Mixture of 2-Butanone + Isopropyl Alcohol



InChI Key
Mol. Weight (g/mol)

Isopropyl Alcohol

Isopropyl Alcohol
InChI Key
Mol. Weight (g/mol)
Cheméo is a service of Céondo GmbH, since 2007, we provide simulation, modelling and software development services for the industry. Do not hesitate to contact us for your projects.


  1. Mole fraction (2)
  2. η - Viscosity, Pa*s (4)
  3. n0 - Refractive index (Na D-line) (2)
  4. ρl - Mass density, kg/m3 (6)
  5. csound,fluid - Speed of Sound, m/s (2)
  6. Tboil - Boiling temperature at pressure P, K (2)

Mole fraction of 2-Butanone (1) [ref]

Fixed Measured
Mole fraction of 2-Butanone (1) - Gas Pressure, kPa - Liquid Mole fraction of 2-Butanone (1) - Liquid
0.0000 20.00 0.0000
0.0000 101.30 0.0000
0.0640 101.30 0.0400
0.0940 20.00 0.0320
0.1130 101.30 0.0730
0.1640 20.00 0.0580
0.1710 101.30 0.1170
0.2430 20.00 0.0950
0.2490 101.30 0.1820
0.3020 101.30 0.2300
0.3490 101.30 0.2800
0.3590 20.00 0.1670
0.3930 101.30 0.3300
0.4140 20.00 0.2210
0.4410 101.30 0.3850
0.4730 20.00 0.2710
0.4830 101.30 0.4390
0.5100 20.00 0.3240
0.5250 101.30 0.4930
0.5530 20.00 0.3760
0.5650 101.30 0.5470
0.5890 20.00 0.4310
0.6050 101.30 0.6000
0.6260 20.00 0.4860
0.6440 101.30 0.6510
0.6630 20.00 0.5420
0.6840 101.30 0.7020
0.6880 20.00 0.5950
0.7180 20.00 0.6420
0.7280 101.30 0.7500
0.7500 20.00 0.6940
0.7730 101.30 0.8000
0.7830 20.00 0.7460
0.8170 20.00 0.7980
0.8210 101.30 0.8510
0.8540 20.00 0.8480
0.8760 101.30 0.9010
0.8960 20.00 0.8980
0.9340 101.30 0.9500
0.9440 20.00 0.9480
1.0000 20.00 1.0000
1.0000 101.30 1.0000

Mole fraction of 2-Butanone (1) [ref]

Fixed Measured
Mole fraction of 2-Butanone (1) - Gas Pressure, kPa - Liquid Mole fraction of 2-Butanone (1) - Liquid
0.0000 20.00 0.0000
0.0000 101.30 0.0000
0.0640 101.30 0.0400
0.0940 20.00 0.0320
0.1130 101.30 0.0730
0.1640 20.00 0.0580
0.1710 101.30 0.1170
0.2430 20.00 0.0950
0.2490 101.30 0.1820
0.3020 101.30 0.2300
0.3490 101.30 0.2800
0.3590 20.00 0.1670
0.3930 101.30 0.3300
0.4140 20.00 0.2210
0.4410 101.30 0.3850
0.4730 20.00 0.2710
0.4830 101.30 0.4390
0.5100 20.00 0.3240
0.5250 101.30 0.4930
0.5530 20.00 0.3760
0.5650 101.30 0.5470
0.5890 20.00 0.4310
0.6050 101.30 0.6000
0.6260 20.00 0.4860
0.6440 101.30 0.6510
0.6630 20.00 0.5420
0.6840 101.30 0.7020
0.6880 20.00 0.5950
0.7180 20.00 0.6420
0.7280 101.30 0.7500
0.7500 20.00 0.6940
0.7730 101.30 0.8000
0.7830 20.00 0.7460
0.8170 20.00 0.7980
0.8210 101.30 0.8510
0.8540 20.00 0.8480
0.8760 101.30 0.9010
0.8960 20.00 0.8980
0.9340 101.30 0.9500
0.9440 20.00 0.9480
1.0000 20.00 1.0000
1.0000 101.30 1.0000

Viscosity, Pa*s [ref]

Operational condition: Pressure, kPa = 101 (Liquid)

Fixed Measured
Temperature, K - Liquid Mole fraction of 2-Butanone (1) - Liquid Viscosity, Pa*s - Liquid
298.15 0.0000 0.0021
298.15 0.0819 0.0017
298.15 0.1607 0.0014
298.15 0.2400 0.0011
298.15 0.3490 0.0009
298.15 0.4405 0.0008
298.15 0.5593 0.0007
298.15 0.6511 0.0006
298.15 0.7392 0.0006
298.15 0.8496 0.0005
298.15 0.9370 0.0004
298.15 1.0000 0.0004
303.15 0.0000 0.0018
303.15 0.0819 0.0015
303.15 0.1607 0.0013
303.15 0.2400 0.0011
303.15 0.3490 0.0009
303.15 0.4405 0.0008
303.15 0.5593 0.0007
303.15 0.6511 0.0006
303.15 0.7392 0.0005
303.15 0.8496 0.0005
303.15 0.9370 0.0004
303.15 1.0000 0.0004
308.15 0.0000 0.0016
308.15 0.0819 0.0014
308.15 0.1607 0.0012
308.15 0.2400 0.0011
308.15 0.3490 0.0009
308.15 0.4405 0.0008
308.15 0.5593 0.0007
308.15 0.6511 0.0006
308.15 0.7392 0.0005
308.15 0.8496 0.0004
308.15 0.9370 0.0004
308.15 1.0000 0.0004
313.15 0.0000 0.0014
313.15 0.0819 0.0012
313.15 0.1607 0.0011
313.15 0.2400 0.0010
313.15 0.3490 0.0009
313.15 0.4405 0.0008
313.15 0.5593 0.0007
313.15 0.6511 0.0006
313.15 0.7392 0.0005
313.15 0.8496 0.0004
313.15 0.9370 0.0004
313.15 1.0000 0.0003

Viscosity, Pa*s [ref]

Operational condition: Pressure, kPa = 101 (Liquid)

Fixed Measured
Temperature, K - Liquid Mole fraction of 2-Butanone (1) - Liquid Viscosity, Pa*s - Liquid
293.15 0.0000 0.0022
293.15 0.0595 0.0018
293.15 0.1282 0.0015
293.15 0.1724 0.0013
293.15 0.2326 0.0011
293.15 0.2941 0.0010
293.15 0.3572 0.0009
293.15 0.4217 0.0008
293.15 0.4878 0.0007
293.15 0.5556 0.0007
293.15 0.6250 0.0006
293.15 0.6962 0.0006
293.15 0.7693 0.0005
293.15 0.8442 0.0005
293.15 0.9211 0.0004
293.15 1.0000 0.0004
298.15 0.0000 0.0019
298.15 0.0595 0.0016
298.15 0.1282 0.0014
298.15 0.1724 0.0012
298.15 0.2326 0.0010
298.15 0.2941 0.0009
298.15 0.3572 0.0008
298.15 0.4217 0.0007
298.15 0.4878 0.0006
298.15 0.5556 0.0006
298.15 0.6250 0.0005
298.15 0.6962 0.0005
298.15 0.7693 0.0004
298.15 0.8442 0.0004
298.15 0.9211 0.0003
298.15 1.0000 0.0003
303.15 0.0000 0.0017
303.15 0.0595 0.0014
303.15 0.1282 0.0012
303.15 0.1724 0.0010
303.15 0.2326 0.0009
303.15 0.2941 0.0008
303.15 0.3572 0.0007
303.15 0.4217 0.0006
303.15 0.4878 0.0006
303.15 0.5556 0.0005
303.15 0.6250 0.0005
303.15 0.6962 0.0004
303.15 0.7693 0.0004
303.15 0.8442 0.0003
303.15 0.9211 0.0003
303.15 1.0000 0.0003
308.15 0.0000 0.0015
308.15 0.0595 0.0013
308.15 0.1282 0.0011
308.15 0.1724 0.0010
308.15 0.2326 0.0008
308.15 0.2941 0.0007
308.15 0.3572 0.0007
308.15 0.4217 0.0006
308.15 0.4878 0.0005
308.15 0.5556 0.0005
308.15 0.6250 0.0004
308.15 0.6962 0.0004
308.15 0.7693 0.0003
308.15 0.8442 0.0003
308.15 0.9211 0.0003
308.15 1.0000 0.0003
313.15 0.0000 0.0013
313.15 0.0595 0.0012
313.15 0.1282 0.0010
313.15 0.1724 0.0009
313.15 0.2326 0.0008
313.15 0.2941 0.0007
313.15 0.3572 0.0006
313.15 0.4217 0.0006
313.15 0.4878 0.0005
313.15 0.5556 0.0004
313.15 0.6250 0.0004
313.15 0.6962 0.0003
313.15 0.7693 0.0003
313.15 0.8442 0.0003
313.15 0.9211 0.0003
313.15 1.0000 0.0003

Viscosity, Pa*s [ref]

Operational condition: Pressure, kPa = 101 (Liquid)

Fixed Measured
Temperature, K - Liquid Mole fraction of 2-Butanone (1) - Liquid Viscosity, Pa*s - Liquid
298.15 0.0000 0.0021
298.15 0.0819 0.0017
298.15 0.1607 0.0014
298.15 0.2400 0.0011
298.15 0.3490 0.0009
298.15 0.4405 0.0008
298.15 0.5593 0.0007
298.15 0.6511 0.0006
298.15 0.7392 0.0006
298.15 0.8496 0.0005
298.15 0.9370 0.0004
298.15 1.0000 0.0004
303.15 0.0000 0.0018
303.15 0.0819 0.0015
303.15 0.1607 0.0013
303.15 0.2400 0.0011
303.15 0.3490 0.0009
303.15 0.4405 0.0008
303.15 0.5593 0.0007
303.15 0.6511 0.0006
303.15 0.7392 0.0005
303.15 0.8496 0.0005
303.15 0.9370 0.0004
303.15 1.0000 0.0004
308.15 0.0000 0.0016
308.15 0.0819 0.0014
308.15 0.1607 0.0012
308.15 0.2400 0.0011
308.15 0.3490 0.0009
308.15 0.4405 0.0008
308.15 0.5593 0.0007
308.15 0.6511 0.0006
308.15 0.7392 0.0005
308.15 0.8496 0.0004
308.15 0.9370 0.0004
308.15 1.0000 0.0004
313.15 0.0000 0.0014
313.15 0.0819 0.0012
313.15 0.1607 0.0011
313.15 0.2400 0.0010
313.15 0.3490 0.0009
313.15 0.4405 0.0008
313.15 0.5593 0.0007
313.15 0.6511 0.0006
313.15 0.7392 0.0005
313.15 0.8496 0.0004
313.15 0.9370 0.0004
313.15 1.0000 0.0003

Viscosity, Pa*s [ref]

Operational condition: Pressure, kPa = 101 (Liquid)

Fixed Measured
Temperature, K - Liquid Mole fraction of 2-Butanone (1) - Liquid Viscosity, Pa*s - Liquid
293.15 0.0000 0.0022
293.15 0.0595 0.0018
293.15 0.1282 0.0015
293.15 0.1724 0.0013
293.15 0.2326 0.0011
293.15 0.2941 0.0010
293.15 0.3572 0.0009
293.15 0.4217 0.0008
293.15 0.4878 0.0007
293.15 0.5556 0.0007
293.15 0.6250 0.0006
293.15 0.6962 0.0006
293.15 0.7693 0.0005
293.15 0.8442 0.0005
293.15 0.9211 0.0004
293.15 1.0000 0.0004
298.15 0.0000 0.0019
298.15 0.0595 0.0016
298.15 0.1282 0.0014
298.15 0.1724 0.0012
298.15 0.2326 0.0010
298.15 0.2941 0.0009
298.15 0.3572 0.0008
298.15 0.4217 0.0007
298.15 0.4878 0.0006
298.15 0.5556 0.0006
298.15 0.6250 0.0005
298.15 0.6962 0.0005
298.15 0.7693 0.0004
298.15 0.8442 0.0004
298.15 0.9211 0.0003
298.15 1.0000 0.0003
303.15 0.0000 0.0017
303.15 0.0595 0.0014
303.15 0.1282 0.0012
303.15 0.1724 0.0010
303.15 0.2326 0.0009
303.15 0.2941 0.0008
303.15 0.3572 0.0007
303.15 0.4217 0.0006
303.15 0.4878 0.0006
303.15 0.5556 0.0005
303.15 0.6250 0.0005
303.15 0.6962 0.0004
303.15 0.7693 0.0004
303.15 0.8442 0.0003
303.15 0.9211 0.0003
303.15 1.0000 0.0003
308.15 0.0000 0.0015
308.15 0.0595 0.0013
308.15 0.1282 0.0011
308.15 0.1724 0.0010
308.15 0.2326 0.0008
308.15 0.2941 0.0007
308.15 0.3572 0.0007
308.15 0.4217 0.0006
308.15 0.4878 0.0005
308.15 0.5556 0.0005
308.15 0.6250 0.0004
308.15 0.6962 0.0004
308.15 0.7693 0.0003
308.15 0.8442 0.0003
308.15 0.9211 0.0003
308.15 1.0000 0.0003
313.15 0.0000 0.0013
313.15 0.0595 0.0012
313.15 0.1282 0.0010
313.15 0.1724 0.0009
313.15 0.2326 0.0008
313.15 0.2941 0.0007
313.15 0.3572 0.0006
313.15 0.4217 0.0006
313.15 0.4878 0.0005
313.15 0.5556 0.0004
313.15 0.6250 0.0004
313.15 0.6962 0.0003
313.15 0.7693 0.0003
313.15 0.8442 0.0003
313.15 0.9211 0.0003
313.15 1.0000 0.0003

Refractive index (Na D-line) [ref]

Operational condition: Pressure, kPa = 101 (Liquid)

Fixed Measured
Temperature, K - Liquid Mole fraction of Isopropyl Alcohol (2) - Liquid Refractive index (Na D-line) - Liquid
293.15 0.0000 1.3788
293.15 0.0472 1.3786
293.15 0.0967 1.3785
293.15 0.1949 1.3781
293.15 0.2887 1.3779
293.15 0.4012 1.3776
293.15 0.5021 1.3775
293.15 0.5972 1.3773
293.15 0.6980 1.3772
293.15 0.7992 1.3772
293.15 0.8980 1.3771
293.15 0.9506 1.3771
293.15 1.0000 1.3771
298.15 0.0000 1.3762
298.15 0.0472 1.376
298.15 0.0967 1.3759
298.15 0.1949 1.3756
298.15 0.2887 1.3753
298.15 0.4012 1.3752
298.15 0.5021 1.375
298.15 0.5972 1.3749
298.15 0.6980 1.3749
298.15 0.7992 1.3749
298.15 0.8980 1.3749
298.15 0.9506 1.3749
298.15 1.0000 1.375
303.15 0.0000 1.3736
303.15 0.0472 1.3734
303.15 0.0967 1.3733
303.15 0.1949 1.373
303.15 0.2887 1.3728
303.15 0.4012 1.3727
303.15 0.5021 1.3726
303.15 0.5972 1.3725
303.15 0.6980 1.3725
303.15 0.7992 1.3726
303.15 0.8980 1.3727
303.15 0.9506 1.3727
303.15 1.0000 1.3728

Refractive index (Na D-line) [ref]

Operational condition: Pressure, kPa = 101 (Liquid)

Fixed Measured
Temperature, K - Liquid Mole fraction of Isopropyl Alcohol (2) - Liquid Refractive index (Na D-line) - Liquid
293.15 0.0000 1.3788
293.15 0.0472 1.3786
293.15 0.0967 1.3785
293.15 0.1949 1.3781
293.15 0.2887 1.3779
293.15 0.4012 1.3776
293.15 0.5021 1.3775
293.15 0.5972 1.3773
293.15 0.6980 1.3772
293.15 0.7992 1.3772
293.15 0.8980 1.3771
293.15 0.9506 1.3771
293.15 1.0000 1.3771
298.15 0.0000 1.3762
298.15 0.0472 1.376
298.15 0.0967 1.3759
298.15 0.1949 1.3756
298.15 0.2887 1.3753
298.15 0.4012 1.3752
298.15 0.5021 1.375
298.15 0.5972 1.3749
298.15 0.6980 1.3749
298.15 0.7992 1.3749
298.15 0.8980 1.3749
298.15 0.9506 1.3749
298.15 1.0000 1.375
303.15 0.0000 1.3736
303.15 0.0472 1.3734
303.15 0.0967 1.3733
303.15 0.1949 1.373
303.15 0.2887 1.3728
303.15 0.4012 1.3727
303.15 0.5021 1.3726
303.15 0.5972 1.3725
303.15 0.6980 1.3725
303.15 0.7992 1.3726
303.15 0.8980 1.3727
303.15 0.9506 1.3727
303.15 1.0000 1.3728

Mass density, kg/m3 [ref]

Operational condition: Pressure, kPa = 101 (Liquid)

Fixed Measured
Temperature, K - Liquid Mole fraction of Isopropyl Alcohol (2) - Liquid Mass density, kg/m3 - Liquid
293.15 0.0000 805.6
293.15 0.0472 804.5
293.15 0.0967 803.2
293.15 0.1949 800.8
293.15 0.2887 798.6
293.15 0.4012 796.1
293.15 0.5021 793.9
293.15 0.5972 792.0
293.15 0.6980 790.1
293.15 0.7992 788.3
293.15 0.8980 786.7
293.15 0.9506 785.8
293.15 1.0000 785.0
298.15 0.0000 799.7
298.15 0.0472 798.6
298.15 0.0967 797.4
298.15 0.1949 795.1
298.15 0.2887 793.1
298.15 0.4012 790.8
298.15 0.5021 788.8
298.15 0.5972 787.1
298.15 0.6980 785.3
298.15 0.7992 783.8
298.15 0.8980 782.4
298.15 0.9506 781.7
298.15 1.0000 781.0
303.15 0.0000 794.9
303.15 0.0472 793.4
303.15 0.0967 792.2
303.15 0.1949 790.0
303.15 0.2887 788.0
303.15 0.4012 785.8
303.15 0.5021 783.9
303.15 0.5972 782.2
303.15 0.6980 780.5
303.15 0.7992 779.1
303.15 0.8980 777.8
303.15 0.9506 777.1
303.15 1.0000 776.6

Mass density, kg/m3 [ref]

Operational condition: Pressure, kPa = 101 (Liquid)

Fixed Measured
Temperature, K - Liquid Mole fraction of 2-Butanone (1) - Liquid Mass density, kg/m3 - Liquid
298.15 0.0000 781.09
298.15 0.0819 782.25
298.15 0.1607 783.38
298.15 0.2400 784.62
298.15 0.3490 786.42
298.15 0.4405 788.05
298.15 0.5593 790.28
298.15 0.6511 792.07
298.15 0.7392 793.87
298.15 0.8496 796.19
298.15 0.9370 798.09
298.15 1.0000 799.48
303.15 0.0000 776.77
303.15 0.0819 777.85
303.15 0.1607 778.97
303.15 0.2400 780.11
303.15 0.3490 781.79
303.15 0.4405 783.31
303.15 0.5593 785.48
303.15 0.6511 787.24
303.15 0.7392 789.03
303.15 0.8496 791.36
303.15 0.9370 793.22
303.15 1.0000 794.63
308.15 0.0000 771.87
308.15 0.0819 772.94
308.15 0.1607 774.09
308.15 0.2400 775.17
308.15 0.3490 776.85
308.15 0.4405 778.38
308.15 0.5593 780.55
308.15 0.6511 782.38
308.15 0.7392 784.21
308.15 0.8496 786.58
308.15 0.9370 788.46
308.15 1.0000 789.9
313.15 0.0000 767.37
313.15 0.0819 768.48
313.15 0.1607 769.53
313.15 0.2400 770.66
313.15 0.3490 772.33
313.15 0.4405 773.86
313.15 0.5593 776.07
313.15 0.6511 777.9
313.15 0.7392 779.74
313.15 0.8496 782.16
313.15 0.9370 784.11
313.15 1.0000 785.52

Mass density, kg/m3 [ref]

Operational condition: Pressure, kPa = 101 (Liquid)

Fixed Measured
Temperature, K - Liquid Mole fraction of 2-Butanone (1) - Liquid Mass density, kg/m3 - Liquid
293.15 0.0000 785.45
293.15 0.0562 786.4
293.15 0.1136 787.47
293.15 0.1724 788.54
293.15 0.2326 789.67
293.15 0.2941 790.83
293.15 0.3571 792.05
293.15 0.4217 793.29
293.15 0.4878 794.6
293.15 0.5555 795.96
293.15 0.6250 797.35
293.15 0.6962 798.79
293.15 0.7692 800.26
293.15 0.8442 801.6
293.15 0.9211 803.3
293.15 1.0000 804.92
298.15 0.0000 781.26
298.15 0.0562 782.34
298.15 0.1136 783.31
298.15 0.1724 784.36
298.15 0.2326 785.46
298.15 0.2941 786.59
298.15 0.3571 787.74
298.15 0.4217 788.95
298.15 0.4878 790.18
298.15 0.5555 791.44
298.15 0.6250 792.74
298.15 0.6962 794.08
298.15 0.7692 795.45
298.15 0.8442 796.86
298.15 0.9211 798.3
298.15 1.0000 799.7
303.15 0.0000 777.97
303.15 0.0562 778.9
303.15 0.1136 779.85
303.15 0.1724 780.81
303.15 0.2326 781.82
303.15 0.2941 782.85
303.15 0.3571 783.91
303.15 0.4217 785.01
303.15 0.4878 786.14
303.15 0.5555 787.29
303.15 0.6250 788.49
303.15 0.6962 789.7
303.15 0.7692 790.95
303.15 0.8442 792.21
303.15 0.9211 793.51
303.15 1.0000 794.81
308.15 0.0000 772.59
308.15 0.0562 773.52
308.15 0.1136 774.58
308.15 0.1724 775.58
308.15 0.2326 776.64
308.15 0.2941 777.7
308.15 0.3571 778.8
308.15 0.4217 779.92
308.15 0.4878 781.07
308.15 0.5555 782.24
308.15 0.6250 783.44
308.15 0.6962 784.66
308.15 0.7692 785.91
308.15 0.8442 787.18
308.15 0.9211 788.48
308.15 1.0000 789.78
313.15 0.0000 768.32
313.15 0.0562 769.21
313.15 0.1136 770.17
313.15 0.1724 771.13
313.15 0.2326 772.12
313.15 0.2941 773.13
313.15 0.3571 774.16
313.15 0.4217 775.21
313.15 0.4878 776.27
313.15 0.5555 777.37
313.15 0.6250 778.48
313.15 0.6962 779.61
313.15 0.7692 780.76
313.15 0.8442 781.93
313.15 0.9211 783.12
313.15 1.0000 784.32

Mass density, kg/m3 [ref]

Operational condition: Pressure, kPa = 101 (Liquid)

Fixed Measured
Temperature, K - Liquid Mole fraction of Isopropyl Alcohol (2) - Liquid Mass density, kg/m3 - Liquid
293.15 0.0000 805.6
293.15 0.0472 804.5
293.15 0.0967 803.2
293.15 0.1949 800.8
293.15 0.2887 798.6
293.15 0.4012 796.1
293.15 0.5021 793.9
293.15 0.5972 792.0
293.15 0.6980 790.1
293.15 0.7992 788.3
293.15 0.8980 786.7
293.15 0.9506 785.8
293.15 1.0000 785.0
298.15 0.0000 799.7
298.15 0.0472 798.6
298.15 0.0967 797.4
298.15 0.1949 795.1
298.15 0.2887 793.1
298.15 0.4012 790.8
298.15 0.5021 788.8
298.15 0.5972 787.1
298.15 0.6980 785.3
298.15 0.7992 783.8
298.15 0.8980 782.4
298.15 0.9506 781.7
298.15 1.0000 781.0
303.15 0.0000 794.9
303.15 0.0472 793.4
303.15 0.0967 792.2
303.15 0.1949 790.0
303.15 0.2887 788.0
303.15 0.4012 785.8
303.15 0.5021 783.9
303.15 0.5972 782.2
303.15 0.6980 780.5
303.15 0.7992 779.1
303.15 0.8980 777.8
303.15 0.9506 777.1
303.15 1.0000 776.6

Mass density, kg/m3 [ref]

Operational condition: Pressure, kPa = 101 (Liquid)

Fixed Measured
Temperature, K - Liquid Mole fraction of 2-Butanone (1) - Liquid Mass density, kg/m3 - Liquid
298.15 0.0000 781.09
298.15 0.0819 782.25
298.15 0.1607 783.38
298.15 0.2400 784.62
298.15 0.3490 786.42
298.15 0.4405 788.05
298.15 0.5593 790.28
298.15 0.6511 792.07
298.15 0.7392 793.87
298.15 0.8496 796.19
298.15 0.9370 798.09
298.15 1.0000 799.48
303.15 0.0000 776.77
303.15 0.0819 777.85
303.15 0.1607 778.97
303.15 0.2400 780.11
303.15 0.3490 781.79
303.15 0.4405 783.31
303.15 0.5593 785.48
303.15 0.6511 787.24
303.15 0.7392 789.03
303.15 0.8496 791.36
303.15 0.9370 793.22
303.15 1.0000 794.63
308.15 0.0000 771.87
308.15 0.0819 772.94
308.15 0.1607 774.09
308.15 0.2400 775.17
308.15 0.3490 776.85
308.15 0.4405 778.38
308.15 0.5593 780.55
308.15 0.6511 782.38
308.15 0.7392 784.21
308.15 0.8496 786.58
308.15 0.9370 788.46
308.15 1.0000 789.9
313.15 0.0000 767.37
313.15 0.0819 768.48
313.15 0.1607 769.53
313.15 0.2400 770.66
313.15 0.3490 772.33
313.15 0.4405 773.86
313.15 0.5593 776.07
313.15 0.6511 777.9
313.15 0.7392 779.74
313.15 0.8496 782.16
313.15 0.9370 784.11
313.15 1.0000 785.52

Mass density, kg/m3 [ref]

Operational condition: Pressure, kPa = 101 (Liquid)

Fixed Measured
Temperature, K - Liquid Mole fraction of 2-Butanone (1) - Liquid Mass density, kg/m3 - Liquid
293.15 0.0000 785.45
293.15 0.0562 786.4
293.15 0.1136 787.47
293.15 0.1724 788.54
293.15 0.2326 789.67
293.15 0.2941 790.83
293.15 0.3571 792.05
293.15 0.4217 793.29
293.15 0.4878 794.6
293.15 0.5555 795.96
293.15 0.6250 797.35
293.15 0.6962 798.79
293.15 0.7692 800.26
293.15 0.8442 801.6
293.15 0.9211 803.3
293.15 1.0000 804.92
298.15 0.0000 781.26
298.15 0.0562 782.34
298.15 0.1136 783.31
298.15 0.1724 784.36
298.15 0.2326 785.46
298.15 0.2941 786.59
298.15 0.3571 787.74
298.15 0.4217 788.95
298.15 0.4878 790.18
298.15 0.5555 791.44
298.15 0.6250 792.74
298.15 0.6962 794.08
298.15 0.7692 795.45
298.15 0.8442 796.86
298.15 0.9211 798.3
298.15 1.0000 799.7
303.15 0.0000 777.97
303.15 0.0562 778.9
303.15 0.1136 779.85
303.15 0.1724 780.81
303.15 0.2326 781.82
303.15 0.2941 782.85
303.15 0.3571 783.91
303.15 0.4217 785.01
303.15 0.4878 786.14
303.15 0.5555 787.29
303.15 0.6250 788.49
303.15 0.6962 789.7
303.15 0.7692 790.95
303.15 0.8442 792.21
303.15 0.9211 793.51
303.15 1.0000 794.81
308.15 0.0000 772.59
308.15 0.0562 773.52
308.15 0.1136 774.58
308.15 0.1724 775.58
308.15 0.2326 776.64
308.15 0.2941 777.7
308.15 0.3571 778.8
308.15 0.4217 779.92
308.15 0.4878 781.07
308.15 0.5555 782.24
308.15 0.6250 783.44
308.15 0.6962 784.66
308.15 0.7692 785.91
308.15 0.8442 787.18
308.15 0.9211 788.48
308.15 1.0000 789.78
313.15 0.0000 768.32
313.15 0.0562 769.21
313.15 0.1136 770.17
313.15 0.1724 771.13
313.15 0.2326 772.12
313.15 0.2941 773.13
313.15 0.3571 774.16
313.15 0.4217 775.21
313.15 0.4878 776.27
313.15 0.5555 777.37
313.15 0.6250 778.48
313.15 0.6962 779.61
313.15 0.7692 780.76
313.15 0.8442 781.93
313.15 0.9211 783.12
313.15 1.0000 784.32

Speed of sound, m/s [ref]

Operational condition: Pressure, kPa = 101 (Liquid)

Fixed Measured
Temperature, K - Liquid Mole fraction of Isopropyl Alcohol (2) - Liquid Speed of sound, m/s - Liquid
293.15 0.0000 1212.0
293.15 0.0472 1210.0
293.15 0.0967 1208.0
293.15 0.1949 1203.0
293.15 0.2887 1198.0
293.15 0.4012 1192.0
293.15 0.5021 1187.0
293.15 0.5972 1181.0
293.15 0.6980 1176.0
293.15 0.7992 1169.0
293.15 0.8980 1163.0
293.15 0.9506 1160.0
293.15 1.0000 1156.0
298.15 0.0000 1192.0
298.15 0.0472 1190.0
298.15 0.0967 1188.0
298.15 0.1949 1184.0
298.15 0.2887 1179.0
298.15 0.4012 1173.0
298.15 0.5021 1168.0
298.15 0.5972 1163.0
298.15 0.6980 1157.0
298.15 0.7992 1152.0
298.15 0.8980 1146.0
298.15 0.9506 1143.0
298.15 1.0000 1139.0
303.15 0.0000 1163.0
303.15 0.0472 1161.0
303.15 0.0967 1160.0
303.15 0.1949 1156.0
303.15 0.2887 1153.0
303.15 0.4012 1148.0
303.15 0.5021 1144.0
303.15 0.5972 1140.0
303.15 0.6980 1136.0
303.15 0.7992 1131.0
303.15 0.8980 1127.0
303.15 0.9506 1124.0
303.15 1.0000 1121.0

Speed of sound, m/s [ref]

Operational condition: Pressure, kPa = 101 (Liquid)

Fixed Measured
Temperature, K - Liquid Mole fraction of Isopropyl Alcohol (2) - Liquid Speed of sound, m/s - Liquid
293.15 0.0000 1212.0
293.15 0.0472 1210.0
293.15 0.0967 1208.0
293.15 0.1949 1203.0
293.15 0.2887 1198.0
293.15 0.4012 1192.0
293.15 0.5021 1187.0
293.15 0.5972 1181.0
293.15 0.6980 1176.0
293.15 0.7992 1169.0
293.15 0.8980 1163.0
293.15 0.9506 1160.0
293.15 1.0000 1156.0
298.15 0.0000 1192.0
298.15 0.0472 1190.0
298.15 0.0967 1188.0
298.15 0.1949 1184.0
298.15 0.2887 1179.0
298.15 0.4012 1173.0
298.15 0.5021 1168.0
298.15 0.5972 1163.0
298.15 0.6980 1157.0
298.15 0.7992 1152.0
298.15 0.8980 1146.0
298.15 0.9506 1143.0
298.15 1.0000 1139.0
303.15 0.0000 1163.0
303.15 0.0472 1161.0
303.15 0.0967 1160.0
303.15 0.1949 1156.0
303.15 0.2887 1153.0
303.15 0.4012 1148.0
303.15 0.5021 1144.0
303.15 0.5972 1140.0
303.15 0.6980 1136.0
303.15 0.7992 1131.0
303.15 0.8980 1127.0
303.15 0.9506 1124.0
303.15 1.0000 1121.0

Boiling temperature at pressure P, K [ref]

Fixed Measured
Mole fraction of 2-Butanone (1) - Gas Pressure, kPa - Liquid Boiling temperature at pressure P, K - Liquid
0.0000 20.00 319.80
0.0000 101.30 355.40
0.0640 101.30 354.60
0.0940 20.00 318.69
0.1130 101.30 354.06
0.1640 20.00 317.79
0.1710 101.30 353.46
0.2430 20.00 316.63
0.2490 101.30 352.66
0.3020 101.30 352.22
0.3490 101.30 351.84
0.3590 20.00 314.84
0.3930 101.30 351.50
0.4140 20.00 313.90
0.4410 101.30 351.22
0.4730 20.00 313.11
0.4830 101.30 350.95
0.5100 20.00 312.41
0.5250 101.30 350.79
0.5530 20.00 311.85
0.5650 101.30 350.67
0.5890 20.00 311.33
0.6050 101.30 350.63
0.6260 20.00 310.88
0.6440 101.30 350.61
0.6630 20.00 310.50
0.6840 101.30 350.67
0.6880 20.00 310.18
0.7180 20.00 309.90
0.7280 101.30 350.78
0.7500 20.00 309.67
0.7730 101.30 350.98
0.7830 20.00 309.45
0.8170 20.00 309.36
0.8210 101.30 351.24
0.8540 20.00 309.27
0.8760 101.30 351.60
0.8960 20.00 309.24
0.9340 101.30 352.10
0.9440 20.00 309.34
1.0000 20.00 309.55
1.0000 101.30 352.68

Boiling temperature at pressure P, K [ref]

Fixed Measured
Mole fraction of 2-Butanone (1) - Gas Pressure, kPa - Liquid Boiling temperature at pressure P, K - Liquid
0.0000 20.00 319.80
0.0000 101.30 355.40
0.0640 101.30 354.60
0.0940 20.00 318.69
0.1130 101.30 354.06
0.1640 20.00 317.79
0.1710 101.30 353.46
0.2430 20.00 316.63
0.2490 101.30 352.66
0.3020 101.30 352.22
0.3490 101.30 351.84
0.3590 20.00 314.84
0.3930 101.30 351.50
0.4140 20.00 313.90
0.4410 101.30 351.22
0.4730 20.00 313.11
0.4830 101.30 350.95
0.5100 20.00 312.41
0.5250 101.30 350.79
0.5530 20.00 311.85
0.5650 101.30 350.67
0.5890 20.00 311.33
0.6050 101.30 350.63
0.6260 20.00 310.88
0.6440 101.30 350.61
0.6630 20.00 310.50
0.6840 101.30 350.67
0.6880 20.00 310.18
0.7180 20.00 309.90
0.7280 101.30 350.78
0.7500 20.00 309.67
0.7730 101.30 350.98
0.7830 20.00 309.45
0.8170 20.00 309.36
0.8210 101.30 351.24
0.8540 20.00 309.27
0.8760 101.30 351.60
0.8960 20.00 309.24
0.9340 101.30 352.10
0.9440 20.00 309.34
1.0000 20.00 309.55
1.0000 101.30 352.68
