Chemical Properties of Didecyl phthalate (CAS 84-77-5)

Didecyl phthalate

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InChI Key
Molecular Weight1
Other Names
  • 1,2-Benzenedicarboxylic acid, didecyl ester
  • 1,2-Benzenedicarboxylic acid, didecyl ester (iso)
  • 1,2-benzenedicarboxylic acid, diisodecyl ester
  • 3-methylnonyl 1,2-benzenedioate
  • Bis(n-decyl)phthalate
  • Decyl phthalate
  • Di-n-decyl phthalate
  • NLA-40
  • Phthalic acid, didecyl ester
  • Vinicizer 105
  • Vinysize 105
  • didecyl 1,2-benzenedicarboxylate
  • diisodecyl phthalate
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  1. Physical Properties
  2. Temperature Dependent Properties
  3. Datasets
  4. Similar Compounds
  5. Sources

Physical Properties

Property Value Unit Source
Δf -180.18 kJ/mol Joback Calculated Property
Δfgas -885.79 kJ/mol Joback Calculated Property
Δfus 67.50 kJ/mol Joback Calculated Property
Δvap 99.17 kJ/mol Joback Calculated Property
log10WS -9.49 Crippen Calculated Property
logPoct/wat 8.282 Crippen Calculated Property
McVol 396.500 ml/mol McGowan Calculated Property
Pc 940.00 kPa Critica...
Inp 3067.00 NIST
Tboil 1024.28 K Joback Calculated Property
Tc 1259.00 K Joback Calculated Property
Tfus 588.58 K Joback Calculated Property
Vc 1.544 m3/kmol Joback Calculated Property

Temperature Dependent Properties

Property Value Unit Temperature (K) Source
Cp,gas [1369.60; 1453.73] J/mol×K [1024.28; 1259.00] Show Hide
Cp,gas 1369.60 J/mol×K 1024.28 Joback Calculated Property
Cp,gas 1387.84 J/mol×K 1063.40 Joback Calculated Property
Cp,gas 1404.30 J/mol×K 1102.52 Joback Calculated Property
Cp,gas 1419.05 J/mol×K 1141.64 Joback Calculated Property
Cp,gas 1432.16 J/mol×K 1180.76 Joback Calculated Property
Cp,gas 1443.70 J/mol×K 1219.88 Joback Calculated Property
Cp,gas 1453.73 J/mol×K 1259.00 Joback Calculated Property
η [0.0049890; 0.6276000] Pa×s [273.15; 373.15] Show Hide
η 0.6276000 Pa×s 273.15 Tempera...
η 0.4046000 Pa×s 278.15 Study o...
η 0.3935000 Pa×s 278.15 Tempera...
η 0.2648800 Pa×s 283.03 Viscosi...
η 0.2552000 Pa×s 283.15 Tempera...
η 0.2612000 Pa×s 283.15 Study o...
η 0.2656000 Pa×s 283.15 Viscosi...
η 0.1774000 Pa×s 288.15 Viscosi...
η 0.1709000 Pa×s 288.15 Tempera...
η 0.1759000 Pa×s 288.15 Study o...
η 0.1763500 Pa×s 288.23 Viscosi...
η 0.1739200 Pa×s 288.36 Viscosi...
η 0.1226000 Pa×s 293.15 Tempera...
η 0.1223000 Pa×s 293.15 Study o...
η 0.1238000 Pa×s 293.15 Viscosi...
η 0.1223400 Pa×s 293.23 Viscosi...
η 0.1165100 Pa×s 293.93 Viscosi...
η 0.0877600 Pa×s 298.13 Viscosi...
η 0.0841000 Pa×s 298.15 Tempera...
η 0.0872000 Pa×s 298.15 Density...
η 0.0884400 Pa×s 298.15 Viscosi...
η 0.0877000 Pa×s 298.15 Tempera...
η 0.0875200 Pa×s 298.15 Study o...
η 0.0853000 Pa×s 298.58 Viscosi...
η 0.0648400 Pa×s 303.15 Viscosi...
η 0.0643100 Pa×s 303.15 Study o...
η 0.0646000 Pa×s 303.15 Tempera...
η 0.0638000 Pa×s 303.15 Tempera...
η 0.0645100 Pa×s 303.18 Viscosi...
η 0.0632500 Pa×s 303.50 Viscosi...
η 0.0489800 Pa×s 308.15 Viscosi...
η 0.0489000 Pa×s 308.15 Tempera...
η 0.0484600 Pa×s 308.15 Study o...
η 0.0476000 Pa×s 308.15 Tempera...
η 0.0366000 Pa×s 313.15 Tempera...
η 0.0373500 Pa×s 313.15 Study o...
η 0.0380100 Pa×s 313.15 Viscosi...
η 0.0293800 Pa×s 318.15 Study o...
η 0.0238500 Pa×s 323.15 Density...
η 0.0230000 Pa×s 323.15 Tempera...
η 0.0235100 Pa×s 323.15 Study o...
η 0.0191300 Pa×s 328.15 Study o...
η 0.0157900 Pa×s 333.15 Study o...
η 0.0155000 Pa×s 333.15 Tempera...
η 0.0132100 Pa×s 338.15 Study o...
η 0.0111800 Pa×s 343.15 Study o...
η 0.0110000 Pa×s 343.15 Tempera...
η 0.0097100 Pa×s 348.15 Density...
η 0.0095610 Pa×s 348.15 Study o...
η 0.0081200 Pa×s 353.15 Tempera...
η 0.0082570 Pa×s 353.15 Study o...
η 0.0071930 Pa×s 358.15 Study o...
η 0.0063290 Pa×s 363.15 Study o...
η 0.0063900 Pa×s 363.15 Density...
η 0.0056020 Pa×s 368.15 Study o...
η 0.0049890 Pa×s 373.15 Study o...
n0 1.48450 293.15 New Mea...
ρl [881.29; 980.22] kg/m3 [273.84; 413.33] Show Hide
ρl 980.22 kg/m3 273.84 Thermod...
ρl 980.07 kg/m3 274.06 Thermod...
ρl 980.08 kg/m3 274.07 Thermod...
ρl 979.86 kg/m3 274.35 Thermod...
ρl 973.75 kg/m3 282.95 Thermod...
ρl 962.88 kg/m3 298.25 Thermod...
ρl 962.83 kg/m3 298.28 Thermod...
ρl 957.83 kg/m3 305.26 Thermod...
ρl 952.21 kg/m3 313.27 Thermod...
ρl 952.15 kg/m3 313.27 Thermod...
ρl 937.93 kg/m3 333.28 Thermod...
ρl 923.76 kg/m3 353.29 Thermod...
ρl 909.62 kg/m3 373.29 Thermod...
ρl 895.47 kg/m3 393.31 Thermod...
ρl 881.29 kg/m3 413.33 Thermod...


  1. Viscosity, Pa*s (2)
  2. Mass density, kg/m3 (1)

Viscosity, Pa*s

Fixed Measured
Temperature, K - Liquid Pressure, kPa - Liquid Viscosity, Pa*s - Liquid
298.15 200.00 0.0876
298.15 10000.00 0.1121
298.15 20000.00 0.1434
298.15 40000.00 0.2309
298.15 200.00 0.0876
298.15 10000.00 0.1121
298.15 20000.00 0.1434
298.15 40000.00 0.2310
298.15 200.00 0.0876
298.15 10000.00 0.1123
298.15 20000.00 0.1437
298.15 40000.00 0.2311
298.15 200.00 0.0876
298.15 40000.00 0.2314
298.15 200.00 0.0876
298.15 40000.00 0.2316
298.15 200.00 0.0876
298.15 40000.00 0.2316
298.15 200.00 0.0877
298.15 200.00 0.0876
298.15 200.00 0.0877
298.15 200.00 0.0877
305.15 200.00 0.0570
305.15 200.00 0.0571
305.15 200.00 0.0571
305.15 200.00 0.0571
305.15 200.00 0.0572
313.15 200.00 0.0374
313.15 10100.00 0.0463
313.15 20000.00 0.0573
313.15 40000.00 0.0872
313.15 59900.00 0.1305
313.15 60000.00 0.1303
313.15 80000.00 0.1941
313.15 200.00 0.0374
313.15 10100.00 0.0463
313.15 20000.00 0.0573
313.15 40000.00 0.0871
313.15 59900.00 0.1303
313.15 80000.00 0.1944
313.15 200.00 0.0373
313.15 10100.00 0.0462
313.15 20000.00 0.0573
313.15 40000.00 0.0870
313.15 80000.00 0.1952
313.15 200.00 0.0371
313.15 200.00 0.0371
313.15 200.00 0.0371
343.15 200.00 0.0112
343.15 10100.00 0.0133
343.15 20100.00 0.0158
343.15 40000.00 0.0220
343.15 80100.00 0.0412
343.15 137100.00 0.0956
343.15 200.00 0.0112
343.15 10100.00 0.0133
343.15 20100.00 0.0159
343.15 40000.00 0.0221
343.15 80100.00 0.0412
343.15 137100.00 0.0956
343.15 200.00 0.0112
343.15 10100.00 0.0134
343.15 20100.00 0.0159
343.15 40000.00 0.0221
343.15 80100.00 0.0412
343.15 137100.00 0.0956
343.15 200.00 0.0110
343.15 200.00 0.0110
343.15 200.00 0.0110
368.15 300.00 0.0056
368.15 300.00 0.0056
368.15 300.00 0.0056
368.15 300.00 0.0056
373.15 300.00 0.0050
373.15 20100.00 0.0069
373.15 40000.00 0.0091
373.15 80100.00 0.0152
373.15 137200.00 0.0301
373.15 300.00 0.0050
373.15 20100.00 0.0069
373.15 40000.00 0.0091
373.15 80100.00 0.0152
373.15 137200.00 0.0301
373.15 300.00 0.0050
373.15 20100.00 0.0069
373.15 40000.00 0.0091
373.15 80100.00 0.0152
373.15 137200.00 0.0301
373.15 300.00 0.0049
373.15 300.00 0.0049
373.15 300.00 0.0049
Fixed Measured
Temperature, K - Liquid Pressure, kPa - Liquid Viscosity, Pa*s - Liquid
273.15 100.00 0.6258
273.15 9900.00 0.8451
298.15 100.00 0.0874
298.15 9600.00 0.1107
298.15 20600.00 0.1450
298.15 20700.00 0.1455
298.15 30100.00 0.1825
298.15 30300.00 0.1830
298.15 40700.00 0.2342
298.15 50200.00 0.2894
298.15 59200.00 0.3562
298.15 71600.00 0.4654
298.15 82000.00 0.5890
298.15 83300.00 0.6084
298.15 100.00 0.0874
313.15 100.00 0.0377
313.15 10900.00 0.0473
313.15 21200.00 0.0590
313.15 30600.00 0.0715
313.15 40900.00 0.0890
313.15 51600.00 0.1091
313.15 62400.00 0.1367
313.15 71300.00 0.1608
313.15 80300.00 0.1924
313.15 89800.00 0.2344
338.15 100.00 0.0131
338.15 9700.00 0.0155
338.15 10700.00 0.0163
338.15 19400.00 0.0186
338.15 20500.00 0.0194
338.15 31000.00 0.0233
338.15 31770.00 0.0230
338.15 40100.00 0.0272
338.15 41110.00 0.0269
338.15 50300.00 0.0324
338.15 51100.00 0.0319
338.15 60400.00 0.0383
338.15 60510.00 0.0373
338.15 70700.00 0.0452
338.15 70710.00 0.0436
338.15 80200.00 0.0525
338.15 80970.00 0.0517
338.15 100.00 0.0134
338.15 100.00 0.0134
338.15 100.00 0.0134
348.15 100.00 0.0097
348.15 9800.00 0.0115
348.15 20600.00 0.0137
348.15 30230.00 0.0160
348.15 31300.00 0.0163
348.15 40810.00 0.0189
348.15 50600.00 0.0221
348.15 50710.00 0.0221
348.15 61220.00 0.0259
348.15 69800.00 0.0298
348.15 72330.00 0.0306
348.15 85770.00 0.0372

Mass density, kg/m3

Fixed Measured
Temperature, K - Liquid Pressure, kPa - Liquid Mass density, kg/m3 - Liquid
283.15 100.00 974.5
283.15 200.00 974.5
283.15 400.00 974.6
283.15 600.00 974.7
283.15 800.00 974.9
283.15 1010.00 975.0
283.15 2000.00 975.5
283.15 3020.00 976.0
283.15 4000.00 976.6
283.15 5000.00 977.1
283.15 6000.00 977.7
283.15 6980.00 978.2
283.15 8010.00 978.7
283.15 9020.00 979.3
283.15 10030.00 979.8
283.15 15000.00 982.4
283.15 19970.00 985.0
283.15 25030.00 987.3
283.15 29980.00 989.8
283.15 35030.00 992.1
283.15 40000.00 994.5
283.15 45030.00 996.6
283.15 49980.00 998.8
283.15 55030.00 1000.9
283.15 59990.00 1002.6
283.15 64990.00 1005.1
288.15 100.00 970.7
288.15 200.00 970.8
288.15 420.00 970.9
288.15 600.00 971.0
288.15 790.00 971.1
288.15 1000.00 971.2
288.15 1990.00 971.7
288.15 3020.00 972.3
288.15 4010.00 972.9
288.15 5000.00 973.4
288.15 6010.00 974.0
288.15 7020.00 974.5
288.15 7980.00 975.0
288.15 9000.00 975.5
288.15 10000.00 976.1
288.15 14990.00 978.7
288.15 19970.00 981.4
288.15 25000.00 983.8
288.15 30000.00 986.4
288.15 34990.00 988.8
288.15 40020.00 991.1
288.15 45000.00 993.3
288.15 49980.00 995.7
288.15 54980.00 997.7
288.15 60000.00 999.9
288.15 65000.00 1002.0
293.15 100.00 967.0
293.15 200.00 967.1
293.15 400.00 967.2
293.15 630.00 967.3
293.15 790.00 967.4
293.15 1000.00 967.5
293.15 2010.00 968.1
293.15 3020.00 968.7
293.15 4020.00 969.2
293.15 4970.00 969.8
293.15 5980.00 970.3
293.15 7020.00 970.9
293.15 8000.00 971.5
293.15 9020.00 972.0
293.15 10010.00 972.6
293.15 15010.00 975.2
293.15 20000.00 977.9
293.15 25030.00 980.5
293.15 30020.00 983.0
293.15 35030.00 985.4
293.15 40010.00 987.8
293.15 44980.00 990.1
293.15 50020.00 992.4
293.15 55020.00 994.6
293.15 60020.00 996.8
293.15 65000.00 998.9
298.15 100.00 963.4
298.15 200.00 963.4
298.15 410.00 963.6
298.15 620.00 963.7
298.15 820.00 963.8
298.15 1000.00 963.9
298.15 2020.00 964.5
298.15 3040.00 965.0
298.15 4030.00 965.7
298.15 4980.00 966.2
298.15 6070.00 966.8
298.15 7020.00 967.3
298.15 8040.00 967.9
298.15 9040.00 968.5
298.15 10030.00 969.0
298.15 15010.00 971.7
298.15 19990.00 974.4
298.15 25000.00 977.0
298.15 30020.00 979.6
298.15 35000.00 982.1
298.15 40020.00 984.5
298.15 44970.00 986.9
298.15 49990.00 989.2
298.15 54970.00 991.4
298.15 60000.00 993.7
298.15 65020.00 995.8
303.15 100.00 959.7
303.15 200.00 959.8
303.15 400.00 959.9
303.15 580.00 960.0
303.15 800.00 960.2
303.15 1000.00 960.3
303.15 2000.00 960.9
303.15 2990.00 961.4
303.15 4000.00 962.0
303.15 5000.00 962.6
303.15 6000.00 963.2
303.15 7000.00 963.8
303.15 7980.00 964.3
303.15 9000.00 964.9
303.15 10020.00 965.5
303.15 14970.00 968.2
303.15 20010.00 971.0
303.15 25030.00 973.6
303.15 30020.00 976.3
303.15 35000.00 978.8
303.15 40000.00 981.2
303.15 45000.00 983.6
303.15 50010.00 986.0
303.15 54980.00 988.3
303.15 60000.00 990.5
303.15 64990.00 992.7
308.15 100.00 956.2
308.15 200.00 956.2
308.15 410.00 956.4
308.15 610.00 956.5
308.15 800.00 956.6
308.15 1000.00 956.7
308.15 2010.00 957.3
308.15 3020.00 957.9
308.15 4000.00 958.5
308.15 5000.00 959.1
308.15 6000.00 959.7
308.15 7020.00 960.3
308.15 8000.00 960.8
308.15 9020.00 961.4
308.15 10000.00 962.0
308.15 15010.00 964.8
308.15 19990.00 967.6
308.15 25000.00 970.3
308.15 30010.00 973.0
308.15 35000.00 975.5
308.15 39990.00 978.0
308.15 44990.00 980.4
308.15 50010.00 982.9
308.15 55000.00 985.2
308.15 60000.00 987.4
308.15 65000.00 989.7
313.15 100.00 952.6
313.15 200.00 952.6
313.15 400.00 952.8
313.15 620.00 952.9
313.15 800.00 953.0
313.15 1030.00 953.1
313.15 2010.00 953.7
313.15 3000.00 954.3
313.15 4000.00 955.0
313.15 5020.00 955.5
313.15 5990.00 956.2
313.15 7030.00 956.7
313.15 8000.00 957.4
313.15 9020.00 957.9
313.15 10010.00 958.5
313.15 15010.00 961.4
313.15 20000.00 964.2
313.15 25030.00 967.0
313.15 30000.00 969.7
313.15 35020.00 972.2
313.15 40020.00 974.8
313.15 45010.00 977.2
313.15 49970.00 979.7
313.15 55000.00 982.0
313.15 59980.00 984.4
313.15 64970.00 986.6
323.15 100.00 945.4
323.15 210.00 945.5
323.15 400.00 945.6
323.15 600.00 945.7
323.15 800.00 945.9
323.15 1000.00 946.0
323.15 2000.00 946.6
323.15 3030.00 947.2
323.15 4030.00 947.9
323.15 5020.00 948.5
323.15 6010.00 949.1
323.15 7000.00 949.7
323.15 8000.00 950.3
323.15 9010.00 950.9
323.15 10020.00 951.6
323.15 15000.00 954.5
323.15 20010.00 957.5
323.15 25030.00 960.3
323.15 30010.00 963.2
323.15 34970.00 965.8
323.15 40000.00 968.5
323.15 45000.00 970.9
323.15 49980.00 973.5
323.15 54980.00 975.8
323.15 60000.00 978.3
323.15 65000.00 980.6
333.15 100.00 938.3
333.15 200.00 938.4
333.15 400.00 938.5
333.15 630.00 938.7
333.15 800.00 938.8
333.15 1000.00 938.9
333.15 2010.00 939.6
333.15 3000.00 940.2
333.15 4000.00 940.9
333.15 5000.00 941.5
333.15 6000.00 942.2
333.15 7030.00 942.8
333.15 7980.00 943.5
333.15 9010.00 944.1
333.15 10030.00 944.8
333.15 14990.00 947.9
333.15 20000.00 951.0
333.15 25000.00 953.8
333.15 30020.00 956.7
333.15 34990.00 959.4
333.15 39970.00 962.2
333.15 45020.00 964.8
333.15 50000.00 967.4
333.15 55020.00 969.8
333.15 60000.00 972.3
333.15 65000.00 974.7
343.15 100.00 931.2
343.15 220.00 931.3
343.15 430.00 931.5
343.15 610.00 931.6
343.15 810.00 931.8
343.15 1000.00 931.9
343.15 2000.00 932.6
343.15 3000.00 933.3
343.15 3980.00 934.0
343.15 5010.00 934.6
343.15 5980.00 935.3
343.15 7000.00 936.0
343.15 7990.00 936.6
343.15 9020.00 937.3
343.15 9980.00 937.9
343.15 15010.00 941.2
343.15 19990.00 944.3
343.15 25010.00 947.4
343.15 29980.00 950.4
343.15 35030.00 953.3
343.15 40030.00 956.1
343.15 45010.00 958.7
343.15 50050.00 961.4
343.15 55000.00 964.0
343.15 60000.00 966.5
343.15 65020.00 968.9
353.15 100.00 924.2
353.15 200.00 924.3
353.15 410.00 924.5
353.15 630.00 924.6
353.15 800.00 924.8
353.15 1010.00 924.9
353.15 2000.00 925.6
353.15 3000.00 926.3
353.15 3980.00 927.0
353.15 4990.00 927.7
353.15 6000.00 928.4
353.15 7000.00 929.1
353.15 8010.00 929.8
353.15 9000.00 930.5
353.15 10010.00 931.2
353.15 15040.00 934.6
353.15 20000.00 937.9
353.15 24970.00 941.0
353.15 29980.00 944.1
353.15 35010.00 947.1
353.15 40000.00 950.0
353.15 45000.00 952.7
353.15 49990.00 955.5
353.15 55000.00 958.1
353.15 60010.00 960.7
353.15 65020.00 963.2
363.15 100.00 917.2
363.15 200.00 917.3
363.15 420.00 917.4
363.15 600.00 917.6
363.15 800.00 917.7
363.15 990.00 917.9
363.15 2000.00 918.6
363.15 2980.00 919.4
363.15 3960.00 920.1
363.15 4970.00 920.9
363.15 5990.00 921.6
363.15 7020.00 922.3
363.15 7980.00 923.0
363.15 9030.00 923.8
363.15 10000.00 924.5
363.15 15000.00 928.0
363.15 19990.00 931.4
363.15 25010.00 934.7
363.15 30020.00 937.9
363.15 34980.00 940.9
363.15 39990.00 943.9
363.15 44980.00 946.8
363.15 49990.00 949.6
363.15 55000.00 952.3
363.15 60040.00 955.0
363.15 64990.00 957.6

Similar Compounds

1,2-Benzenedicarboxylic acid, decyl octyl ester. Didodecyl phthalate. 1,2-Benzenedicarboxylic acid, diundecyl ester. 1,2-Benzenedicarboxylic acid, dinonyl ester. Decyl pentyl phthalate. Bis(tridecyl) phthalate. Di-n-octyl phthalate. 1,2-Benzenedicarboxylic acid, butyl decyl ester. 1,2-Benzenedicarboxylic acid, butyl octyl ester. 1,2-Benzenedicarboxylic acid, diheptyl ester. Phthalic acid, hexyl heptyl ester. Phthalic acid, heptyl pentyl ester. Ethyl decyl phthalate. 1,2-Benzenedicarboxylic acid, dihexyl ester. Hexadecyl methyl phthalate.

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