987 0.8997
0.0196 0.5923 0.1095 0.8888
0.0233 0.6115 0.1205 0.8774
0.0275 0.6287 0.1324 0.8652
0.0325 0.6446 0.1458 0.8512
0.0376 0.6585 0.1610 0.8353
0.0429 0.6714 0.1778 0.8176
0.0000 0.1395 0.0078 0.9921
0.0494 0.6831 0.1934 0.8012
0.0570 0.6934 0.2077 0.7860
0.0627 0.7025 0.2310 0.7611
0.0760 0.7052 0.2622 0.7280
0.0971 0.7043 0.2766 0.7124
0.1555 0.7008 0.3096 0.6763
0.0001 0.2094 0.0133 0.9861
0.0008 0.2616 0.0199 0.9794
0.0025 0.3072 0.0277 0.9715
0.0040 0.3521 0.0357 0.9634
0.0055 0.3909 0.0436 0.9554
0.0068 0.4258 0.0512 0.9478
0.0083 0.4586 0.0590 0.9399
0.4268 0.5185 0.5185 0.4268

Viscosity, Pa*s [ref]

Operational conditions:

Fixed Measured
Mass fraction of Toluene (1) - Liquid Mass fraction of Acetic acid (2) - Liquid Viscosity, Pa*s - Liquid
0.0000 0.0000 0.0009
0.0000 0.0809 0.0010
0.0000 0.1395 0.0011
0.0001 0.2094 0.0012
0.0008 0.2616 0.0013
0.0025 0.3072 0.0013
0.0040 0.3521 0.0014
0.0055 0.3909 0.0015
0.0068 0.4258 0.0016
0.0083 0.4586 0.0016
0.0101 0.4908 0.0017
0.0119 0.5170 0.0017
0.0142 0.5468 0.0018
0.0166 0.5705 0.0019
0.0196 0.5923 0.0019
0.0233 0.6115 0.0019
0.0275 0.6287 0.0020
0.0325 0.6446 0.0020
0.0376 0.6585 0.0020
0.0429 0.6714 0.0020
0.0494 0.6831 0.0020
0.0570 0.6934 0.0020
0.0627 0.7025 0.0019
0.0760 0.7052 0.0019
0.0971 0.7043 0.0019
0.1555 0.7008 0.0017
1.0000 0.0000 0.0006
0.9957 0.0043 0.0006
0.9921 0.0078 0.0006
0.9861 0.0133 0.0005
0.9794 0.0199 0.0005
0.9715 0.0277 0.0005
0.9634 0.0357 0.0005
0.9554 0.0436 0.0005
0.9478 0.0512 0.0005
0.9399 0.0590 0.0005
0.9303 0.0685 0.0005
0.9215 0.0772 0.0005
0.9101 0.0885 0.0005
0.8997 0.0987 0.0005
0.8888 0.1095 0.0005
0.8774 0.1205 0.0005
0.8652 0.1324 0.0005
0.8512 0.1458 0.0005
0.8353 0.1610 0.0005
0.8176 0.1778 0.0006
0.8012 0.1934 0.0006
0.7860 0.2077 0.0006
0.7611 0.2310 0.0006
0.7280 0.2622 0.0006
0.7124 0.2766 0.0006
0.6763 0.3096 0.0006
0.4268 0.5185 0.0009

Viscosity, Pa*s [ref]

Operational conditions:

Fixed Measured
Mass fraction of Toluene (1) - Liquid Mass fraction of Acetic acid (2) - Liquid Viscosity, Pa*s - Liquid
0.0000 0.0000 0.0009
0.0000 0.0809 0.0010
0.0000 0.1395 0.0011
0.0001 0.2094 0.0012
0.0008 0.2616 0.0013
0.0025 0.3072 0.0013
0.0040 0.3521 0.0014
0.0055 0.3909 0.0015
0.0068 0.4258 0.0016
0.0083 0.4586 0.0016
0.0101 0.4908 0.0017
0.0119 0.5170 0.0017
0.0142 0.5468 0.0018
0.0166 0.5705 0.0019
0.0196 0.5923 0.0019
0.0233 0.6115 0.0019
0.0275 0.6287 0.0020
0.0325 0.6446 0.0020
0.0376 0.6585 0.0020
0.0429 0.6714 0.0020
0.0494 0.6831 0.0020
0.0570 0.6934 0.0020
0.0627 0.7025 0.0019
0.0760 0.7052 0.0019
0.0971 0.7043 0.0019
0.1555 0.7008 0.0017
1.0000 0.0000 0.0006
0.9957 0.0043 0.0006
0.9921 0.0078 0.0006
0.9861 0.0133 0.0005
0.9794 0.0199 0.0005
0.9715 0.0277 0.0005
0.9634 0.0357 0.0005
0.9554 0.0436 0.0005
0.9478 0.0512 0.0005
0.9399 0.0590 0.0005
0.9303 0.0685 0.0005
0.9215 0.0772 0.0005
0.9101 0.0885 0.0005
0.8997 0.0987 0.0005
0.8888 0.1095 0.0005
0.8774 0.1205 0.0005
0.8652 0.1324 0.0005
0.8512 0.1458 0.0005
0.8353 0.1610 0.0005
0.8176 0.1778 0.0006
0.8012 0.1934 0.0006
0.7860 0.2077 0.0006
0.7611 0.2310 0.0006
0.7280 0.2622 0.0006
0.7124 0.2766 0.0006
0.6763 0.3096 0.0006
0.4268 0.5185 0.0009

Interfacial tension, N/m [ref]

Operational condition: Temperature, K = 298.15 (Liquid mixture 1)

Fixed Measured
Mass fraction of Toluene (1) - Liquid mixture 1 Mass fraction of Acetic acid (2) - Liquid mixture 1 Interfacial tension, N/m - Liquid mixture 1
0.0000 0.0000 0.0362
0.0000 0.0809 0.0272
0.0000 0.1395 0.0253
0.0001 0.2094 0.0231
0.0008 0.2616 0.0206
0.0025 0.3072 0.0186
0.0040 0.3521 0.0168
0.0055 0.3909 0.0153
0.0068 0.4258 0.0142
0.0083 0.4586 0.0132
0.0101 0.4908 0.0123
0.0119 0.5170 0.0114
0.0142 0.5468 0.0105
0.0166 0.5705 0.0095
0.0196 0.5923 0.0087
0.0233 0.6115 0.0080
0.0275 0.6287 0.0070
0.0325 0.6446 0.0062
0.0376 0.6585 0.0055
0.0429 0.6714 0.0048
0.0494 0.6831 0.0039
0.0570 0.6934 0.0035
0.0627 0.7025 0.0030
0.0760 0.7052 0.0024
0.0971 0.7043 0.0021
0.1555 0.7008 0.0013
1.0000 0.0000 0.0326
0.9957 0.0043 0.0272
0.9921 0.0078 0.0253
0.9861 0.0133 0.0231
0.9794 0.0199 0.0206
0.9715 0.0277 0.0186
0.9634 0.0357 0.0168
0.9554 0.0436 0.0153
0.9478 0.0512 0.0142
0.9399 0.0590 0.0132
0.9303 0.0685 0.0123
0.9215 0.0772 0.0114
0.9101 0.0885 0.0105
0.8997 0.0987 0.0095
0.8888 0.1095 0.0087
0.8774 0.1205 0.0080
0.8652 0.1324 0.0070
0.8512 0.1458 0.0062
0.8353 0.1610 0.0055
0.8176 0.1778 0.0048
0.8012 0.1934 0.0039
0.7860 0.2077 0.0035
0.7611 0.2310 0.0030
0.7280 0.2622 0.0024
0.7124 0.2766 0.0021
0.6763 0.3096 0.0013

Interfacial tension, N/m [ref]

Operational condition: Temperature, K = 298.15 (Liquid mixture 1)

Fixed Measured
Mass fraction of Toluene (1) - Liquid mixture 1 Mass fraction of Acetic acid (2) - Liquid mixture 1 Interfacial tension, N/m - Liquid mixture 1
0.0000 0.0000 0.0362
0.0000 0.0809 0.0272
0.0000 0.1395 0.0253
0.0001 0.2094 0.0231
0.0008 0.2616 0.0206
0.0025 0.3072 0.0186
0.0040 0.3521 0.0168
0.0055 0.3909 0.0153
0.0068 0.4258 0.0142
0.0083 0.4586 0.0132
0.0101 0.4908 0.0123
0.0119 0.5170 0.0114
0.0142 0.5468 0.0105
0.0166 0.5705 0.0095
0.0196 0.5923 0.0087
0.0233 0.6115 0.0080
0.0275 0.6287 0.0070
0.0325 0.6446 0.0062
0.0376 0.6585 0.0055
0.0429 0.6714 0.0048
0.0494 0.6831 0.0039
0.0570 0.6934 0.0035
0.0627 0.7025 0.0030
0.0760 0.7052 0.0024
0.0971 0.7043 0.0021
0.1555 0.7008 0.0013
1.0000 0.0000 0.0326
0.9957 0.0043 0.0272
0.9921 0.0078 0.0253
0.9861 0.0133 0.0231
0.9794 0.0199 0.0206
0.9715 0.0277 0.0186
0.9634 0.0357 0.0168
0.9554 0.0436 0.0153
0.9478 0.0512 0.0142
0.9399 0.0590 0.0132
0.9303 0.0685 0.0123
0.9215 0.0772 0.0114
0.9101 0.0885 0.0105
0.8997 0.0987 0.0095
0.8888 0.1095 0.0087
0.8774 0.1205 0.0080
0.8652 0.1324 0.0070
0.8512 0.1458 0.0062
0.8353 0.1610 0.0055
0.8176 0.1778 0.0048
0.8012 0.1934 0.0039
0.7860 0.2077 0.0035
0.7611 0.2310 0.0030
0.7280 0.2622 0.0024
0.7124 0.2766 0.0021
0.6763 0.3096 0.0013

Mass density, kg/m3 [ref]

Operational conditions:

Fixed Measured
Mass fraction of Toluene (1) - Liquid Mass fraction of Acetic acid (2) - Liquid Mass density, kg/m3 - Liquid
0.0000 0.0000 997.0
0.0000 0.0809 1007.5
0.0000 0.1395 1015.0
0.0001 0.2094 1024.5
0.0008 0.2616 1030.2
0.0025 0.3072 1034.8
0.0040 0.3521 1039.2
0.0055 0.3909 1043.0
0.0068 0.4258 1045.8
0.0083 0.4586 1048.5
0.0101 0.4908 1051.5
0.0119 0.5170 1051.9
0.0142 0.5468 1052.8
0.0166 0.5705 1053.9
0.0196 0.5923 1054.0
0.0233 0.6115 1054.1
0.0275 0.6287 1053.8
0.0325 0.6446 1052.5
0.0376 0.6585 1051.4
0.0429 0.6714 1050.3
0.0494 0.6831 1048.1
0.0570 0.6934 1045.8
0.0627 0.7025 1041.8
0.0760 0.7052 1039.0
0.0971 0.7043 1025.2
0.1555 0.7008 1022.1
1.0000 0.0000 860.8
0.9957 0.0043 860.8
0.9921 0.0078 861.2
0.9861 0.0133 861.8
0.9794 0.0199 862.3
0.9715 0.0277 863.2
0.9634 0.0357 863.9
0.9554 0.0436 865.1
0.9478 0.0512 866.1
0.9399 0.0590 866.9
0.9303 0.0685 868.0
0.9215 0.0772 869.2
0.9101 0.0885 870.5
0.8997 0.0987 871.9
0.8888 0.1095 873.5
0.8774 0.1205 875.2
0.8652 0.1324 877.0
0.8512 0.1458 879.0
0.8353 0.1610 881.1
0.8176 0.1778 883.4
0.8012 0.1934 885.9
0.7860 0.2077 888.5
0.7611 0.2310 892.0
0.7280 0.2622 898.0
0.7124 0.2766 900.8
0.6763 0.3096 907.5
0.4268 0.5185 952.2

Mass density, kg/m3 [ref]

Operational conditions:

Fixed Measured
Mass fraction of Toluene (1) - Liquid Mass fraction of Acetic acid (2) - Liquid Mass density, kg/m3 - Liquid
0.0000 0.0000 997.0
0.0000 0.0809 1007.5
0.0000 0.1395 1015.0
0.0001 0.2094 1024.5
0.0008 0.2616 1030.2
0.0025 0.3072 1034.8
0.0040 0.3521 1039.2
0.0055 0.3909 1043.0
0.0068 0.4258 1045.8
0.0083 0.4586 1048.5
0.0101 0.4908 1051.5
0.0119 0.5170 1051.9
0.0142 0.5468 1052.8
0.0166 0.5705 1053.9
0.0196 0.5923 1054.0
0.0233 0.6115 1054.1
0.0275 0.6287 1053.8
0.0325 0.6446 1052.5
0.0376 0.6585 1051.4
0.0429 0.6714 1050.3
0.0494 0.6831 1048.1
0.0570 0.6934 1045.8
0.0627 0.7025 1041.8
0.0760 0.7052 1039.0
0.0971 0.7043 1025.2
0.1555 0.7008 1022.1
1.0000 0.0000 860.8
0.9957 0.0043 860.8
0.9921 0.0078 861.2
0.9861 0.0133 861.8
0.9794 0.0199 862.3
0.9715 0.0277 863.2
0.9634 0.0357 863.9
0.9554 0.0436 865.1
0.9478 0.0512 866.1
0.9399 0.0590 866.9
0.9303 0.0685 868.0
0.9215 0.0772 869.2
0.9101 0.0885 870.5
0.8997 0.0987 871.9
0.8888 0.1095 873.5
0.8774 0.1205 875.2
0.8652 0.1324 877.0
0.8512 0.1458 879.0
0.8353 0.1610 881.1
0.8176 0.1778 883.4
0.8012 0.1934 885.9
0.7860 0.2077 888.5
0.7611 0.2310 892.0
0.7280 0.2622 898.0
0.7124 0.2766 900.8
0.6763 0.3096 907.5
0.4268 0.5185 952.2
