Chemical Properties of Benzene, 1-ethenyl-3-ethyl- (CAS 7525-62-4)

Benzene, 1-ethenyl-3-ethyl-

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InChI Key
Molecular Weight1
Other Names
  • 1-Ethenyl-3-ethylbenzene
  • 1-Ethyl-3-vinylbenzene
  • 1-Vinyl-3-ethylbenzene
  • 3-Ethyl-1-ethenyl benzene
  • 3-Ethylstyrene
  • 3-Vinylethylbenzene
  • Styrene, m-ethyl-
  • m-Ethyl vinylbenzen
  • m-Ethylstyrene
  • m-Ethylvinylbenzene
  • m-Vinylethylbenzene
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Physical Properties

Property Value Unit Source
Δf 223.94 kJ/mol Joback Calculated Property
Δfgas 100.76 kJ/mol Joback Calculated Property
Δfus 14.03 kJ/mol Joback Calculated Property
Δvap 40.12 kJ/mol Joback Calculated Property
log10WS -3.10 Crippen Calculated Property
logPoct/wat 2.892 Crippen Calculated Property
McVol 123.700 ml/mol McGowan Calculated Property
Pc 3018.96 kPa Joback Calculated Property
Inp [178.30; 1075.00]   Show Hide
Inp 1074.00 NIST
Inp 1075.00 NIST
Inp 1065.80 NIST
Inp 1074.00 NIST
Inp 1066.00 NIST
Inp 1063.90 NIST
Inp 1064.40 NIST
Inp 1066.00 NIST
Inp 1066.00 NIST
Inp Outlier 178.30 NIST
Inp Outlier 180.10 NIST
Inp 1066.00 NIST
Inp 1074.00 NIST
Inp 1063.90 NIST
I [1423.70; 1424.00]   Show Hide
I 1423.70 NIST
I 1424.00 NIST
Tboil 456.54 K Joback Calculated Property
Tc 667.08 K Joback Calculated Property
Tfus 171.85 ± 0.60 K NIST
Vc 0.469 m3/kmol Joback Calculated Property

Temperature Dependent Properties

Property Value Unit Temperature (K) Source
Cp,gas [240.59; 313.43] J/mol×K [456.54; 667.08] Show Hide
Cp,gas 240.59 J/mol×K 456.54 Joback Calculated Property
Cp,gas 254.60 J/mol×K 491.63 Joback Calculated Property
Cp,gas 267.82 J/mol×K 526.72 Joback Calculated Property
Cp,gas 280.28 J/mol×K 561.81 Joback Calculated Property
Cp,gas 292.01 J/mol×K 596.90 Joback Calculated Property
Cp,gas 303.05 J/mol×K 631.99 Joback Calculated Property
Cp,gas 313.43 J/mol×K 667.08 Joback Calculated Property
η [0.0002161; 0.0021934] Pa×s [239.64; 456.54] Show Hide
η 0.0021934 Pa×s 239.64 Joback Calculated Property
η 0.0011572 Pa×s 275.79 Joback Calculated Property
η 0.0007081 Pa×s 311.94 Joback Calculated Property
η 0.0004798 Pa×s 348.09 Joback Calculated Property
η 0.0003498 Pa×s 384.24 Joback Calculated Property
η 0.0002693 Pa×s 420.39 Joback Calculated Property
η 0.0002161 Pa×s 456.54 Joback Calculated Property
ΔvapH 49.60 kJ/mol 398.00 NIST


Property Value Unit Temperature (K) Source
Pvap [1.33; 202.64] kPa [341.66; 495.49] The Yaw... Show Hide
Equationln(Pvp) = A + B/(T + C)
Coefficient A1.41861e+01
Coefficient B-3.77678e+03
Coefficient C-6.99200e+01
Temperature range, min.341.66
Temperature range, max.495.49
Pvap 1.33 kPa 341.66 Calculated Property
Pvap 3.03 kPa 358.75 Calculated Property
Pvap 6.30 kPa 375.84 Calculated Property
Pvap 12.11 kPa 392.94 Calculated Property
Pvap 21.79 kPa 410.03 Calculated Property
Pvap 37.07 kPa 427.12 Calculated Property
Pvap 60.08 kPa 444.21 Calculated Property
Pvap 93.35 kPa 461.31 Calculated Property
Pvap 139.78 kPa 478.40 Calculated Property
Pvap 202.64 kPa 495.49 Calculated Property
Pvap [1.39; 78.42] kPa [343.15; 453.15] KDB Vap... Show Hide
Equationln(Pvp) = A + B/T + C*ln(T) + D*T^2
Coefficient A1.24616e+02
Coefficient B-1.08113e+04
Coefficient C-1.60909e+01
Coefficient D9.83659e-06
Temperature range, min.343.15
Temperature range, max.453.15
Pvap 1.39 kPa 343.15 Calculated Property
Pvap 2.54 kPa 355.37 Calculated Property
Pvap 4.42 kPa 367.59 Calculated Property
Pvap 7.36 kPa 379.82 Calculated Property
Pvap 11.78 kPa 392.04 Calculated Property
Pvap 18.20 kPa 404.26 Calculated Property
Pvap 27.27 kPa 416.48 Calculated Property
Pvap 39.73 kPa 428.71 Calculated Property
Pvap 56.45 kPa 440.93 Calculated Property
Pvap 78.42 kPa 453.15 Calculated Property

Similar Compounds

Vinylphenylacetonitrile. 3-isopropyl styrene. Benzene, 1-ethenyl-4-ethyl-. Benzene, 1-ethyl-3-methyl-. 1-Vinyl-3«alpha»-methylstyrene. Benzene, 1,3-diethyl-. m-Cymenene. o-Ethylvinylbenzene. Benzaldehyde, 3-ethyl-. Benzene, 1-ethyl-3-(1-methylethyl)-. Benzene, 1-(1-methylethenyl)-3-(1-methylethyl)-. Benzene, 4-ethyl-1,2-dimethyl-. Benzene, 2,4-diethyl-1-methyl-. Benzene, 1-ethenyl-3-methyl-. m-Ethylacetophenone.

Find more compounds similar to Benzene, 1-ethenyl-3-ethyl-.


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Outlier This icon means that the value is more than 2 standard deviations away from the property mean.