Mixture of 1-Propanol + Trichloromethane



InChI Key
Mol. Weight (g/mol)


InChI Key
Mol. Weight (g/mol)
Cheméo is a service of Céondo GmbH, since 2007, we provide simulation, modelling and software development services for the industry. Do not hesitate to contact us for your projects.


  1. η - Viscosity, Pa*s (6)
  2. ρl - Mass density, kg/m3 (8)
  3. csound,fluid - Speed of Sound, m/s (4)

Viscosity, Pa*s [ref]

Operational condition: Pressure, kPa = 101 (Liquid)

Fixed Measured
Temperature, K - Liquid Mole fraction of Trichloromethane (2) - Liquid Viscosity, Pa*s - Liquid
298.15 0.0000 0.0019
298.15 0.0521 0.0018
298.15 0.0995 0.0017
298.15 0.1503 0.0016
298.15 0.2009 0.0015
298.15 0.2497 0.0014
298.15 0.3057 0.0012
298.15 0.3499 0.0012
298.15 0.4031 0.0010
298.15 0.4509 0.0010
298.15 0.5055 0.0009
298.15 0.5540 0.0008
298.15 0.5994 0.0008
298.15 0.6510 0.0007
298.15 0.7033 0.0007
298.15 0.7505 0.0007
298.15 0.7999 0.0006
298.15 0.8507 0.0006
298.15 0.9002 0.0006
298.15 0.9484 0.0006
298.15 1.0000 0.0006
308.15 0.0000 0.0015
308.15 0.0521 0.0015
308.15 0.0995 0.0014
308.15 0.1503 0.0013
308.15 0.2009 0.0012
308.15 0.2497 0.0011
308.15 0.3057 0.0010
308.15 0.3499 0.0010
308.15 0.4031 0.0009
308.15 0.4509 0.0008
308.15 0.5055 0.0008
308.15 0.5540 0.0007
308.15 0.5994 0.0007
308.15 0.6510 0.0006
308.15 0.7033 0.0006
308.15 0.7505 0.0006
308.15 0.7999 0.0006
308.15 0.8507 0.0006
308.15 0.9002 0.0006
308.15 0.9484 0.0005
308.15 1.0000 0.0005

Viscosity, Pa*s [ref]

Operational condition: Pressure, kPa = 101 (Liquid)

Fixed Measured
Temperature, K - Liquid Mole fraction of 1-Propanol (1) - Liquid Viscosity, Pa*s - Liquid
293.15 0.1045 0.0007
293.15 0.2064 0.0008
293.15 0.3054 0.0009
293.15 0.4027 0.0010
293.15 0.5075 0.0011
293.15 0.6005 0.0013
293.15 0.7045 0.0015
293.15 0.8005 0.0017
293.15 0.8967 0.0020
303.15 0.1045 0.0006
303.15 0.2064 0.0007
303.15 0.3054 0.0008
303.15 0.4027 0.0008
303.15 0.5075 0.0009
303.15 0.6005 0.0011
303.15 0.7045 0.0012
303.15 0.8005 0.0014
303.15 0.8967 0.0016
313.15 0.1045 0.0006
313.15 0.2064 0.0006
313.15 0.3054 0.0007
313.15 0.4027 0.0007
313.15 0.5075 0.0008
313.15 0.6005 0.0009
313.15 0.7045 0.0010
313.15 0.8005 0.0012
313.15 0.8967 0.0013
323.15 0.1045 0.0005
323.15 0.2064 0.0005
323.15 0.3054 0.0006
323.15 0.4027 0.0006
323.15 0.5075 0.0007
323.15 0.6005 0.0008
323.15 0.7045 0.0009
323.15 0.8005 0.0010
323.15 0.8967 0.0010

Viscosity, Pa*s [ref]

Operational condition: Pressure, kPa = 101 (Liquid)

Fixed Measured
Temperature, K - Liquid Mole fraction of Trichloromethane (2) - Liquid Viscosity, Pa*s - Liquid
303.15 0.0000 0.0017
303.15 0.0521 0.0016
303.15 0.0996 0.0015
303.15 0.1504 0.0014
303.15 0.2010 0.0013
303.15 0.2498 0.0012
303.15 0.3057 0.0011
303.15 0.3499 0.0010
303.15 0.4031 0.0010
303.15 0.4510 0.0009
303.15 0.5056 0.0008
303.15 0.5541 0.0008
303.15 0.5994 0.0007
303.15 0.6511 0.0007
303.15 0.7033 0.0007
303.15 0.7506 0.0006
303.15 0.8000 0.0006
303.15 0.8507 0.0006
303.15 0.9001 0.0006
303.15 0.9484 0.0006
303.15 1.0000 0.0005
313.15 0.0000 0.0014
313.15 0.0521 0.0013
313.15 0.0996 0.0012
313.15 0.1504 0.0012
313.15 0.2010 0.0011
313.15 0.2498 0.0010
313.15 0.3057 0.0009
313.15 0.3499 0.0009
313.15 0.4031 0.0008
313.15 0.4510 0.0008
313.15 0.5056 0.0007
313.15 0.5541 0.0007
313.15 0.5994 0.0006
313.15 0.6511 0.0006
313.15 0.7033 0.0006
313.15 0.7506 0.0006
313.15 0.8000 0.0006
313.15 0.8507 0.0005
313.15 0.9001 0.0005
313.15 0.9484 0.0005
313.15 1.0000 0.0005

Viscosity, Pa*s [ref]

Operational condition: Pressure, kPa = 101 (Liquid)

Fixed Measured
Temperature, K - Liquid Mole fraction of Trichloromethane (2) - Liquid Viscosity, Pa*s - Liquid
298.15 0.0000 0.0019
298.15 0.0521 0.0018
298.15 0.0995 0.0017
298.15 0.1503 0.0016
298.15 0.2009 0.0015
298.15 0.2497 0.0014
298.15 0.3057 0.0012
298.15 0.3499 0.0012
298.15 0.4031 0.0010
298.15 0.4509 0.0010
298.15 0.5055 0.0009
298.15 0.5540 0.0008
298.15 0.5994 0.0008
298.15 0.6510 0.0007
298.15 0.7033 0.0007
298.15 0.7505 0.0007
298.15 0.7999 0.0006
298.15 0.8507 0.0006
298.15 0.9002 0.0006
298.15 0.9484 0.0006
298.15 1.0000 0.0006
308.15 0.0000 0.0015
308.15 0.0521 0.0015
308.15 0.0995 0.0014
308.15 0.1503 0.0013
308.15 0.2009 0.0012
308.15 0.2497 0.0011
308.15 0.3057 0.0010
308.15 0.3499 0.0010
308.15 0.4031 0.0009
308.15 0.4509 0.0008
308.15 0.5055 0.0008
308.15 0.5540 0.0007
308.15 0.5994 0.0007
308.15 0.6510 0.0006
308.15 0.7033 0.0006
308.15 0.7505 0.0006
308.15 0.7999 0.0006
308.15 0.8507 0.0006
308.15 0.9002 0.0006
308.15 0.9484 0.0005
308.15 1.0000 0.0005

Viscosity, Pa*s [ref]

Operational condition: Pressure, kPa = 101 (Liquid)

Fixed Measured
Temperature, K - Liquid Mole fraction of 1-Propanol (1) - Liquid Viscosity, Pa*s - Liquid
293.15 0.1045 0.0007
293.15 0.2064 0.0008
293.15 0.3054 0.0009
293.15 0.4027 0.0010
293.15 0.5075 0.0011
293.15 0.6005 0.0013
293.15 0.7045 0.0015
293.15 0.8005 0.0017
293.15 0.8967 0.0020
303.15 0.1045 0.0006
303.15 0.2064 0.0007
303.15 0.3054 0.0008
303.15 0.4027 0.0008
303.15 0.5075 0.0009
303.15 0.6005 0.0011
303.15 0.7045 0.0012
303.15 0.8005 0.0014
303.15 0.8967 0.0016
313.15 0.1045 0.0006
313.15 0.2064 0.0006
313.15 0.3054 0.0007
313.15 0.4027 0.0007
313.15 0.5075 0.0008
313.15 0.6005 0.0009
313.15 0.7045 0.0010
313.15 0.8005 0.0012
313.15 0.8967 0.0013
323.15 0.1045 0.0005
323.15 0.2064 0.0005
323.15 0.3054 0.0006
323.15 0.4027 0.0006
323.15 0.5075 0.0007
323.15 0.6005 0.0008
323.15 0.7045 0.0009
323.15 0.8005 0.0010
323.15 0.8967 0.0010

Viscosity, Pa*s [ref]

Operational condition: Pressure, kPa = 101 (Liquid)

Fixed Measured
Temperature, K - Liquid Mole fraction of Trichloromethane (2) - Liquid Viscosity, Pa*s - Liquid
303.15 0.0000 0.0017
303.15 0.0521 0.0016
303.15 0.0996 0.0015
303.15 0.1504 0.0014
303.15 0.2010 0.0013
303.15 0.2498 0.0012
303.15 0.3057 0.0011
303.15 0.3499 0.0010
303.15 0.4031 0.0010
303.15 0.4510 0.0009
303.15 0.5056 0.0008
303.15 0.5541 0.0008
303.15 0.5994 0.0007
303.15 0.6511 0.0007
303.15 0.7033 0.0007
303.15 0.7506 0.0006
303.15 0.8000 0.0006
303.15 0.8507 0.0006
303.15 0.9001 0.0006
303.15 0.9484 0.0006
303.15 1.0000 0.0005
313.15 0.0000 0.0014
313.15 0.0521 0.0013
313.15 0.0996 0.0012
313.15 0.1504 0.0012
313.15 0.2010 0.0011
313.15 0.2498 0.0010
313.15 0.3057 0.0009
313.15 0.3499 0.0009
313.15 0.4031 0.0008
313.15 0.4510 0.0008
313.15 0.5056 0.0007
313.15 0.5541 0.0007
313.15 0.5994 0.0006
313.15 0.6511 0.0006
313.15 0.7033 0.0006
313.15 0.7506 0.0006
313.15 0.8000 0.0006
313.15 0.8507 0.0005
313.15 0.9001 0.0005
313.15 0.9484 0.0005
313.15 1.0000 0.0005

Mass density, kg/m3 [ref]

Operational condition: Pressure, kPa = 101 (Liquid)

Fixed Measured
Temperature, K - Liquid Mole fraction of Trichloromethane (2) - Liquid Mass density, kg/m3 - Liquid
298.15 0.0000 800.82
298.15 0.0521 838.68
298.15 0.0995 872.8
298.15 0.1503 909.09
298.15 0.2009 944.84
298.15 0.2497 979.01
298.15 0.3057 1017.84
298.15 0.3499 1048.26
298.15 0.4031 1084.7
298.15 0.4509 1117.15
298.15 0.5055 1154.04
298.15 0.5540 1186.48
298.15 0.5994 1216.69
298.15 0.6510 1250.99
298.15 0.7033 1285.41
298.15 0.7505 1316.56
298.15 0.7999 1348.87
298.15 0.8507 1382.01
298.15 0.9002 1414.19
298.15 0.9484 1445.46
298.15 1.0000 1478.82
308.15 0.0000 792.51
308.15 0.0521 829.81
308.15 0.0995 863.45
308.15 0.1503 899.13
308.15 0.2009 934.26
308.15 0.2497 967.92
308.15 0.3057 1006.01
308.15 0.3499 1036.01
308.15 0.4031 1071.81
308.15 0.4509 1103.72
308.15 0.5055 1139.98
308.15 0.5540 1171.86
308.15 0.5994 1201.5
308.15 0.6510 1235.18
308.15 0.7033 1269.07
308.15 0.7505 1299.61
308.15 0.7999 1331.42
308.15 0.8507 1363.98
308.15 0.9002 1395.63
308.15 0.9484 1426.51
308.15 1.0000 1459.45

Mass density, kg/m3 [ref]

Operational condition: Pressure, kPa = 101 (Liquid)

Fixed Measured
Temperature, K - Liquid Mole fraction of 1-Propanol (1) - Liquid Mass density, kg/m3 - Liquid
293.15 0.1045 1419.8
293.15 0.2064 1354.0
293.15 0.3054 1288.4
293.15 0.4027 1223.9
293.15 0.5075 1153.6
293.15 0.6005 1090.1
293.15 0.7045 1017.8
293.15 0.8005 950.0
293.15 0.8967 880.4
303.15 0.1045 1401.6
303.15 0.2064 1336.6
303.15 0.3054 1272.4
303.15 0.4027 1208.9
303.15 0.5075 1139.8
303.15 0.6005 1077.3
303.15 0.7045 1006.3
303.15 0.8005 939.7
303.15 0.8967 871.2
313.15 0.1045 1383.2
313.15 0.2064 1319.3
313.15 0.3054 1255.8
313.15 0.4027 1193.7
313.15 0.5075 1125.6
313.15 0.6005 1064.3
313.15 0.7045 994.6
313.15 0.8005 929.1
313.15 0.8967 861.9
323.15 0.1045 1364.6
323.15 0.2064 1301.7
323.15 0.3054 1239.2
323.15 0.4027 1178.1
323.15 0.5075 1111.4
323.15 0.6005 1051.0
323.15 0.7045 982.8
323.15 0.8005 918.4
323.15 0.8967 852.1

Mass density, kg/m3 [ref]

Operational condition: Pressure, kPa = 101 (Liquid)

Fixed Measured
Temperature, K - Liquid Mole fraction of Trichloromethane (2) - Liquid Mass density, kg/m3 - Liquid
303.15 0.0000 796.66
303.15 0.0521 834.23
303.15 0.0996 868.17
303.15 0.1504 904.1
303.15 0.2010 939.51
303.15 0.2498 973.47
303.15 0.3057 1011.95
303.15 0.3499 1042.15
303.15 0.4031 1078.28
303.15 0.4510 1110.46
303.15 0.5056 1147.02
303.15 0.5541 1179.18
303.15 0.5994 1209.1
303.15 0.6511 1243.11
303.15 0.7033 1277.26
303.15 0.7506 1308.1
303.15 0.8000 1340.17
303.15 0.8507 1373.01
303.15 0.9001 1404.92
303.15 0.9484 1436.03
303.15 1.0000 1469.21
313.15 0.0000 788.31
313.15 0.0521 825.28
313.15 0.0996 858.68
313.15 0.1504 894.03
313.15 0.2010 928.92
313.15 0.2498 962.29
313.15 0.3057 1000.09
313.15 0.3499 1029.85
313.15 0.4031 1065.26
313.15 0.4510 1097.0
313.15 0.5056 1132.88
313.15 0.5541 1164.5
313.15 0.5994 1193.91
313.15 0.6511 1227.27
313.15 0.7033 1260.87
313.15 0.7506 1291.08
313.15 0.8000 1322.66
313.15 0.8507 1354.88
313.15 0.9001 1386.24
313.15 0.9484 1416.96
313.15 1.0000 1449.74

Mass density, kg/m3 [ref]

Operational condition: Pressure, kPa = 101.3 (Liquid)

Fixed Measured
Temperature, K - Liquid Mole fraction of 1-Propanol (1) - Liquid Mass density, kg/m3 - Liquid
288.15 0.0000 1498.077
288.15 0.0493 1465.276
288.15 0.0992 1432.559
288.15 0.1499 1399.065
288.15 0.2002 1365.96
288.15 0.2496 1333.594
288.15 0.2999 1300.431
288.15 0.3493 1267.608
288.15 0.4004 1233.486
288.15 0.4502 1200.076
288.15 0.5001 1166.153
288.15 0.5497 1132.238
288.15 0.5999 1097.622
288.15 0.6497 1062.78
288.15 0.7001 1027.344
288.15 0.7499 991.931
288.15 0.7998 956.019
288.15 0.8503 919.243
288.15 0.9002 882.47
288.15 0.9500 845.487
288.15 1.0000 807.69
293.15 0.0000 1488.638
293.15 0.0493 1456.029
293.15 0.0992 1423.544
293.15 0.1499 1390.299
293.15 0.2002 1357.456
293.15 0.2496 1325.352
293.15 0.2999 1292.459
293.15 0.3493 1259.917
293.15 0.4004 1226.067
293.15 0.4502 1192.931
293.15 0.5001 1159.294
293.15 0.5497 1125.658
293.15 0.5999 1091.33
293.15 0.6497 1056.788
293.15 0.7001 1021.648
293.15 0.7499 986.531
293.15 0.7998 950.913
293.15 0.8503 914.435
293.15 0.9002 877.949
293.15 0.9500 841.239
293.15 1.0000 803.703
298.15 0.0000 1479.148
298.15 0.0493 1446.744
298.15 0.0992 1414.474
298.15 0.1499 1381.481
298.15 0.2002 1348.896
298.15 0.2496 1317.054
298.15 0.2999 1284.429
298.15 0.3493 1252.163
298.15 0.4004 1218.593
298.15 0.4502 1185.736
298.15 0.5001 1152.383
298.15 0.5497 1119.033
298.15 0.5999 1084.995
298.15 0.6497 1050.746
298.15 0.7001 1015.906
298.15 0.7499 981.083
298.15 0.7998 945.767
298.15 0.8503 909.588
298.15 0.9002 873.397
298.15 0.9500 836.96
298.15 1.0000 799.692
303.15 0.0000 1469.612
303.15 0.0493 1437.408
303.15 0.0992 1405.354
303.15 0.1499 1372.606
303.15 0.2002 1340.276
303.15 0.2496 1308.695
303.15 0.2999 1276.342
303.15 0.3493 1244.351
303.15 0.4004 1211.064
303.15 0.4502 1178.484
303.15 0.5001 1145.417
303.15 0.5497 1112.349
303.15 0.5999 1078.605
303.15 0.6497 1044.651
303.15 0.7001 1010.111
303.15 0.7499 975.586
303.15 0.7998 940.572
303.15 0.8503 904.699
303.15 0.9002 868.803
303.15 0.9500 832.652
303.15 1.0000 795.65
308.15 0.0000 1460.025
308.15 0.0493 1428.01
308.15 0.0992 1396.171
308.15 0.1499 1363.67
308.15 0.2002 1331.595
308.15 0.2496 1300.271
308.15 0.2999 1268.188
308.15 0.3493 1236.471
308.15 0.4004 1203.464
308.15 0.4502 1171.164
308.15 0.5001 1138.385
308.15 0.5497 1105.602
308.15 0.5999 1072.151
308.15 0.6497 1038.495
308.15 0.7001 1004.259
308.15 0.7499 970.031
308.15 0.7998 935.323
308.15 0.8503 899.757
308.15 0.9002 864.163
308.15 0.9500 828.298
308.15 1.0000 791.576
313.15 0.0000 1450.413
313.15 0.0493 1418.578
313.15 0.0992 1386.95
313.15 0.1499 1354.698
313.15 0.2002 1322.858
313.15 0.2496 1291.797
313.15 0.2999 1260.011
313.15 0.3493 1228.548
313.15 0.4004 1195.826
313.15 0.4502 1163.793
313.15 0.5001 1131.315
313.15 0.5497 1098.81
313.15 0.5999 1065.649
313.15 0.6497 1032.308
313.15 0.7001 998.364
313.15 0.7499 964.415
313.15 0.7998 930.03
313.15 0.8503 894.778
313.15 0.9002 859.496
313.15 0.9500 823.912
313.15 1.0000 787.466

Mass density, kg/m3 [ref]

Operational condition: Pressure, kPa = 101 (Liquid)

Fixed Measured
Temperature, K - Liquid Mole fraction of Trichloromethane (2) - Liquid Mass density, kg/m3 - Liquid
298.15 0.0000 800.82
298.15 0.0521 838.68
298.15 0.0995 872.8
298.15 0.1503 909.09
298.15 0.2009 944.84
298.15 0.2497 979.01
298.15 0.3057 1017.84
298.15 0.3499 1048.26
298.15 0.4031 1084.7
298.15 0.4509 1117.15
298.15 0.5055 1154.04
298.15 0.5540 1186.48
298.15 0.5994 1216.69
298.15 0.6510 1250.99
298.15 0.7033 1285.41
298.15 0.7505 1316.56
298.15 0.7999 1348.87
298.15 0.8507 1382.01
298.15 0.9002 1414.19
298.15 0.9484 1445.46
298.15 1.0000 1478.82
308.15 0.0000 792.51
308.15 0.0521 829.81
308.15 0.0995 863.45
308.15 0.1503 899.13
308.15 0.2009 934.26
308.15 0.2497 967.92
308.15 0.3057 1006.01
308.15 0.3499 1036.01
308.15 0.4031 1071.81
308.15 0.4509 1103.72
308.15 0.5055 1139.98
308.15 0.5540 1171.86
308.15 0.5994 1201.5
308.15 0.6510 1235.18
308.15 0.7033 1269.07
308.15 0.7505 1299.61
308.15 0.7999 1331.42
308.15 0.8507 1363.98
308.15 0.9002 1395.63
308.15 0.9484 1426.51
308.15 1.0000 1459.45

Mass density, kg/m3 [ref]

Operational condition: Pressure, kPa = 101 (Liquid)

Fixed Measured
Temperature, K - Liquid Mole fraction of 1-Propanol (1) - Liquid Mass density, kg/m3 - Liquid
293.15 0.1045 1419.8
293.15 0.2064 1354.0
293.15 0.3054 1288.4
293.15 0.4027 1223.9
293.15 0.5075 1153.6
293.15 0.6005 1090.1
293.15 0.7045 1017.8
293.15 0.8005 950.0
293.15 0.8967 880.4
303.15 0.1045 1401.6
303.15 0.2064 1336.6
303.15 0.3054 1272.4
303.15 0.4027 1208.9
303.15 0.5075 1139.8
303.15 0.6005 1077.3
303.15 0.7045 1006.3
303.15 0.8005 939.7
303.15 0.8967 871.2
313.15 0.1045 1383.2
313.15 0.2064 1319.3
313.15 0.3054 1255.8
313.15 0.4027 1193.7
313.15 0.5075 1125.6
313.15 0.6005 1064.3
313.15 0.7045 994.6
313.15 0.8005 929.1
313.15 0.8967 861.9
323.15 0.1045 1364.6
323.15 0.2064 1301.7
323.15 0.3054 1239.2
323.15 0.4027 1178.1
323.15 0.5075 1111.4
323.15 0.6005 1051.0
323.15 0.7045 982.8
323.15 0.8005 918.4
323.15 0.8967 852.1

Mass density, kg/m3 [ref]

Operational condition: Pressure, kPa = 101 (Liquid)

Fixed Measured
Temperature, K - Liquid Mole fraction of Trichloromethane (2) - Liquid Mass density, kg/m3 - Liquid
303.15 0.0000 796.66
303.15 0.0521 834.23
303.15 0.0996 868.17
303.15 0.1504 904.1
303.15 0.2010 939.51
303.15 0.2498 973.47
303.15 0.3057 1011.95
303.15 0.3499 1042.15
303.15 0.4031 1078.28
303.15 0.4510 1110.46
303.15 0.5056 1147.02
303.15 0.5541 1179.18
303.15 0.5994 1209.1
303.15 0.6511 1243.11
303.15 0.7033 1277.26
303.15 0.7506 1308.1
303.15 0.8000 1340.17
303.15 0.8507 1373.01
303.15 0.9001 1404.92
303.15 0.9484 1436.03
303.15 1.0000 1469.21
313.15 0.0000 788.31
313.15 0.0521 825.28
313.15 0.0996 858.68
313.15 0.1504 894.03
313.15 0.2010 928.92
313.15 0.2498 962.29
313.15 0.3057 1000.09
313.15 0.3499 1029.85
313.15 0.4031 1065.26
313.15 0.4510 1097.0
313.15 0.5056 1132.88
313.15 0.5541 1164.5
313.15 0.5994 1193.91
313.15 0.6511 1227.27
313.15 0.7033 1260.87
313.15 0.7506 1291.08
313.15 0.8000 1322.66
313.15 0.8507 1354.88
313.15 0.9001 1386.24
313.15 0.9484 1416.96
313.15 1.0000 1449.74

Mass density, kg/m3 [ref]

Operational condition: Pressure, kPa = 101.3 (Liquid)

Fixed Measured
Temperature, K - Liquid Mole fraction of 1-Propanol (1) - Liquid Mass density, kg/m3 - Liquid
288.15 0.0000 1498.077
288.15 0.0493 1465.276
288.15 0.0992 1432.559
288.15 0.1499 1399.065
288.15 0.2002 1365.96
288.15 0.2496 1333.594
288.15 0.2999 1300.431
288.15 0.3493 1267.608
288.15 0.4004 1233.486
288.15 0.4502 1200.076
288.15 0.5001 1166.153
288.15 0.5497 1132.238
288.15 0.5999 1097.622
288.15 0.6497 1062.78
288.15 0.7001 1027.344
288.15 0.7499 991.931
288.15 0.7998 956.019
288.15 0.8503 919.243
288.15 0.9002 882.47
288.15 0.9500 845.487
288.15 1.0000 807.69
293.15 0.0000 1488.638
293.15 0.0493 1456.029
293.15 0.0992 1423.544
293.15 0.1499 1390.299
293.15 0.2002 1357.456
293.15 0.2496 1325.352
293.15 0.2999 1292.459
293.15 0.3493 1259.917
293.15 0.4004 1226.067
293.15 0.4502 1192.931
293.15 0.5001 1159.294
293.15 0.5497 1125.658
293.15 0.5999 1091.33
293.15 0.6497 1056.788
293.15 0.7001 1021.648
293.15 0.7499 986.531
293.15 0.7998 950.913
293.15 0.8503 914.435
293.15 0.9002 877.949
293.15 0.9500 841.239
293.15 1.0000 803.703
298.15 0.0000 1479.148
298.15 0.0493 1446.744
298.15 0.0992 1414.474
298.15 0.1499 1381.481
298.15 0.2002 1348.896
298.15 0.2496 1317.054
298.15 0.2999 1284.429
298.15 0.3493 1252.163
298.15 0.4004 1218.593
298.15 0.4502 1185.736
298.15 0.5001 1152.383
298.15 0.5497 1119.033
298.15 0.5999 1084.995
298.15 0.6497 1050.746
298.15 0.7001 1015.906
298.15 0.7499 981.083
298.15 0.7998 945.767
298.15 0.8503 909.588
298.15 0.9002 873.397
298.15 0.9500 836.96
298.15 1.0000 799.692
303.15 0.0000 1469.612
303.15 0.0493 1437.408
303.15 0.0992 1405.354
303.15 0.1499 1372.606
303.15 0.2002 1340.276
303.15 0.2496 1308.695
303.15 0.2999 1276.342
303.15 0.3493 1244.351
303.15 0.4004 1211.064
303.15 0.4502 1178.484
303.15 0.5001 1145.417
303.15 0.5497 1112.349
303.15 0.5999 1078.605
303.15 0.6497 1044.651
303.15 0.7001 1010.111
303.15 0.7499 975.586
303.15 0.7998 940.572
303.15 0.8503 904.699
303.15 0.9002 868.803
303.15 0.9500 832.652
303.15 1.0000 795.65
308.15 0.0000 1460.025
308.15 0.0493 1428.01
308.15 0.0992 1396.171
308.15 0.1499 1363.67
308.15 0.2002 1331.595
308.15 0.2496 1300.271
308.15 0.2999 1268.188
308.15 0.3493 1236.471
308.15 0.4004 1203.464
308.15 0.4502 1171.164
308.15 0.5001 1138.385
308.15 0.5497 1105.602
308.15 0.5999 1072.151
308.15 0.6497 1038.495
308.15 0.7001 1004.259
308.15 0.7499 970.031
308.15 0.7998 935.323
308.15 0.8503 899.757
308.15 0.9002 864.163
308.15 0.9500 828.298
308.15 1.0000 791.576
313.15 0.0000 1450.413
313.15 0.0493 1418.578
313.15 0.0992 1386.95
313.15 0.1499 1354.698
313.15 0.2002 1322.858
313.15 0.2496 1291.797
313.15 0.2999 1260.011
313.15 0.3493 1228.548
313.15 0.4004 1195.826
313.15 0.4502 1163.793
313.15 0.5001 1131.315
313.15 0.5497 1098.81
313.15 0.5999 1065.649
313.15 0.6497 1032.308
313.15 0.7001 998.364
313.15 0.7499 964.415
313.15 0.7998 930.03
313.15 0.8503 894.778
313.15 0.9002 859.496
313.15 0.9500 823.912
313.15 1.0000 787.466

Speed of sound, m/s [ref]

Operational condition: Pressure, kPa = 101 (Liquid)

Fixed Measured
Temperature, K - Liquid Mole fraction of Trichloromethane (2) - Liquid Speed of sound, m/s - Liquid
298.15 0.0000 1212.0
298.15 0.0521 1190.0
298.15 0.0995 1171.0
298.15 0.1503 1153.0
298.15 0.2009 1136.0
298.15 0.2497 1119.0
298.15 0.3057 1102.0
298.15 0.3499 1089.0
298.15 0.4031 1074.0
298.15 0.4509 1061.0
298.15 0.5055 1046.0
298.15 0.5540 1035.0
298.15 0.5994 1025.0
298.15 0.6510 1015.0
298.15 0.7033 1006.0
298.15 0.7505 999.0
298.15 0.7999 993.0
298.15 0.8507 987.0
298.15 0.9002 984.0
298.15 0.9484 983.0
298.15 1.0000 985.0
308.15 0.0000 1177.0
308.15 0.0521 1155.0
308.15 0.0995 1136.0
308.15 0.1503 1117.0
308.15 0.2009 1099.0
308.15 0.2497 1082.0
308.15 0.3057 1064.0
308.15 0.3499 1052.0
308.15 0.4031 1036.0
308.15 0.4509 1023.0
308.15 0.5055 1009.0
308.15 0.5540 998.0
308.15 0.5994 988.0
308.15 0.6510 977.0
308.15 0.7033 968.0
308.15 0.7505 961.0
308.15 0.7999 955.0
308.15 0.8507 950.0
308.15 0.9002 947.0
308.15 0.9484 947.0
308.15 1.0000 950.0

Speed of sound, m/s [ref]

Operational condition: Pressure, kPa = 101 (Liquid)

Fixed Measured
Temperature, K - Liquid Mole fraction of Trichloromethane (2) - Liquid Speed of sound, m/s - Liquid
303.15 0.0000 1193.0
303.15 0.0521 1171.0
303.15 0.0996 1153.0
303.15 0.1504 1134.0
303.15 0.2010 1116.0
303.15 0.2498 1100.0
303.15 0.3057 1083.0
303.15 0.3499 1070.0
303.15 0.4031 1056.0
303.15 0.4510 1042.0
303.15 0.5056 1028.0
303.15 0.5541 1017.0
303.15 0.5994 1007.0
303.15 0.6511 997.0
303.15 0.7033 988.0
303.15 0.7506 980.0
303.15 0.8000 974.0
303.15 0.8507 970.0
303.15 0.9001 967.0
303.15 0.9484 966.0
303.15 1.0000 969.0
313.15 0.0000 1159.0
313.15 0.0521 1136.0
313.15 0.0996 1117.0
313.15 0.1504 1098.0
313.15 0.2010 1080.0
313.15 0.2498 1064.0
313.15 0.3057 1047.0
313.15 0.3499 1034.0
313.15 0.4031 1018.0
313.15 0.4510 1006.0
313.15 0.5056 992.0
313.15 0.5541 981.0
313.15 0.5994 972.0
313.15 0.6511 961.0
313.15 0.7033 951.0
313.15 0.7506 944.0
313.15 0.8000 939.0
313.15 0.8507 933.0
313.15 0.9001 931.0
313.15 0.9484 931.0
313.15 1.0000 934.0

Speed of sound, m/s [ref]

Operational condition: Pressure, kPa = 101 (Liquid)

Fixed Measured
Temperature, K - Liquid Mole fraction of Trichloromethane (2) - Liquid Speed of sound, m/s - Liquid
298.15 0.0000 1212.0
298.15 0.0521 1190.0
298.15 0.0995 1171.0
298.15 0.1503 1153.0
298.15 0.2009 1136.0
298.15 0.2497 1119.0
298.15 0.3057 1102.0
298.15 0.3499 1089.0
298.15 0.4031 1074.0
298.15 0.4509 1061.0
298.15 0.5055 1046.0
298.15 0.5540 1035.0
298.15 0.5994 1025.0
298.15 0.6510 1015.0
298.15 0.7033 1006.0
298.15 0.7505 999.0
298.15 0.7999 993.0
298.15 0.8507 987.0
298.15 0.9002 984.0
298.15 0.9484 983.0
298.15 1.0000 985.0
308.15 0.0000 1177.0
308.15 0.0521 1155.0
308.15 0.0995 1136.0
308.15 0.1503 1117.0
308.15 0.2009 1099.0
308.15 0.2497 1082.0
308.15 0.3057 1064.0
308.15 0.3499 1052.0
308.15 0.4031 1036.0
308.15 0.4509 1023.0
308.15 0.5055 1009.0
308.15 0.5540 998.0
308.15 0.5994 988.0
308.15 0.6510 977.0
308.15 0.7033 968.0
308.15 0.7505 961.0
308.15 0.7999 955.0
308.15 0.8507 950.0
308.15 0.9002 947.0
308.15 0.9484 947.0
308.15 1.0000 950.0

Speed of sound, m/s [ref]

Operational condition: Pressure, kPa = 101 (Liquid)

Fixed Measured
Temperature, K - Liquid Mole fraction of Trichloromethane (2) - Liquid Speed of sound, m/s - Liquid
303.15 0.0000 1193.0
303.15 0.0521 1171.0
303.15 0.0996 1153.0
303.15 0.1504 1134.0
303.15 0.2010 1116.0
303.15 0.2498 1100.0
303.15 0.3057 1083.0
303.15 0.3499 1070.0
303.15 0.4031 1056.0
303.15 0.4510 1042.0
303.15 0.5056 1028.0
303.15 0.5541 1017.0
303.15 0.5994 1007.0
303.15 0.6511 997.0
303.15 0.7033 988.0
303.15 0.7506 980.0
303.15 0.8000 974.0
303.15 0.8507 970.0
303.15 0.9001 967.0
303.15 0.9484 966.0
303.15 1.0000 969.0
313.15 0.0000 1159.0
313.15 0.0521 1136.0
313.15 0.0996 1117.0
313.15 0.1504 1098.0
313.15 0.2010 1080.0
313.15 0.2498 1064.0
313.15 0.3057 1047.0
313.15 0.3499 1034.0
313.15 0.4031 1018.0
313.15 0.4510 1006.0
313.15 0.5056 992.0
313.15 0.5541 981.0
313.15 0.5994 972.0
313.15 0.6511 961.0
313.15 0.7033 951.0
313.15 0.7506 944.0
313.15 0.8000 939.0
313.15 0.8507 933.0
313.15 0.9001 931.0
313.15 0.9484 931.0
313.15 1.0000 934.0
