Chemical Properties of Butyl lactate (CAS 138-22-7)

Butyl lactate

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InChI Key
Molecular Weight1
Other Names
  • (S)-n-butyl lactate
  • 2-Hydroxypropanoic acid butyl ester
  • Butyl «alpha»-hydroxypropionate
  • Butylester kyseliny mlecne
  • Lactic acid n-butyl ester
  • NSC 6533
  • butyl (S)-2-hydroxypropanoate
  • butyl 2-hydroxypropanoate
  • butyl L-(+)-lactate
  • butyl L-lactate
  • lactic acid, butyl ester
  • n-Butyl lactate
  • propanoic acid, 2-hydroxy-, butyl ester
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Physical Properties

Property Value Unit Source
Δf -365.12 kJ/mol Joback Calculated Property
Δfgas -590.12 kJ/mol Joback Calculated Property
Δfus 17.24 kJ/mol Joback Calculated Property
Δvap 56.62 kJ/mol Joback Calculated Property
log10WS -0.99 Crippen Calculated Property
logPoct/wat 0.710 Crippen Calculated Property
McVol 122.800 ml/mol McGowan Calculated Property
Pc 3287.81 kPa Joback Calculated Property
Inp 997.00 NIST
I [1508.00; 1520.00]   Show
I 1520.00 NIST
I 1508.00 NIST
Tboil 459.20 K NIST
Tc 700.51 K Joback Calculated Property
Tfus 245.00 ± 2.00 K NIST
Vc 0.465 m3/kmol Joback Calculated Property

Temperature Dependent Properties

Property Value Unit Temperature (K) Source
Cp,gas [288.76; 343.59] J/mol×K [527.59; 700.51] Show
Ideal gas heat capacity (J/mol×K)
Cp,gas 288.76 J/mol×K 527.59 Joback Calculated Property
Cp,gas 298.85 J/mol×K 556.41 Joback Calculated Property
Cp,gas 308.56 J/mol×K 585.23 Joback Calculated Property
Cp,gas 317.88 J/mol×K 614.05 Joback Calculated Property
Cp,gas 326.83 J/mol×K 642.87 Joback Calculated Property
Cp,gas 335.40 J/mol×K 671.69 Joback Calculated Property
Cp,gas 343.59 J/mol×K 700.51 Joback Calculated Property
η [0.0001245; 0.0172601] Pa×s [286.63; 527.59] Show
Dynamic viscosity (Pa×s)
η 0.0172601 Pa×s 286.63 Joback Calculated Property
η 0.0045782 Pa×s 326.79 Joback Calculated Property
η 0.0016237 Pa×s 366.95 Joback Calculated Property
η 0.0007065 Pa×s 407.11 Joback Calculated Property
η 0.0003570 Pa×s 447.27 Joback Calculated Property
η 0.0002019 Pa×s 487.43 Joback Calculated Property
η 0.0001245 Pa×s 527.59 Joback Calculated Property
ΔvapH [49.90; 58.70] kJ/mol [397.50; 425.50] Show
ΔvapH 58.70 kJ/mol 397.50 NIST
ΔvapH 49.90 kJ/mol 425.50 NIST
Pvap [5.76e-03; 0.35] kPa [273.60; 322.90] Show
Vapor pressure (kPa)
Pvap 5.76e-03 kPa 273.60 Renewab...
Pvap 6.27e-03 kPa 274.10 Renewab...
Pvap 8.23e-03 kPa 276.60 Renewab...
Pvap 8.68e-03 kPa 277.20 Renewab...
Pvap 9.96e-03 kPa 279.20 Renewab...
Pvap 0.01 kPa 280.70 Renewab...
Pvap 0.01 kPa 281.80 Renewab...
Pvap 0.01 kPa 283.20 Renewab...
Pvap 0.02 kPa 285.40 Renewab...
Pvap 0.02 kPa 287.30 Renewab...
Pvap 0.03 kPa 290.30 Renewab...
Pvap 0.03 kPa 291.80 Renewab...
Pvap 0.04 kPa 293.30 Renewab...
Pvap 0.04 kPa 296.20 Renewab...
Pvap 0.06 kPa 299.20 Renewab...
Pvap 0.07 kPa 302.20 Renewab...
Pvap 0.10 kPa 305.10 Renewab...
Pvap 0.11 kPa 308.10 Renewab...
Pvap 0.13 kPa 308.50 Renewab...
Pvap 0.15 kPa 311.00 Renewab...
Pvap 0.16 kPa 313.00 Renewab...
Pvap 0.19 kPa 314.50 Renewab...
Pvap 0.23 kPa 317.00 Renewab...
Pvap 0.25 kPa 318.90 Renewab...
Pvap 0.35 kPa 322.90 Renewab...
n0 1.42180 293.15 Vapor l...
ρl [937.32; 996.90] kg/m3 [278.15; 338.15] Show
Liquid Density (kg/m3)
ρl 996.90 kg/m3 278.15 Thermop...
ρl 994.47 kg/m3 280.65 Thermop...
ρl 992.02 kg/m3 283.15 Thermop...
ρl 989.58 kg/m3 285.65 Thermop...
ρl 987.27 kg/m3 288.15 Experim...
ρl 987.13 kg/m3 288.15 Thermop...
ρl 984.67 kg/m3 290.65 Thermop...
ρl 982.00 kg/m3 293.15 Investi...
ρl 982.21 kg/m3 293.15 Thermop...
ρl 981.50 kg/m3 293.15 Investi...
ρl 982.37 kg/m3 293.15 Experim...
ρl 979.75 kg/m3 295.65 Thermop...
ρl 977.00 kg/m3 298.15 Investi...
ρl 977.28 kg/m3 298.15 Self-ag...
ρl 977.28 kg/m3 298.15 Thermop...
ρl 977.45 kg/m3 298.15 Experim...
ρl 974.81 kg/m3 300.65 Thermop...
ρl 972.34 kg/m3 303.15 Thermop...
ρl 972.51 kg/m3 303.15 Experim...
ρl 973.10 kg/m3 303.15 Investi...
ρl 969.86 kg/m3 305.65 Thermop...
ρl 967.57 kg/m3 308.15 Experim...
ρl 967.37 kg/m3 308.15 Thermop...
ρl 968.40 kg/m3 308.15 Investi...
ρl 964.89 kg/m3 310.65 Thermop...
ρl 962.60 kg/m3 313.15 Experim...
ρl 962.40 kg/m3 313.15 Thermop...
ρl 963.50 kg/m3 313.15 Investi...
ρl 959.90 kg/m3 315.65 Thermop...
ρl 957.41 kg/m3 318.15 Thermop...
ρl 958.50 kg/m3 318.15 Investi...
ρl 957.62 kg/m3 318.15 Experim...
ρl 954.91 kg/m3 320.65 Thermop...
ρl 952.41 kg/m3 323.15 Thermop...
ρl 953.90 kg/m3 323.15 Investi...
ρl 952.63 kg/m3 323.15 Experim...
ρl 949.90 kg/m3 325.65 Thermop...
ρl 948.90 kg/m3 328.15 Investi...
ρl 947.40 kg/m3 328.15 Thermop...
ρl 944.88 kg/m3 330.65 Thermop...
ρl 942.37 kg/m3 333.15 Thermop...
ρl 944.10 kg/m3 333.15 Investi...
ρl 939.85 kg/m3 335.65 Thermop...
ρl 940.10 kg/m3 338.15 Investi...
ρl 937.32 kg/m3 338.15 Thermop...


Mass density, kg/m3

Fixed Measured
Temperature, K - Liquid Pressure, kPa - Liquid Mass density, kg/m3 - Liquid
283.15 100.00 992.75
288.15 100.00 987.86
293.15 100.00 982.96
298.15 100.00 977.96
303.15 100.00 973.09
308.15 100.00 967.74
313.15 100.00 963.05
318.15 100.00 957.98
323.15 100.00 952.44
328.15 100.00 947.31
333.15 100.00 942.28
338.15 100.00 937.09
283.15 2500.00 994.4
288.15 2500.00 989.52
293.15 2500.00 984.69
298.15 2500.00 979.83
303.15 2500.00 974.98
308.15 2500.00 970.01
313.15 2500.00 965.11
318.15 2500.00 960.06
323.15 2500.00 954.61
328.15 2500.00 949.44
333.15 2500.00 944.52
338.15 2500.00 939.39
283.15 5000.00 996.14
288.15 5000.00 991.32
293.15 5000.00 986.5
298.15 5000.00 981.74
303.15 5000.00 976.81
308.15 5000.00 971.95
313.15 5000.00 967.03
318.15 5000.00 962.11
323.15 5000.00 956.73
328.15 5000.00 951.63
333.15 5000.00 946.72
338.15 5000.00 941.78
283.15 7500.00 997.77
288.15 7500.00 993.09
293.15 7500.00 988.29
298.15 7500.00 983.49
303.15 7500.00 978.72
308.15 7500.00 973.85
313.15 7500.00 969.06
318.15 7500.00 964.16
323.15 7500.00 958.74
328.15 7500.00 953.79
333.15 7500.00 948.91
338.15 7500.00 943.99
283.15 10000.00 999.41
288.15 10000.00 994.7
293.15 10000.00 990.02
298.15 10000.00 985.26
303.15 10000.00 980.54
308.15 10000.00 975.59
313.15 10000.00 970.96
318.15 10000.00 966.04
323.15 10000.00 960.79
328.15 10000.00 955.86
333.15 10000.00 951.02
338.15 10000.00 946.05
283.15 20000.00 1005.87
288.15 20000.00 1001.18
293.15 20000.00 996.69
298.15 20000.00 992.04
303.15 20000.00 987.67
308.15 20000.00 982.84
313.15 20000.00 978.27
318.15 20000.00 973.62
323.15 20000.00 968.64
328.15 20000.00 963.73
333.15 20000.00 959.28
338.15 20000.00 954.42
283.15 30000.00 1011.69
288.15 30000.00 1007.12
293.15 30000.00 1002.96
298.15 30000.00 998.37
303.15 30000.00 993.96
308.15 30000.00 989.43
313.15 30000.00 985.03
318.15 30000.00 980.42
323.15 30000.00 975.86
328.15 30000.00 971.08
333.15 30000.00 966.7
338.15 30000.00 962.07
283.15 40000.00 1017.42
288.15 40000.00 1012.83
293.15 40000.00 1008.73
298.15 40000.00 1004.29
303.15 40000.00 1000.06
308.15 40000.00 995.62
313.15 40000.00 991.43
318.15 40000.00 986.96
323.15 40000.00 982.37
328.15 40000.00 977.8
333.15 40000.00 973.8
338.15 40000.00 969.19
283.15 50000.00 1022.85
288.15 50000.00 1018.14
293.15 50000.00 1014.33
298.15 50000.00 1009.82
303.15 50000.00 1005.69
308.15 50000.00 1001.41
313.15 50000.00 997.35
318.15 50000.00 993.12
323.15 50000.00 988.47
328.15 50000.00 984.21
333.15 50000.00 980.2
338.15 50000.00 975.64
283.15 60000.00 1027.71
288.15 60000.00 1023.26
293.15 60000.00 1019.37
298.15 60000.00 1015.17
303.15 60000.00 1011.27
308.15 60000.00 1007.05
313.15 60000.00 1002.99
318.15 60000.00 998.83
323.15 60000.00 994.3
328.15 60000.00 990.17
333.15 60000.00 986.43
338.15 60000.00 982.05

Similar Compounds

Propanoic acid, 2-hydroxy-, pentyl ester. decyl lactate. Lactic acid, n-tetradecyl ester. octyl 2-hydroxypropanoate. hexadecyl lactate. Isoamyl lactate. Propanoic acid, 2-hydroxy-, propyl ester. Alpha-hydroxy-isobutyric acid, n-butyl ester. ENT-337. Butyl glycolate. Butanedioic acid, 2,3-dihydroxy-, dibutyl ester. Dibutyl tartrate. Propanoic acid, 2-hydroxy-, 2-methylpropyl ester. Butanoic acid, 2-butoxy-1-methyl-2-oxoethyl ester. Lactic acid, butyl ester, acrylate.

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