Chemical Properties of Nitrous oxide (CAS 10024-97-2)

Nitrous oxide

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InChI Key
Molecular Weight1
Other Names
  • Dinitrogen oxide
  • Factitious air
  • Hyponitrous acid anhydride
  • N2O
  • Nitral
  • Nitrogen monoxide
  • Nitrogen oxide
  • Nitrogen oxide (N2O)
  • UN 1070
  • UN 2201
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Physical Properties

Property Value Unit Source
ω 0.1650 KDB
PAff [549.80; 575.20] kJ/mol Show
PAff 549.80 kJ/mol NIST
PAff 575.20 kJ/mol NIST
BasG [523.30; 548.70] kJ/mol Show
BasG 523.30 kJ/mol NIST
BasG 548.70 kJ/mol NIST
μ 0.20 debye KDB
EA [-0.15; 0.76] eV Show
EA 0.22 ± 0.10 eV NIST
EA -0.15 ± 0.10 eV NIST
EA 0.27 ± 0.17 eV NIST
EA 0.76 ± 0.10 eV NIST
Δf 103.70 kJ/mol KDB
Δfgas 81.60 kJ/mol KDB
IE [12.00; 12.91] eV Show
IE 12.89 ± 0.00 eV NIST
IE 12.89 eV NIST
IE Outlier 12.00 ± 1.00 eV NIST
IE 12.91 ± 0.03 eV NIST
IE 12.89 ± 0.00 eV NIST
IE 12.88 ± 0.01 eV NIST
IE 12.89 ± 0.01 eV NIST
IE 12.90 eV NIST
IE 12.89 ± 0.01 eV NIST
IE 12.89 ± 0.01 eV NIST
IE 12.89 eV NIST
IE 12.89 ± 0.01 eV NIST
IE 12.80 ± 0.05 eV NIST
IE 12.88 ± 0.01 eV NIST
IE 12.89 eV NIST
IE 12.89 eV NIST
log10WS 1.67 Crippen Calculated Property
logPoct/wat -0.158 Crippen Calculated Property
McVol 28.090 ml/mol McGowan Calculated Property
Pc [7234.60; 7270.00] kPa Show
Pc 7255.00 kPa KDB
Pc 7238.00 ± 20.00 kPa NIST
Pc 7270.00 ± 50.00 kPa NIST
Pc 7234.60 ± 50.66 kPa NIST
Ptriple [87.85; 87.91] kPa Show
Ptriple 87.85 kPa KDB
Ptriple 87.89 ± 0.01 kPa NIST
Ptriple 87.91 ± 0.01 kPa NIST
ρc [448.93; 453.33] kg/m3 Show
ρc 453.33 ± 4.40 kg/m3 NIST
ρc 448.93 kg/m3 NIST
ρc 453.33 ± 2.20 kg/m3 NIST
Inp [182.00; 182.00]   Show
Inp 182.00 NIST
Inp 182.00 NIST
Tboil 184.67 K KDB
Tc [309.49; 309.65] K Show
Tc 309.57 K KDB
Tc 309.56 ± 0.15 K NIST
Tc 309.65 ± 0.20 K NIST
Tc 309.49 K NIST
Tc 309.55 ± 0.50 K NIST
Tfus 182.30 K KDB
Ttriple [181.99; 182.32] K Show
Ttriple 182.32 K KDB
Ttriple 181.99 K Solid L...
Vc [0.096; 0.097] m3/kmol Show
Vc 0.097 m3/kmol KDB
Vc 0.096 ± 0.002 m3/kmol NIST
Zc 0.2734100 KDB
Zra 0.28 KDB

Temperature Dependent Properties

Property Value Unit Temperature (K) Source
ΔfusH 6.50 kJ/mol 182.40 NIST
ΔsubH [23.60; 25.10] kJ/mol [74.00; 165.00] Show
ΔsubH 25.10 ± 0.40 kJ/mol 74.00 NIST
ΔsubH 23.60 kJ/mol 113.00 NIST
ΔsubH 24.60 kJ/mol 165.00 NIST
ΔvapH [16.10; 16.50] kJ/mol [184.70; 209.00] Show
ΔvapH 16.50 kJ/mol 184.70 NIST
ΔvapH 16.10 kJ/mol 209.00 NIST
Pvap [554.70; 3119.90] kPa [219.24; 273.08] Show
Vapor pressure (kPa)
Pvap 554.70 kPa 219.24 PVT Pro...
Pvap 626.30 kPa 222.28 PVT Pro...
Pvap 652.80 kPa 223.31 PVT Pro...
Pvap 759.60 kPa 227.32 PVT Pro...
Pvap 760.60 kPa 227.36 PVT Pro...
Pvap 912.10 kPa 232.37 PVT Pro...
Pvap 915.40 kPa 232.43 PVT Pro...
Pvap 1092.90 kPa 237.49 PVT Pro...
Pvap 1294.70 kPa 242.57 PVT Pro...
Pvap 1521.90 kPa 247.65 PVT Pro...
Pvap 1777.00 kPa 252.73 PVT Pro...
Pvap 2061.80 kPa 257.80 PVT Pro...
Pvap 2065.40 kPa 257.87 PVT Pro...
Pvap 2379.00 kPa 262.90 PVT Pro...
Pvap 2381.80 kPa 262.95 PVT Pro...
Pvap 2730.60 kPa 267.98 PVT Pro...
Pvap 2734.00 kPa 268.03 PVT Pro...
Pvap 3119.90 kPa 273.08 PVT Pro...
ρl 1226.00 kg/m3 184.00 KDB


Property Value Unit Temperature (K) Source
Pvap [86.70; 7259.92] kPa [182.30; 309.57] The Yaw... Show
Equationln(Pvp) = A + B/(T + C)
Coefficient A1.36769e+01
Coefficient B-1.26781e+03
Coefficient C-4.47100e+01
Temperature range, min.182.30
Temperature range, max.309.57
Vapor pressure (kPa)
Pvap 86.70 kPa 182.30 Calculated Property
Pvap 204.63 kPa 196.44 Calculated Property
Pvap 417.19 kPa 210.58 Calculated Property
Pvap 760.49 kPa 224.72 Calculated Property
Pvap 1270.20 kPa 238.86 Calculated Property
Pvap 1978.80 kPa 253.01 Calculated Property
Pvap 2913.74 kPa 267.15 Calculated Property
Pvap 4096.48 kPa 281.29 Calculated Property
Pvap 5542.17 kPa 295.43 Calculated Property
Pvap 7259.92 kPa 309.57 Calculated Property

Similar Compounds

Nitric oxide anion. Nitric oxide. Diazene-d2, cis. (E)-Diazene. Azide radical. Azide anion. Nitrogen oxide cation. Hydrogen azide. Nitrosyl hydride. Nitrogen oxide anion. Nitrosyl chloride (18O15NCl). Nitrogen dioxide. CNN Radical. Nitrosyl chloride. Nitrogen fluoride, (E)-.

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Outlier This icon means that the value is more than 2 standard deviations away from the property mean.