Mixture of Butanoic acid + Pentanoic acid


Butanoic acid

Butanoic acid
InChI Key
Mol. Weight (g/mol)

Pentanoic acid

Pentanoic acid
InChI Key
Mol. Weight (g/mol)
Cheméo is a service of Céondo GmbH, since 2007, we provide simulation, modelling and software development services for the industry. Do not hesitate to contact us for your projects.


  1. Eutectic composition: mole fraction (2)
  2. Eutectic temperature, K (2)
  3. n0 - Refractive index (Na D-line) (2)
  4. ρl - Mass density, kg/m3 (2)
  5. csound,fluid - Speed of Sound, m/s (2)
  6. Tfus - Solid-liquid equilibrium temperature, K (4)

Eutectic composition: mole fraction of Butanoic acid (1) [ref]

Pressure, kPa - Liquid Eutectic composition: mole fraction of Butanoic acid (1) - Liquid
84.50 0.3990

Eutectic composition: mole fraction of Butanoic acid (1) [ref]

Pressure, kPa - Liquid Eutectic composition: mole fraction of Butanoic acid (1) - Liquid
84.50 0.3990

Eutectic temperature, K [ref]

Pressure, kPa - Liquid Eutectic temperature, K - Liquid
84.50 222.00

Eutectic temperature, K [ref]

Pressure, kPa - Liquid Eutectic temperature, K - Liquid
84.50 222.00

Refractive index (Na D-line) [ref]

Operational condition: Pressure, kPa = 101 (Liquid)

Fixed Measured
Temperature, K - Liquid Mole fraction of Butanoic acid (1) - Liquid Refractive index (Na D-line) - Liquid
293.15 0.0000 1.4084
293.15 0.0472 1.4081
293.15 0.0938 1.4077
293.15 0.1944 1.4068
293.15 0.2928 1.4058
293.15 0.3946 1.4048
293.15 0.4922 1.4038
293.15 0.5938 1.4028
293.15 0.6929 1.4017
293.15 0.7973 1.4006
293.15 0.8950 1.3995
293.15 1.0000 1.3983
298.15 0.0000 1.4064
298.15 0.0472 1.4061
298.15 0.0938 1.4056
298.15 0.1944 1.4047
298.15 0.2928 1.4037
298.15 0.3946 1.4027
298.15 0.4922 1.4018
298.15 0.5938 1.4007
298.15 0.6929 1.3997
298.15 0.7973 1.3985
298.15 0.8950 1.3974
298.15 1.0000 1.3963
303.15 0.0000 1.4044
303.15 0.0472 1.404
303.15 0.0938 1.4036
303.15 0.1944 1.4026
303.15 0.2928 1.4016
303.15 0.3946 1.4006
303.15 0.4922 1.3996
303.15 0.5938 1.3986
303.15 0.6929 1.3975
303.15 0.7973 1.3964
303.15 0.8950 1.3953
303.15 1.0000 1.3942
308.15 0.0000 1.4023
308.15 0.0472 1.4019
308.15 0.0938 1.4015
308.15 0.1944 1.4005
308.15 0.2928 1.3996
308.15 0.3946 1.3985
308.15 0.4922 1.3975
308.15 0.5938 1.3965
308.15 0.6929 1.3954
308.15 0.7973 1.3943
308.15 0.8950 1.3933
308.15 1.0000 1.3922
313.15 0.0000 1.4003
313.15 0.0472 1.3998
313.15 0.0938 1.3994
313.15 0.1944 1.3984
313.15 0.2928 1.3975
313.15 0.3946 1.3964
313.15 0.4922 1.3954
313.15 0.5938 1.3944
313.15 0.6929 1.3933
313.15 0.7973 1.3922
313.15 0.8950 1.3912
313.15 1.0000 1.3901

Refractive index (Na D-line) [ref]

Operational condition: Pressure, kPa = 101 (Liquid)

Fixed Measured
Temperature, K - Liquid Mole fraction of Butanoic acid (1) - Liquid Refractive index (Na D-line) - Liquid
293.15 0.0000 1.4084
293.15 0.0472 1.4081
293.15 0.0938 1.4077
293.15 0.1944 1.4068
293.15 0.2928 1.4058
293.15 0.3946 1.4048
293.15 0.4922 1.4038
293.15 0.5938 1.4028
293.15 0.6929 1.4017
293.15 0.7973 1.4006
293.15 0.8950 1.3995
293.15 1.0000 1.3983
298.15 0.0000 1.4064
298.15 0.0472 1.4061
298.15 0.0938 1.4056
298.15 0.1944 1.4047
298.15 0.2928 1.4037
298.15 0.3946 1.4027
298.15 0.4922 1.4018
298.15 0.5938 1.4007
298.15 0.6929 1.3997
298.15 0.7973 1.3985
298.15 0.8950 1.3974
298.15 1.0000 1.3963
303.15 0.0000 1.4044
303.15 0.0472 1.404
303.15 0.0938 1.4036
303.15 0.1944 1.4026
303.15 0.2928 1.4016
303.15 0.3946 1.4006
303.15 0.4922 1.3996
303.15 0.5938 1.3986
303.15 0.6929 1.3975
303.15 0.7973 1.3964
303.15 0.8950 1.3953
303.15 1.0000 1.3942
308.15 0.0000 1.4023
308.15 0.0472 1.4019
308.15 0.0938 1.4015
308.15 0.1944 1.4005
308.15 0.2928 1.3996
308.15 0.3946 1.3985
308.15 0.4922 1.3975
308.15 0.5938 1.3965
308.15 0.6929 1.3954
308.15 0.7973 1.3943
308.15 0.8950 1.3933
308.15 1.0000 1.3922
313.15 0.0000 1.4003
313.15 0.0472 1.3998
313.15 0.0938 1.3994
313.15 0.1944 1.3984
313.15 0.2928 1.3975
313.15 0.3946 1.3964
313.15 0.4922 1.3954
313.15 0.5938 1.3944
313.15 0.6929 1.3933
313.15 0.7973 1.3922
313.15 0.8950 1.3912
313.15 1.0000 1.3901

Mass density, kg/m3 [ref]

Operational condition: Pressure, kPa = 101 (Liquid)

Fixed Measured
Temperature, K - Liquid Mole fraction of Butanoic acid (1) - Liquid Mass density, kg/m3 - Liquid
293.15 0.0000 939.41
293.15 0.0472 940.14
293.15 0.0938 940.86
293.15 0.1944 942.46
293.15 0.2928 944.08
293.15 0.3946 945.82
293.15 0.4922 947.56
293.15 0.5938 949.45
293.15 0.6929 951.38
293.15 0.7973 953.48
293.15 0.8950 955.52
293.15 1.0000 957.78
298.15 0.0000 934.85
298.15 0.0472 935.55
298.15 0.0938 936.26
298.15 0.1944 937.82
298.15 0.2928 939.4
298.15 0.3946 941.11
298.15 0.4922 942.81
298.15 0.5938 944.66
298.15 0.6929 946.54
298.15 0.7973 948.6
298.15 0.8950 950.6
298.15 1.0000 952.81
303.15 0.0000 930.29
303.15 0.0472 930.96
303.15 0.0938 931.65
303.15 0.1944 933.18
303.15 0.2928 934.73
303.15 0.3946 936.39
303.15 0.4922 938.05
303.15 0.5938 939.87
303.15 0.6929 941.71
303.15 0.7973 943.73
303.15 0.8950 945.68
303.15 1.0000 947.94
308.15 0.0000 925.73
308.15 0.0472 926.37
308.15 0.0938 927.04
308.15 0.1944 928.53
308.15 0.2928 930.05
308.15 0.3946 931.68
308.15 0.4922 933.3
308.15 0.5938 935.08
308.15 0.6929 936.87
308.15 0.7973 938.85
308.15 0.8950 940.76
308.15 1.0000 942.92
313.15 0.0000 921.16
313.15 0.0472 921.78
313.15 0.0938 922.44
313.15 0.1944 923.89
313.15 0.2928 925.37
313.15 0.3946 926.97
313.15 0.4922 928.55
313.15 0.5938 930.29
313.15 0.6929 932.04
313.15 0.7973 933.98
313.15 0.8950 935.84
313.15 1.0000 938.05

Mass density, kg/m3 [ref]

Operational condition: Pressure, kPa = 101 (Liquid)

Fixed Measured
Temperature, K - Liquid Mole fraction of Butanoic acid (1) - Liquid Mass density, kg/m3 - Liquid
293.15 0.0000 939.41
293.15 0.0472 940.14
293.15 0.0938 940.86
293.15 0.1944 942.46
293.15 0.2928 944.08
293.15 0.3946 945.82
293.15 0.4922 947.56
293.15 0.5938 949.45
293.15 0.6929 951.38
293.15 0.7973 953.48
293.15 0.8950 955.52
293.15 1.0000 957.78
298.15 0.0000 934.85
298.15 0.0472 935.55
298.15 0.0938 936.26
298.15 0.1944 937.82
298.15 0.2928 939.4
298.15 0.3946 941.11
298.15 0.4922 942.81
298.15 0.5938 944.66
298.15 0.6929 946.54
298.15 0.7973 948.6
298.15 0.8950 950.6
298.15 1.0000 952.81
303.15 0.0000 930.29
303.15 0.0472 930.96
303.15 0.0938 931.65
303.15 0.1944 933.18
303.15 0.2928 934.73
303.15 0.3946 936.39
303.15 0.4922 938.05
303.15 0.5938 939.87
303.15 0.6929 941.71
303.15 0.7973 943.73
303.15 0.8950 945.68
303.15 1.0000 947.94
308.15 0.0000 925.73
308.15 0.0472 926.37
308.15 0.0938 927.04
308.15 0.1944 928.53
308.15 0.2928 930.05
308.15 0.3946 931.68
308.15 0.4922 933.3
308.15 0.5938 935.08
308.15 0.6929 936.87
308.15 0.7973 938.85
308.15 0.8950 940.76
308.15 1.0000 942.92
313.15 0.0000 921.16
313.15 0.0472 921.78
313.15 0.0938 922.44
313.15 0.1944 923.89
313.15 0.2928 925.37
313.15 0.3946 926.97
313.15 0.4922 928.55
313.15 0.5938 930.29
313.15 0.6929 932.04
313.15 0.7973 933.98
313.15 0.8950 935.84
313.15 1.0000 938.05

Speed of sound, m/s [ref]

Operational conditions:

Fixed Measured
Temperature, K - Liquid Mole fraction of Butanoic acid (1) - Liquid Speed of sound, m/s - Liquid
293.15 0.0000 1234.0
293.15 0.0472 1232.3
293.15 0.0938 1230.6
293.15 0.1944 1226.9
293.15 0.2928 1223.3
293.15 0.3946 1219.5
293.15 0.4922 1215.8
293.15 0.5938 1211.9
293.15 0.6929 1208.0
293.15 0.7973 1203.8
293.15 0.8950 1199.9
293.15 1.0000 1195.5
298.15 0.0000 1216.0
298.15 0.0472 1214.3
298.15 0.0938 1212.6
298.15 0.1944 1208.9
298.15 0.2928 1205.2
298.15 0.3946 1201.4
298.15 0.4922 1197.6
298.15 0.5938 1193.6
298.15 0.6929 1189.7
298.15 0.7973 1185.4
298.15 0.8950 1181.4
298.15 1.0000 1176.9
303.15 0.0000 1197.9
303.15 0.0472 1196.2
303.15 0.0938 1194.5
303.15 0.1944 1190.7
303.15 0.2928 1187.0
303.15 0.3946 1183.1
303.15 0.4922 1179.3
303.15 0.5938 1175.2
303.15 0.6929 1171.2
303.15 0.7973 1166.9
303.15 0.8950 1162.8
303.15 1.0000 1158.2
308.15 0.0000 1179.9
308.15 0.0472 1178.2
308.15 0.0938 1176.5
308.15 0.1944 1172.7
308.15 0.2928 1168.9
308.15 0.3946 1164.9
308.15 0.4922 1161.0
308.15 0.5938 1156.9
308.15 0.6929 1152.9
308.15 0.7973 1148.5
308.15 0.8950 1144.3
308.15 1.0000 1139.7
313.15 0.0000 1162.1
313.15 0.0472 1160.4
313.15 0.0938 1158.6
313.15 0.1944 1154.8
313.15 0.2928 1151.0
313.15 0.3946 1146.9
313.15 0.4922 1143.0
313.15 0.5938 1138.9
313.15 0.6929 1134.7
313.15 0.7973 1130.2
313.15 0.8950 1126.0
313.15 1.0000 1121.3

Speed of sound, m/s [ref]

Operational conditions:

Fixed Measured
Temperature, K - Liquid Mole fraction of Butanoic acid (1) - Liquid Speed of sound, m/s - Liquid
293.15 0.0000 1234.0
293.15 0.0472 1232.3
293.15 0.0938 1230.6
293.15 0.1944 1226.9
293.15 0.2928 1223.3
293.15 0.3946 1219.5
293.15 0.4922 1215.8
293.15 0.5938 1211.9
293.15 0.6929 1208.0
293.15 0.7973 1203.8
293.15 0.8950 1199.9
293.15 1.0000 1195.5
298.15 0.0000 1216.0
298.15 0.0472 1214.3
298.15 0.0938 1212.6
298.15 0.1944 1208.9
298.15 0.2928 1205.2
298.15 0.3946 1201.4
298.15 0.4922 1197.6
298.15 0.5938 1193.6
298.15 0.6929 1189.7
298.15 0.7973 1185.4
298.15 0.8950 1181.4
298.15 1.0000 1176.9
303.15 0.0000 1197.9
303.15 0.0472 1196.2
303.15 0.0938 1194.5
303.15 0.1944 1190.7
303.15 0.2928 1187.0
303.15 0.3946 1183.1
303.15 0.4922 1179.3
303.15 0.5938 1175.2
303.15 0.6929 1171.2
303.15 0.7973 1166.9
303.15 0.8950 1162.8
303.15 1.0000 1158.2
308.15 0.0000 1179.9
308.15 0.0472 1178.2
308.15 0.0938 1176.5
308.15 0.1944 1172.7
308.15 0.2928 1168.9
308.15 0.3946 1164.9
308.15 0.4922 1161.0
308.15 0.5938 1156.9
308.15 0.6929 1152.9
308.15 0.7973 1148.5
308.15 0.8950 1144.3
308.15 1.0000 1139.7
313.15 0.0000 1162.1
313.15 0.0472 1160.4
313.15 0.0938 1158.6
313.15 0.1944 1154.8
313.15 0.2928 1151.0
313.15 0.3946 1146.9
313.15 0.4922 1143.0
313.15 0.5938 1138.9
313.15 0.6929 1134.7
313.15 0.7973 1130.2
313.15 0.8950 1126.0
313.15 1.0000 1121.3

Solid-liquid equilibrium temperature, K [ref]

Operational condition: Pressure, kPa = 84.5 (Liquid)

Mole fraction of Butanoic acid (1) - Liquid Solid-liquid equilibrium temperature, K - Liquid
0.0000 239.00
0.0680 235.00
0.0680 235.00
0.1470 232.00
0.1470 232.00
0.1970 230.00
0.1970 230.00
0.2460 228.00
0.2460 227.00
0.2950 226.00
0.2950 226.00
0.3910 222.00

Solid-liquid equilibrium temperature, K [ref]

Operational condition: Pressure, kPa = 84.5 (Liquid)

Mole fraction of Butanoic acid (1) - Liquid Solid-liquid equilibrium temperature, K - Liquid
0.4400 226.00
0.4400 226.00
0.4910 231.00
0.5120 232.00
0.5120 232.00
0.5850 237.00
0.5850 237.00
0.6420 244.00
0.6420 244.00
0.6870 247.00
0.6870 247.00
0.7360 251.00
0.7360 251.00
0.7820 253.00
0.8040 255.00
0.8040 256.00
0.8320 258.00
0.8320 258.00
0.8820 260.00
0.8820 260.00
0.9300 265.00
0.9300 265.00
0.9790 269.00

Solid-liquid equilibrium temperature, K [ref]

Operational condition: Pressure, kPa = 84.5 (Liquid)

Mole fraction of Butanoic acid (1) - Liquid Solid-liquid equilibrium temperature, K - Liquid
0.0000 239.00
0.0680 235.00
0.0680 235.00
0.1470 232.00
0.1470 232.00
0.1970 230.00
0.1970 230.00
0.2460 228.00
0.2460 227.00
0.2950 226.00
0.2950 226.00
0.3910 222.00

Solid-liquid equilibrium temperature, K [ref]

Operational condition: Pressure, kPa = 84.5 (Liquid)

Mole fraction of Butanoic acid (1) - Liquid Solid-liquid equilibrium temperature, K - Liquid
0.4400 226.00
0.4400 226.00
0.4910 231.00
0.5120 232.00
0.5120 232.00
0.5850 237.00
0.5850 237.00
0.6420 244.00
0.6420 244.00
0.6870 247.00
0.6870 247.00
0.7360 251.00
0.7360 251.00
0.7820 253.00
0.8040 255.00
0.8040 256.00
0.8320 258.00
0.8320 258.00
0.8820 260.00
0.8820 260.00
0.9300 265.00
0.9300 265.00
0.9790 269.00
