Chemical Properties of 7-hydroxyflavone


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Physical Properties

Property Value Unit Source
Δfus 31.20 kJ/mol Isother...
log10WS -8.58 Crippen Calculated Property
logPoct/wat 3.166 Crippen Calculated Property
McVol 172.840 ml/mol McGowan Calculated Property
Tfus 515.30 K Isother...

Temperature Dependent Properties

Property Value Unit Temperature (K) Source
Cp,solid [248.10; 406.20] J/mol×K [293.15; 498.15] Show
Solid phase heat capacity (J/mol×K)
Cp,solid 248.10 J/mol×K 293.15 Isother...
Cp,solid 253.10 J/mol×K 298.15 Isother...
Cp,solid 259.10 J/mol×K 303.15 Isother...
Cp,solid 263.40 J/mol×K 308.15 Isother...
Cp,solid 268.20 J/mol×K 313.15 Isother...
Cp,solid 272.00 J/mol×K 318.15 Isother...
Cp,solid 276.80 J/mol×K 323.15 Isother...
Cp,solid 282.10 J/mol×K 328.15 Isother...
Cp,solid 286.00 J/mol×K 333.15 Isother...
Cp,solid 291.40 J/mol×K 338.15 Isother...
Cp,solid 295.30 J/mol×K 343.15 Isother...
Cp,solid 299.40 J/mol×K 348.15 Isother...
Cp,solid 303.60 J/mol×K 353.15 Isother...
Cp,solid 307.60 J/mol×K 358.15 Isother...
Cp,solid 312.30 J/mol×K 363.15 Isother...
Cp,solid 316.20 J/mol×K 368.15 Isother...
Cp,solid 320.70 J/mol×K 373.15 Isother...
Cp,solid 324.40 J/mol×K 378.15 Isother...
Cp,solid 328.20 J/mol×K 383.15 Isother...
Cp,solid 332.40 J/mol×K 388.15 Isother...
Cp,solid 336.00 J/mol×K 393.15 Isother...
Cp,solid 340.10 J/mol×K 398.15 Isother...
Cp,solid 343.30 J/mol×K 403.15 Isother...
Cp,solid 347.00 J/mol×K 408.15 Isother...
Cp,solid 351.40 J/mol×K 413.15 Isother...
Cp,solid 355.20 J/mol×K 418.15 Isother...
Cp,solid 358.20 J/mol×K 423.15 Isother...
Cp,solid 361.90 J/mol×K 428.15 Isother...
Cp,solid 366.30 J/mol×K 433.15 Isother...
Cp,solid 369.60 J/mol×K 438.15 Isother...
Cp,solid 372.30 J/mol×K 443.15 Isother...
Cp,solid 376.70 J/mol×K 448.15 Isother...
Cp,solid 379.50 J/mol×K 453.15 Isother...
Cp,solid 382.70 J/mol×K 458.15 Isother...
Cp,solid 385.80 J/mol×K 463.15 Isother...
Cp,solid 388.50 J/mol×K 468.15 Isother...
Cp,solid 390.80 J/mol×K 473.15 Isother...
Cp,solid 391.90 J/mol×K 478.15 Isother...
Cp,solid 394.00 J/mol×K 483.15 Isother...
Cp,solid 398.10 J/mol×K 488.15 Isother...
Cp,solid 400.90 J/mol×K 493.15 Isother...
Cp,solid 406.20 J/mol×K 498.15 Isother...
ΔvapH 154.60 kJ/mol 473.15 Isother...

Similar Compounds

7-Methoxyflavone. 5-hydroxyflavone. Flavone. Chrysin. 5,7,3',4'-tetrahydroxyflavone. baicalein. 4H-1-Benzopyran-4-one, 5-hydroxy-7-methoxy-2-phenyl-. 1H-Naphtho[2,1-b]pyran-1-one, 3-phenyl-. 4H-1-Benzopyran-4-one, 5-hydroxy-7-methoxy-2-(4-methoxyphenyl)-. Flavone, 5,7-dihydroxy, mono-TMS. 4H-1-Benzopyran-4-one, 5,7-dihydroxy-2-(4-hydroxyphenyl)-6-methoxy-. Chrysin, bis(trimethylsilyl) ether. 4'-Nitroflavone. Apigenin, TMS. Pectolinaringenin.

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