Chemical Properties of 6-Octen-1-ol, 3,7-dimethyl-, formate (CAS 105-85-1)

6-Octen-1-ol, 3,7-dimethyl-, formate

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InChI Key
Molecular Weight1
Other Names
  • 2,6-Dimethyl-2-octen-8-yl formate
  • 3,7-Dimethyl-6-octen-1-yl formate
  • Citronellyl formate
  • Citronelyl formate
  • Formic acid, 3,7-dimethyl-6-octen-1-yl ester
  • Formic acid, citronellyl ester
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Physical Properties

Property Value Unit Source
Δf -93.55 kJ/mol Joback Calculated Property
Δfgas -386.02 kJ/mol Joback Calculated Property
Δfus 23.09 kJ/mol Joback Calculated Property
Δvap 48.86 kJ/mol Joback Calculated Property
log10WS -2.90 Crippen Calculated Property
logPoct/wat 2.932 Crippen Calculated Property
McVol 168.990 ml/mol McGowan Calculated Property
Pc 2159.31 kPa Joback Calculated Property
Inp [1216.00; 1295.00]   Show
Inp 1275.00 NIST
Inp 1256.20 NIST
Inp 1282.00 NIST
Inp 1261.00 NIST
Inp 1262.00 NIST
Inp 1252.00 NIST
Inp 1255.60 NIST
Inp Outlier 1216.00 NIST
Inp 1282.00 NIST
Inp 1277.00 NIST
Inp Outlier 1295.00 NIST
Inp 1262.00 NIST
Inp 1261.00 NIST
Inp 1261.00 NIST
Inp 1261.00 NIST
Inp 1261.00 NIST
Inp 1261.00 NIST
Inp 1261.00 NIST
Inp 1262.00 NIST
Inp 1275.00 NIST
Inp 1275.00 NIST
Inp 1262.00 NIST
Inp 1280.00 NIST
Inp 1266.00 NIST
Inp 1261.00 NIST
Inp 1256.20 NIST
Inp 1258.90 NIST
Inp 1285.50 NIST
Inp 1271.00 NIST
Inp 1282.00 NIST
Inp 1273.00 NIST
Inp 1273.00 NIST
Inp 1278.00 NIST
Inp 1274.00 NIST
Inp 1252.00 NIST
Inp 1260.00 NIST
Inp 1249.00 NIST
Inp 1263.00 NIST
Inp 1261.00 NIST
Inp 1261.00 NIST
Inp 1261.00 NIST
Inp 1255.60 NIST
Inp 1285.50 NIST
I [1588.00; 1644.00]   Show
I 1644.00 NIST
I 1600.00 NIST
I 1644.00 NIST
I 1638.00 NIST
I 1636.00 NIST
I 1617.00 NIST
I 1615.00 NIST
I 1629.00 NIST
I 1628.00 NIST
I 1616.00 NIST
I 1588.00 NIST
I 1612.90 NIST
I 1616.00 NIST
I 1605.00 NIST
I 1600.00 NIST
I 1599.00 NIST
I 1615.00 NIST
I 1625.00 NIST
I 1605.00 NIST
I 1600.00 NIST
I 1600.00 NIST
I 1636.00 NIST
I 1629.00 NIST
I 1616.00 NIST
Tboil 525.76 K Joback Calculated Property
Tc 706.19 K Joback Calculated Property
Tfus 243.92 K Joback Calculated Property
Vc 0.661 m3/kmol Joback Calculated Property

Temperature Dependent Properties

Property Value Unit Temperature (K) Source
Cp,gas [397.92; 477.54] J/mol×K [525.76; 706.19] Show
Ideal gas heat capacity (J/mol×K)
Cp,gas 397.92 J/mol×K 525.76 Joback Calculated Property
Cp,gas 412.75 J/mol×K 555.83 Joback Calculated Property
Cp,gas 426.94 J/mol×K 585.90 Joback Calculated Property
Cp,gas 440.49 J/mol×K 615.98 Joback Calculated Property
Cp,gas 453.43 J/mol×K 646.05 Joback Calculated Property
Cp,gas 465.77 J/mol×K 676.12 Joback Calculated Property
Cp,gas 477.54 J/mol×K 706.19 Joback Calculated Property


Property Value Unit Temperature (K) Source
Pvap [1.33; 202.66] kPa [390.06; 527.19] The Yaw... Show
Equationln(Pvp) = A + B/(T + C)
Coefficient A1.65377e+01
Coefficient B-4.97929e+03
Coefficient C-8.36470e+01
Temperature range, min.390.06
Temperature range, max.527.19
Vapor pressure (kPa)
Pvap 1.33 kPa 390.06 Calculated Property
Pvap 2.88 kPa 405.30 Calculated Property
Pvap 5.80 kPa 420.53 Calculated Property
Pvap 10.99 kPa 435.77 Calculated Property
Pvap 19.76 kPa 451.01 Calculated Property
Pvap 33.89 kPa 466.24 Calculated Property
Pvap 55.79 kPa 481.48 Calculated Property
Pvap 88.53 kPa 496.72 Calculated Property
Pvap 135.93 kPa 511.95 Calculated Property
Pvap 202.66 kPa 527.19 Calculated Property

Similar Compounds

«beta»-Citronellol, methyl ether. 6-Octen-1-ol, 3,7-dimethyl-, acetate. Citronellol, carbamate. «beta»-Citronellol, trifluoroacetate. 6-Octen-1-ol, 3,7-dimethyl-, propanoate. Citronellyl isobutyrate. 3,7-Dimethyloct-6-enyl ethyl carbonate. Butanoic acid, 3-methyl-, 3,7-dimethyl-6-octenyl ester. 3,7-Dimethyl-6-nonen-1-ol acetate. Citronellyl vinyl ether. Citronellyl butyrate. «beta»-Citronellol, chlorodifluoroacetate. 3,7-dimethyl-6-octenyl 3,7-dimethyloct-6-enoate. Succinic acid, di(3,7-dimethyloct-6-en-1-yl) ester. Succinic acid, 3,7-dimethyloct-6-en-1-yl isohexyl ester.

Find more compounds similar to 6-Octen-1-ol, 3,7-dimethyl-, formate.


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Outlier This icon means that the value is more than 2 standard deviations away from the property mean.