Mixture of Cyclohexanemethanol + Dodecane



InChI Key
Mol. Weight (g/mol)


InChI Key
Mol. Weight (g/mol)
Cheméo is a service of Céondo GmbH, since 2007, we provide simulation, modelling and software development services for the industry. Do not hesitate to contact us for your projects.


  1. η - Viscosity, Pa*s (2)
  2. ρl - Mass density, kg/m3 (2)
  3. Tfus - Solid-liquid equilibrium temperature, K (2)

Viscosity, Pa*s [ref]

Operational condition: Pressure, kPa = 100 (Liquid)

Fixed Measured
Temperature, K - Liquid Mole fraction of Dodecane (2) - Liquid Viscosity, Pa*s - Liquid
293.15 0.1014 0.0184
293.15 0.1991 0.0098
293.15 0.2990 0.0062
293.15 0.3997 0.0043
293.15 0.4992 0.0032
293.15 0.6005 0.0025
293.15 0.7008 0.0021
293.15 0.7986 0.0018
293.15 0.8996 0.0016
298.15 0.1014 0.0146
298.15 0.1991 0.0080
298.15 0.2990 0.0052
298.15 0.3997 0.0037
298.15 0.4992 0.0028
298.15 0.6005 0.0023
298.15 0.7008 0.0019
298.15 0.7986 0.0016
298.15 0.8996 0.0014
303.15 0.1014 0.0117
303.15 0.1991 0.0066
303.15 0.2990 0.0044
303.15 0.3997 0.0032
303.15 0.4992 0.0025
303.15 0.6005 0.0020
303.15 0.7008 0.0017
303.15 0.7986 0.0015
303.15 0.8996 0.0013
308.15 0.1014 0.0096
308.15 0.1991 0.0055
308.15 0.2990 0.0038
308.15 0.3997 0.0028
308.15 0.4992 0.0022
308.15 0.6005 0.0018
308.15 0.7008 0.0015
308.15 0.7986 0.0014
308.15 0.8996 0.0012
313.15 0.1014 0.0079
313.15 0.1991 0.0047
313.15 0.2990 0.0033
313.15 0.3997 0.0025
313.15 0.4992 0.0020
313.15 0.6005 0.0016
313.15 0.7008 0.0014
313.15 0.7986 0.0012
313.15 0.8996 0.0011
318.15 0.1014 0.0066
318.15 0.1991 0.0040
318.15 0.2990 0.0029
318.15 0.3997 0.0022
318.15 0.4992 0.0018
318.15 0.6005 0.0015
318.15 0.7008 0.0013
318.15 0.7986 0.0011
318.15 0.8996 0.0010
323.15 0.1014 0.0055
323.15 0.1991 0.0034
323.15 0.2990 0.0025
323.15 0.3997 0.0019
323.15 0.4992 0.0016
323.15 0.6005 0.0013
323.15 0.7008 0.0012
323.15 0.7986 0.0010
323.15 0.8996 0.0010
328.15 0.1014 0.0047
328.15 0.1991 0.0030
328.15 0.2990 0.0022
328.15 0.3997 0.0017
328.15 0.4992 0.0014
328.15 0.6005 0.0012
328.15 0.7008 0.0011
328.15 0.7986 0.0010
328.15 0.8996 0.0009
333.15 0.1014 0.0040
333.15 0.1991 0.0026
333.15 0.2990 0.0020
333.15 0.3997 0.0016
333.15 0.4992 0.0013
333.15 0.6005 0.0011
333.15 0.7008 0.0010
333.15 0.7986 0.0009
333.15 0.8996 0.0008

Viscosity, Pa*s [ref]

Operational condition: Pressure, kPa = 100 (Liquid)

Fixed Measured
Temperature, K - Liquid Mole fraction of Dodecane (2) - Liquid Viscosity, Pa*s - Liquid
293.15 0.1014 0.0184
293.15 0.1991 0.0098
293.15 0.2990 0.0062
293.15 0.3997 0.0043
293.15 0.4992 0.0032
293.15 0.6005 0.0025
293.15 0.7008 0.0021
293.15 0.7986 0.0018
293.15 0.8996 0.0016
298.15 0.1014 0.0146
298.15 0.1991 0.0080
298.15 0.2990 0.0052
298.15 0.3997 0.0037
298.15 0.4992 0.0028
298.15 0.6005 0.0023
298.15 0.7008 0.0019
298.15 0.7986 0.0016
298.15 0.8996 0.0014
303.15 0.1014 0.0117
303.15 0.1991 0.0066
303.15 0.2990 0.0044
303.15 0.3997 0.0032
303.15 0.4992 0.0025
303.15 0.6005 0.0020
303.15 0.7008 0.0017
303.15 0.7986 0.0015
303.15 0.8996 0.0013
308.15 0.1014 0.0096
308.15 0.1991 0.0055
308.15 0.2990 0.0038
308.15 0.3997 0.0028
308.15 0.4992 0.0022
308.15 0.6005 0.0018
308.15 0.7008 0.0015
308.15 0.7986 0.0014
308.15 0.8996 0.0012
313.15 0.1014 0.0079
313.15 0.1991 0.0047
313.15 0.2990 0.0033
313.15 0.3997 0.0025
313.15 0.4992 0.0020
313.15 0.6005 0.0016
313.15 0.7008 0.0014
313.15 0.7986 0.0012
313.15 0.8996 0.0011
318.15 0.1014 0.0066
318.15 0.1991 0.0040
318.15 0.2990 0.0029
318.15 0.3997 0.0022
318.15 0.4992 0.0018
318.15 0.6005 0.0015
318.15 0.7008 0.0013
318.15 0.7986 0.0011
318.15 0.8996 0.0010
323.15 0.1014 0.0055
323.15 0.1991 0.0034
323.15 0.2990 0.0025
323.15 0.3997 0.0019
323.15 0.4992 0.0016
323.15 0.6005 0.0013
323.15 0.7008 0.0012
323.15 0.7986 0.0010
323.15 0.8996 0.0010
328.15 0.1014 0.0047
328.15 0.1991 0.0030
328.15 0.2990 0.0022
328.15 0.3997 0.0017
328.15 0.4992 0.0014
328.15 0.6005 0.0012
328.15 0.7008 0.0011
328.15 0.7986 0.0010
328.15 0.8996 0.0009
333.15 0.1014 0.0040
333.15 0.1991 0.0026
333.15 0.2990 0.0020
333.15 0.3997 0.0016
333.15 0.4992 0.0013
333.15 0.6005 0.0011
333.15 0.7008 0.0010
333.15 0.7986 0.0009
333.15 0.8996 0.0008

Mass density, kg/m3 [ref]

Operational condition: Pressure, kPa = 100 (Liquid)

Fixed Measured
Temperature, K - Liquid Mole fraction of Dodecane (2) - Liquid Mass density, kg/m3 - Liquid
293.15 0.1014 898.17
293.15 0.1991 872.04
293.15 0.2990 849.06
293.15 0.3997 828.81
293.15 0.4992 811.3
293.15 0.6005 795.57
293.15 0.7008 781.83
293.15 0.7986 769.9
293.15 0.8996 758.73
298.15 0.1014 894.59
298.15 0.1991 868.46
298.15 0.2990 845.44
298.15 0.3997 825.18
298.15 0.4992 807.71
298.15 0.6005 791.92
298.15 0.7008 778.16
298.15 0.7986 766.22
298.15 0.8996 755.05
303.15 0.1014 890.99
303.15 0.1991 864.86
303.15 0.2990 841.79
303.15 0.3997 821.5
303.15 0.4992 804.02
303.15 0.6005 788.23
303.15 0.7008 774.47
303.15 0.7986 762.53
303.15 0.8996 751.37
308.15 0.1014 887.35
308.15 0.1991 861.23
308.15 0.2990 838.08
308.15 0.3997 817.79
308.15 0.4992 800.32
308.15 0.6005 784.52
308.15 0.7008 770.76
308.15 0.7986 758.82
308.15 0.8996 747.67
313.15 0.1014 883.69
313.15 0.1991 857.57
313.15 0.2990 834.37
313.15 0.3997 814.07
313.15 0.4992 796.59
313.15 0.6005 780.79
313.15 0.7008 767.03
313.15 0.7986 755.09
313.15 0.8996 743.96
318.15 0.1014 879.99
318.15 0.1991 853.91
318.15 0.2990 830.77
318.15 0.3997 810.31
318.15 0.4992 792.83
318.15 0.6005 777.04
318.15 0.7008 763.28
318.15 0.7986 751.35
318.15 0.8996 740.24
323.15 0.1014 876.25
323.15 0.1991 850.16
323.15 0.2990 827.01
323.15 0.3997 806.53
323.15 0.4992 789.05
323.15 0.6005 773.26
323.15 0.7008 759.51
323.15 0.7986 747.58
323.15 0.8996 736.5
328.15 0.1014 872.47
328.15 0.1991 846.36
328.15 0.2990 823.2
328.15 0.3997 802.71
328.15 0.4992 785.24
328.15 0.6005 769.45
328.15 0.7008 755.71
328.15 0.7986 743.79
328.15 0.8996 732.74
333.15 0.1014 868.64
333.15 0.1991 842.52
333.15 0.2990 819.35
333.15 0.3997 798.87
333.15 0.4992 781.41
333.15 0.6005 765.62
333.15 0.7008 751.89
333.15 0.7986 739.98
333.15 0.8996 728.97

Mass density, kg/m3 [ref]

Operational condition: Pressure, kPa = 100 (Liquid)

Fixed Measured
Temperature, K - Liquid Mole fraction of Dodecane (2) - Liquid Mass density, kg/m3 - Liquid
293.15 0.1014 898.17
293.15 0.1991 872.04
293.15 0.2990 849.06
293.15 0.3997 828.81
293.15 0.4992 811.3
293.15 0.6005 795.57
293.15 0.7008 781.83
293.15 0.7986 769.9
293.15 0.8996 758.73
298.15 0.1014 894.59
298.15 0.1991 868.46
298.15 0.2990 845.44
298.15 0.3997 825.18
298.15 0.4992 807.71
298.15 0.6005 791.92
298.15 0.7008 778.16
298.15 0.7986 766.22
298.15 0.8996 755.05
303.15 0.1014 890.99
303.15 0.1991 864.86
303.15 0.2990 841.79
303.15 0.3997 821.5
303.15 0.4992 804.02
303.15 0.6005 788.23
303.15 0.7008 774.47
303.15 0.7986 762.53
303.15 0.8996 751.37
308.15 0.1014 887.35
308.15 0.1991 861.23
308.15 0.2990 838.08
308.15 0.3997 817.79
308.15 0.4992 800.32
308.15 0.6005 784.52
308.15 0.7008 770.76
308.15 0.7986 758.82
308.15 0.8996 747.67
313.15 0.1014 883.69
313.15 0.1991 857.57
313.15 0.2990 834.37
313.15 0.3997 814.07
313.15 0.4992 796.59
313.15 0.6005 780.79
313.15 0.7008 767.03
313.15 0.7986 755.09
313.15 0.8996 743.96
318.15 0.1014 879.99
318.15 0.1991 853.91
318.15 0.2990 830.77
318.15 0.3997 810.31
318.15 0.4992 792.83
318.15 0.6005 777.04
318.15 0.7008 763.28
318.15 0.7986 751.35
318.15 0.8996 740.24
323.15 0.1014 876.25
323.15 0.1991 850.16
323.15 0.2990 827.01
323.15 0.3997 806.53
323.15 0.4992 789.05
323.15 0.6005 773.26
323.15 0.7008 759.51
323.15 0.7986 747.58
323.15 0.8996 736.5
328.15 0.1014 872.47
328.15 0.1991 846.36
328.15 0.2990 823.2
328.15 0.3997 802.71
328.15 0.4992 785.24
328.15 0.6005 769.45
328.15 0.7008 755.71
328.15 0.7986 743.79
328.15 0.8996 732.74
333.15 0.1014 868.64
333.15 0.1991 842.52
333.15 0.2990 819.35
333.15 0.3997 798.87
333.15 0.4992 781.41
333.15 0.6005 765.62
333.15 0.7008 751.89
333.15 0.7986 739.98
333.15 0.8996 728.97

Solid-liquid equilibrium temperature, K [ref]

Operational condition: Pressure, kPa = 100 (Liquid)

Mole fraction of Dodecane (2) - Liquid Solid-liquid equilibrium temperature, K - Liquid
0.1014 256.05
0.1991 259.85
0.2990 261.65
0.3997 262.15
0.4992 262.55
0.6005 262.95
0.7008 263.15
0.7986 263.55
0.8996 264.15
1.0000 264.95
Mole fraction of Dodecane (2)
Solid-liquid equilibrium temperature, K

Solid-liquid equilibrium temperature, K [ref]

Operational condition: Pressure, kPa = 100 (Liquid)

Mole fraction of Dodecane (2) - Liquid Solid-liquid equilibrium temperature, K - Liquid
0.1014 256.05
0.1991 259.85
0.2990 261.65
0.3997 262.15
0.4992 262.55
0.6005 262.95
0.7008 263.15
0.7986 263.55
0.8996 264.15
1.0000 264.95
Mole fraction of Dodecane (2)
Solid-liquid equilibrium temperature, K
