Chemical Properties of GA17, MeTMS


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InChI Key
Molecular Weight1
Other Names
  • GA17 methyl ester TMS ether
  • Gibberelline GA17, methyl ester TMS ether
  • GA17, methyl ester TMS
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Physical Properties

Property Value Unit Source
log10WS -2.53 Crippen Calculated Property
logPoct/wat 4.265 Crippen Calculated Property
Inp [2554.00; 2629.00]   Show
Inp 2583.00 NIST
Inp 2590.00 NIST
Inp 2578.00 NIST
Inp 2572.00 NIST
Inp 2594.00 NIST
Inp 2596.00 NIST
Inp 2595.00 NIST
Inp 2598.00 NIST
Inp 2555.00 NIST
Inp 2554.00 NIST
Inp 2558.00 NIST
Inp 2557.00 NIST
Inp 2602.00 NIST
Inp 2602.00 NIST
Inp Outlier 2629.00 NIST
Inp Outlier 2629.00 NIST
Inp 2575.00 NIST
Inp 2575.00 NIST
Inp 2582.00 NIST
Inp 2583.00 NIST
Inp 2575.00 NIST
Inp 2579.00 NIST
Inp 2583.00 NIST
Inp 2584.00 NIST
Inp 2585.00 NIST
Inp 2605.00 NIST
Inp 2568.00 NIST
Inp 2571.00 NIST
Inp 2590.00 NIST
Inp 2594.00 NIST
Inp 2569.00 NIST
Inp 2567.00 NIST
Inp 2560.00 NIST
Inp 2569.00 NIST
Inp 2585.00 NIST
Inp 2582.00 NIST
Inp 2573.00 NIST
Inp 2609.00 NIST
Inp 2557.00 NIST
Inp 2581.00 NIST
Inp 2592.00 NIST
Inp 2594.00 NIST
Inp 2556.00 NIST
Inp 2572.00 NIST
Inp Outlier 2629.00 NIST
Inp 2583.00 NIST
Inp 2585.00 NIST
Inp 2594.00 NIST

Similar Compounds

GA53, MeTMS. OH GA12-like, methyl ester TMS ether. [14C] GA17 methyl ester TMS ether. GA53-aldhyde methyl ester TMS ether. GA19, MeTMS. [14C1]GA44 methyl ester. GA44, Me-TMS. [14C] GA44 methyl ester TMS ether. 2«beta»-OH GA53 methyl ester TMS ether. GA99 MeTMS. GA20, Me-TMS. [13C]endo-GA20 methyl ester TMS ether. GA98, MeTMS. GA20 ethyl ester, TMS. GA20-Open lactone-1(10)-ene, Me-TMS.

Find more compounds similar to GA17, MeTMS.


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Outlier This icon means that the value is more than 2 standard deviations away from the property mean.