Mixture of 1-Butanol, 3-methyl-, acetate + Acetic acid + Water


1-Butanol, 3-methyl-, acetate

1-Butanol, 3-methyl-, acetate
InChI Key
Mol. Weight (g/mol)

Acetic acid

Acetic acid
InChI Key
Mol. Weight (g/mol)


InChI Key
Mol. Weight (g/mol)
Cheméo is a service of Céondo GmbH, since 2007, we provide simulation, modelling and software development services for the industry. Do not hesitate to contact us for your projects.


  1. Mole fraction (4)
  2. n0 - Refractive index (Na D-line) (4)
  3. ρl - Mass density, kg/m3 (4)

Mole fraction of Water (3) [ref]

Operational condition: Pressure, kPa = 95 (Liquid mixture 1)

Fixed Measured
Temperature, K - Liquid mixture 1 Mole fraction of 1-Butanol, 3-methyl-, acetate (1) - Liquid mixture 1 Mole fraction of Water (3) - Liquid mixture 1
293.20 0.9502 0.0498
293.20 0.6921 0.1381
293.20 0.4830 0.2480
293.20 0.3857 0.3055
293.20 0.3116 0.3623
293.20 0.2563 0.4090
293.20 0.1915 0.4700
293.20 0.1513 0.5196
293.20 0.1105 0.5774
293.20 0.0656 0.6426
293.20 0.0164 0.7574
293.20 0.0089 0.7977
293.20 0.0046 0.8438
293.20 0.0023 0.8888
293.20 0.0016 0.9205
293.20 0.0006 0.9577
293.20 0.0005 0.9995
313.20 0.9100 0.0900
313.20 0.6539 0.1817
313.20 0.5115 0.2558
313.20 0.3514 0.3484
313.20 0.1832 0.4979
313.20 0.1429 0.5443
313.20 0.0537 0.6717
313.20 0.0169 0.7661
313.20 0.0093 0.8022
313.20 0.0048 0.8446
313.20 0.0017 0.9027
313.20 0.0011 0.9319
313.20 0.0012 0.9636
313.20 0.0006 0.9994

Temperature, K x Mole fraction [ref]

Operational condition: Pressure, kPa = 95 (Liquid mixture 1)

Fixed Measured
Temperature, K - Liquid mixture 1 Mole fraction of Water (3) - Liquid mixture 2 Mole fraction of Acetic acid (2) - Liquid mixture 2 Mole fraction of Acetic acid (2) - Liquid mixture 1 Mole fraction of Water (3) - Liquid mixture 1
293.20 0.9118 0.0872 0.1137 0.1116
293.20 0.8825 0.1139 0.1796 0.1614
293.20 0.8561 0.1374 0.2261 0.2039
293.20 0.8329 0.1574 0.2711 0.2552
293.20 0.8122 0.1747 0.3025 0.3029
313.20 0.9270 0.0728 0.1220 0.1607
313.20 0.8966 0.1013 0.1677 0.1958
313.20 0.8668 0.1285 0.2071 0.2309
313.20 0.8319 0.1589 0.2528 0.2807
313.20 0.8024 0.1833 0.2849 0.3268

Mole fraction of Water (3) [ref]

Operational condition: Pressure, kPa = 95 (Liquid mixture 1)

Fixed Measured
Temperature, K - Liquid mixture 1 Mole fraction of 1-Butanol, 3-methyl-, acetate (1) - Liquid mixture 1 Mole fraction of Water (3) - Liquid mixture 1
293.20 0.9502 0.0498
293.20 0.6921 0.1381
293.20 0.4830 0.2480
293.20 0.3857 0.3055
293.20 0.3116 0.3623
293.20 0.2563 0.4090
293.20 0.1915 0.4700
293.20 0.1513 0.5196
293.20 0.1105 0.5774
293.20 0.0656 0.6426
293.20 0.0164 0.7574
293.20 0.0089 0.7977
293.20 0.0046 0.8438
293.20 0.0023 0.8888
293.20 0.0016 0.9205
293.20 0.0006 0.9577
293.20 0.0005 0.9995
313.20 0.9100 0.0900
313.20 0.6539 0.1817
313.20 0.5115 0.2558
313.20 0.3514 0.3484
313.20 0.1832 0.4979
313.20 0.1429 0.5443
313.20 0.0537 0.6717
313.20 0.0169 0.7661
313.20 0.0093 0.8022
313.20 0.0048 0.8446
313.20 0.0017 0.9027
313.20 0.0011 0.9319
313.20 0.0012 0.9636
313.20 0.0006 0.9994

Temperature, K x Mole fraction [ref]

Operational condition: Pressure, kPa = 95 (Liquid mixture 1)

Fixed Measured
Temperature, K - Liquid mixture 1 Mole fraction of Water (3) - Liquid mixture 2 Mole fraction of Acetic acid (2) - Liquid mixture 2 Mole fraction of Acetic acid (2) - Liquid mixture 1 Mole fraction of Water (3) - Liquid mixture 1
293.20 0.9118 0.0872 0.1137 0.1116
293.20 0.8825 0.1139 0.1796 0.1614
293.20 0.8561 0.1374 0.2261 0.2039
293.20 0.8329 0.1574 0.2711 0.2552
293.20 0.8122 0.1747 0.3025 0.3029
313.20 0.9270 0.0728 0.1220 0.1607
313.20 0.8966 0.1013 0.1677 0.1958
313.20 0.8668 0.1285 0.2071 0.2309
313.20 0.8319 0.1589 0.2528 0.2807
313.20 0.8024 0.1833 0.2849 0.3268

Refractive index (Na D-line) [ref]

Operational condition: Pressure, kPa = 95 (Liquid)

Fixed Measured
Temperature, K - Liquid Mole fraction of Water (3) - Liquid Mole fraction of 1-Butanol, 3-methyl-, acetate (1) - Liquid Refractive index (Na D-line) - Liquid
293.20 0.0498 0.9502 1.4004
293.20 0.1381 0.6921 1.3977
293.20 0.2480 0.4830 1.3948
293.20 0.3055 0.3857 1.3927
293.20 0.3623 0.3116 1.3905
293.20 0.4090 0.2563 1.3888
293.20 0.4700 0.1915 1.373
293.20 0.5196 0.1513 1.3746
293.20 0.5774 0.1105 1.3772
293.20 0.6426 0.0656 1.3773
293.20 0.7574 0.0164 1.3687
293.20 0.7977 0.0089 1.3643
293.20 0.8438 0.0046 1.3594
293.20 0.8888 0.0023 1.353
293.20 0.9205 0.0016 1.3492
293.20 0.9577 0.0006 1.3424
293.20 0.9995 0.0005 1.3332
313.20 0.0900 0.9100 1.3909
313.20 0.1817 0.6539 1.3883
313.20 0.2558 0.5115 1.3867
313.20 0.3484 0.3514 1.3834
313.20 0.4979 0.1832 1.3706
313.20 0.5443 0.1429 1.374
313.20 0.6717 0.0537 1.3676
313.20 0.7661 0.0169 1.3613
313.20 0.8022 0.0093 1.3581
313.20 0.8446 0.0048 1.354
313.20 0.9027 0.0017 1.3472
313.20 0.9319 0.0011 1.3431
313.20 0.9636 0.0012 1.3375
313.20 0.9994 0.0006 1.3306

Refractive index (Na D-line) [ref]

Operational condition: Pressure, kPa = 95 (Liquid)

Fixed Measured
Temperature, K - Liquid Mole fraction of Water (3) - Liquid Mole fraction of Acetic acid (2) - Liquid Refractive index (Na D-line) - Liquid
293.20 0.1116 0.1137 1.3983
293.20 0.1614 0.1796 1.3972
293.20 0.2039 0.2261 1.3958
293.20 0.2552 0.2711 1.3942
293.20 0.3029 0.3025 1.3926
293.20 0.9118 0.0872 1.3468
293.20 0.8825 0.1139 1.3514
293.20 0.8561 0.1374 1.3559
293.20 0.8329 0.1574 1.3602
293.20 0.8122 0.1747 1.3636
313.20 0.1607 0.1220 1.3891
313.20 0.1958 0.1677 1.388
313.20 0.2309 0.2071 1.3868
313.20 0.2807 0.2528 1.3851
313.20 0.3268 0.2849 1.3836
313.20 0.9270 0.0728 1.3425
313.20 0.8966 0.1013 1.347
313.20 0.8668 0.1285 1.351
313.20 0.8319 0.1589 1.3554
313.20 0.8024 0.1833 1.3586

Refractive index (Na D-line) [ref]

Operational condition: Pressure, kPa = 95 (Liquid)

Fixed Measured
Temperature, K - Liquid Mole fraction of Water (3) - Liquid Mole fraction of 1-Butanol, 3-methyl-, acetate (1) - Liquid Refractive index (Na D-line) - Liquid
293.20 0.0498 0.9502 1.4004
293.20 0.1381 0.6921 1.3977
293.20 0.2480 0.4830 1.3948
293.20 0.3055 0.3857 1.3927
293.20 0.3623 0.3116 1.3905
293.20 0.4090 0.2563 1.3888
293.20 0.4700 0.1915 1.373
293.20 0.5196 0.1513 1.3746
293.20 0.5774 0.1105 1.3772
293.20 0.6426 0.0656 1.3773
293.20 0.7574 0.0164 1.3687
293.20 0.7977 0.0089 1.3643
293.20 0.8438 0.0046 1.3594
293.20 0.8888 0.0023 1.353
293.20 0.9205 0.0016 1.3492
293.20 0.9577 0.0006 1.3424
293.20 0.9995 0.0005 1.3332
313.20 0.0900 0.9100 1.3909
313.20 0.1817 0.6539 1.3883
313.20 0.2558 0.5115 1.3867
313.20 0.3484 0.3514 1.3834
313.20 0.4979 0.1832 1.3706
313.20 0.5443 0.1429 1.374
313.20 0.6717 0.0537 1.3676
313.20 0.7661 0.0169 1.3613
313.20 0.8022 0.0093 1.3581
313.20 0.8446 0.0048 1.354
313.20 0.9027 0.0017 1.3472
313.20 0.9319 0.0011 1.3431
313.20 0.9636 0.0012 1.3375
313.20 0.9994 0.0006 1.3306

Refractive index (Na D-line) [ref]

Operational condition: Pressure, kPa = 95 (Liquid)

Fixed Measured
Temperature, K - Liquid Mole fraction of Water (3) - Liquid Mole fraction of Acetic acid (2) - Liquid Refractive index (Na D-line) - Liquid
293.20 0.1116 0.1137 1.3983
293.20 0.1614 0.1796 1.3972
293.20 0.2039 0.2261 1.3958
293.20 0.2552 0.2711 1.3942
293.20 0.3029 0.3025 1.3926
293.20 0.9118 0.0872 1.3468
293.20 0.8825 0.1139 1.3514
293.20 0.8561 0.1374 1.3559
293.20 0.8329 0.1574 1.3602
293.20 0.8122 0.1747 1.3636
313.20 0.1607 0.1220 1.3891
313.20 0.1958 0.1677 1.388
313.20 0.2309 0.2071 1.3868
313.20 0.2807 0.2528 1.3851
313.20 0.3268 0.2849 1.3836
313.20 0.9270 0.0728 1.3425
313.20 0.8966 0.1013 1.347
313.20 0.8668 0.1285 1.351
313.20 0.8319 0.1589 1.3554
313.20 0.8024 0.1833 1.3586

Mass density, kg/m3 [ref]

Operational condition: Pressure, kPa = 95 (Liquid)

Fixed Measured
Temperature, K - Liquid Mole fraction of Water (3) - Liquid Mole fraction of 1-Butanol, 3-methyl-, acetate (1) - Liquid Mass density, kg/m3 - Liquid
293.20 0.0498 0.9502 873.507
293.20 0.1381 0.6921 891.71
293.20 0.2480 0.4830 912.158
293.20 0.3055 0.3857 925.652
293.20 0.3623 0.3116 937.585
293.20 0.4090 0.2563 951.949
293.20 0.4700 0.1915 965.379
293.20 0.5196 0.1513 980.629
293.20 0.5774 0.1105 992.748
293.20 0.6426 0.0656 1011.921
293.20 0.7574 0.0164 1041.7
293.20 0.7977 0.0089 1044.59
293.20 0.8438 0.0046 1042.428
293.20 0.8888 0.0023 1034.089
293.20 0.9205 0.0016 1027.238
293.20 0.9577 0.0006 1016.059
293.20 0.9995 0.0005 997.832
313.20 0.0900 0.9100 856.076
313.20 0.1817 0.6539 873.128
313.20 0.2558 0.5115 886.38
313.20 0.3484 0.3514 909.265
313.20 0.4979 0.1832 945.04
313.20 0.5443 0.1429 956.008
313.20 0.6717 0.0537 998.414
313.20 0.7661 0.0169 1024.202
313.20 0.8022 0.0093 1027.439
313.20 0.8446 0.0048 1026.959
313.20 0.9027 0.0017 1019.936
313.20 0.9319 0.0011 1014.055
313.20 0.9636 0.0012 1004.841
313.20 0.9994 0.0006 992.175

Mass density, kg/m3 [ref]

Operational condition: Pressure, kPa = 95 (Liquid)

Fixed Measured
Temperature, K - Liquid Mole fraction of Water (3) - Liquid Mole fraction of Acetic acid (2) - Liquid Mass density, kg/m3 - Liquid
293.20 0.1116 0.1137 885.374
293.20 0.1614 0.1796 895.644
293.20 0.2039 0.2261 904.995
293.20 0.2552 0.2711 916.33
293.20 0.3029 0.3025 927.122
293.20 0.9118 0.0872 1023.803
293.20 0.8825 0.1139 1031.625
293.20 0.8561 0.1374 1038.05
293.20 0.8329 0.1574 1042.855
293.20 0.8122 0.1747 1044.344
313.20 0.1607 0.1220 868.293
313.20 0.1958 0.1677 876.733
313.20 0.2309 0.2071 885.049
313.20 0.2807 0.2528 897.252
313.20 0.3268 0.2849 909.336
313.20 0.9270 0.0728 1012.848
313.20 0.8966 0.1013 1019.703
313.20 0.8668 0.1285 1023.951
313.20 0.8319 0.1589 1027.298
313.20 0.8024 0.1833 1026.986

Mass density, kg/m3 [ref]

Operational condition: Pressure, kPa = 95 (Liquid)

Fixed Measured
Temperature, K - Liquid Mole fraction of Water (3) - Liquid Mole fraction of 1-Butanol, 3-methyl-, acetate (1) - Liquid Mass density, kg/m3 - Liquid
293.20 0.0498 0.9502 873.507
293.20 0.1381 0.6921 891.71
293.20 0.2480 0.4830 912.158
293.20 0.3055 0.3857 925.652
293.20 0.3623 0.3116 937.585
293.20 0.4090 0.2563 951.949
293.20 0.4700 0.1915 965.379
293.20 0.5196 0.1513 980.629
293.20 0.5774 0.1105 992.748
293.20 0.6426 0.0656 1011.921
293.20 0.7574 0.0164 1041.7
293.20 0.7977 0.0089 1044.59
293.20 0.8438 0.0046 1042.428
293.20 0.8888 0.0023 1034.089
293.20 0.9205 0.0016 1027.238
293.20 0.9577 0.0006 1016.059
293.20 0.9995 0.0005 997.832
313.20 0.0900 0.9100 856.076
313.20 0.1817 0.6539 873.128
313.20 0.2558 0.5115 886.38
313.20 0.3484 0.3514 909.265
313.20 0.4979 0.1832 945.04
313.20 0.5443 0.1429 956.008
313.20 0.6717 0.0537 998.414
313.20 0.7661 0.0169 1024.202
313.20 0.8022 0.0093 1027.439
313.20 0.8446 0.0048 1026.959
313.20 0.9027 0.0017 1019.936
313.20 0.9319 0.0011 1014.055
313.20 0.9636 0.0012 1004.841
313.20 0.9994 0.0006 992.175

Mass density, kg/m3 [ref]

Operational condition: Pressure, kPa = 95 (Liquid)

Fixed Measured
Temperature, K - Liquid Mole fraction of Water (3) - Liquid Mole fraction of Acetic acid (2) - Liquid Mass density, kg/m3 - Liquid
293.20 0.1116 0.1137 885.374
293.20 0.1614 0.1796 895.644
293.20 0.2039 0.2261 904.995
293.20 0.2552 0.2711 916.33
293.20 0.3029 0.3025 927.122
293.20 0.9118 0.0872 1023.803
293.20 0.8825 0.1139 1031.625
293.20 0.8561 0.1374 1038.05
293.20 0.8329 0.1574 1042.855
293.20 0.8122 0.1747 1044.344
313.20 0.1607 0.1220 868.293
313.20 0.1958 0.1677 876.733
313.20 0.2309 0.2071 885.049
313.20 0.2807 0.2528 897.252
313.20 0.3268 0.2849 909.336
313.20 0.9270 0.0728 1012.848
313.20 0.8966 0.1013 1019.703
313.20 0.8668 0.1285 1023.951
313.20 0.8319 0.1589 1027.298
313.20 0.8024 0.1833 1026.986
