Mixture of Diethyl carbonate + Ethanol, 2-ethoxy-


Diethyl carbonate

Diethyl carbonate
InChI Key
Mol. Weight (g/mol)

Ethanol, 2-ethoxy-

Ethanol, 2-ethoxy-
InChI Key
Mol. Weight (g/mol)
Cheméo is a service of Céondo GmbH, since 2007, we provide simulation, modelling and software development services for the industry. Do not hesitate to contact us for your projects.


  1. n0 - Refractive index (Na D-line) (2)
  2. ρl - Mass density, kg/m3 (2)
  3. csound,fluid - Speed of Sound, m/s (2)

Refractive index (Na D-line) [ref]

Operational condition: Pressure, kPa = 100 (Liquid)

Fixed Measured
Temperature, K - Liquid Mole fraction of Diethyl carbonate (1) - Liquid Refractive index (Na D-line) - Liquid
298.15 0.0000 1.4055
298.15 0.0957 1.4036
298.15 0.1529 1.4025
298.15 0.2624 1.4003
298.15 0.3484 1.3985
298.15 0.4447 1.3963
298.15 0.5468 1.3939
298.15 0.6539 1.3912
298.15 0.7721 1.3882
298.15 0.8793 1.3855
298.15 1.0000 1.3825
303.15 0.0000 1.4042
303.15 0.0957 1.4024
303.15 0.1529 1.4012
303.15 0.2624 1.3989
303.15 0.3484 1.397
303.15 0.4447 1.3947
303.15 0.5468 1.3921
303.15 0.6539 1.3894
303.15 0.7721 1.3862
303.15 0.8793 1.3834
303.15 1.0000 1.3802
308.15 0.0000 1.4028
308.15 0.0957 1.4011
308.15 0.1529 1.3999
308.15 0.2624 1.3975
308.15 0.3484 1.3954
308.15 0.4447 1.393
308.15 0.5468 1.3904
308.15 0.6539 1.3875
308.15 0.7721 1.3843
308.15 0.8793 1.3813
308.15 1.0000 1.3779
313.15 0.0000 1.4016
313.15 0.0957 1.3999
313.15 0.1529 1.3987
313.15 0.2624 1.3961
313.15 0.3484 1.3939
313.15 0.4447 1.3914
313.15 0.5468 1.3886
313.15 0.6539 1.3857
313.15 0.7721 1.3823
313.15 0.8793 1.3792
313.15 1.0000 1.3756
318.15 0.0000 1.4001
318.15 0.0957 1.3986
318.15 0.1529 1.3973
318.15 0.2624 1.3946
318.15 0.3484 1.3923
318.15 0.4447 1.3897
318.15 0.5468 1.3868
318.15 0.6539 1.3838
318.15 0.7721 1.3804
318.15 0.8793 1.377
318.15 1.0000 1.3733
323.15 0.0000 1.3988
323.15 0.0957 1.3973
323.15 0.1529 1.396
323.15 0.2624 1.3931
323.15 0.3484 1.3907
323.15 0.4447 1.388
323.15 0.5468 1.3851
323.15 0.6539 1.382
323.15 0.7721 1.3784
323.15 0.8793 1.3749
323.15 1.0000 1.371

Refractive index (Na D-line) [ref]

Operational condition: Pressure, kPa = 100 (Liquid)

Fixed Measured
Temperature, K - Liquid Mole fraction of Diethyl carbonate (1) - Liquid Refractive index (Na D-line) - Liquid
298.15 0.0000 1.4055
298.15 0.0957 1.4036
298.15 0.1529 1.4025
298.15 0.2624 1.4003
298.15 0.3484 1.3985
298.15 0.4447 1.3963
298.15 0.5468 1.3939
298.15 0.6539 1.3912
298.15 0.7721 1.3882
298.15 0.8793 1.3855
298.15 1.0000 1.3825
303.15 0.0000 1.4042
303.15 0.0957 1.4024
303.15 0.1529 1.4012
303.15 0.2624 1.3989
303.15 0.3484 1.397
303.15 0.4447 1.3947
303.15 0.5468 1.3921
303.15 0.6539 1.3894
303.15 0.7721 1.3862
303.15 0.8793 1.3834
303.15 1.0000 1.3802
308.15 0.0000 1.4028
308.15 0.0957 1.4011
308.15 0.1529 1.3999
308.15 0.2624 1.3975
308.15 0.3484 1.3954
308.15 0.4447 1.393
308.15 0.5468 1.3904
308.15 0.6539 1.3875
308.15 0.7721 1.3843
308.15 0.8793 1.3813
308.15 1.0000 1.3779
313.15 0.0000 1.4016
313.15 0.0957 1.3999
313.15 0.1529 1.3987
313.15 0.2624 1.3961
313.15 0.3484 1.3939
313.15 0.4447 1.3914
313.15 0.5468 1.3886
313.15 0.6539 1.3857
313.15 0.7721 1.3823
313.15 0.8793 1.3792
313.15 1.0000 1.3756
318.15 0.0000 1.4001
318.15 0.0957 1.3986
318.15 0.1529 1.3973
318.15 0.2624 1.3946
318.15 0.3484 1.3923
318.15 0.4447 1.3897
318.15 0.5468 1.3868
318.15 0.6539 1.3838
318.15 0.7721 1.3804
318.15 0.8793 1.377
318.15 1.0000 1.3733
323.15 0.0000 1.3988
323.15 0.0957 1.3973
323.15 0.1529 1.396
323.15 0.2624 1.3931
323.15 0.3484 1.3907
323.15 0.4447 1.388
323.15 0.5468 1.3851
323.15 0.6539 1.382
323.15 0.7721 1.3784
323.15 0.8793 1.3749
323.15 1.0000 1.371

Mass density, kg/m3 [ref]

Operational condition: Pressure, kPa = 100 (Liquid)

Fixed Measured
Temperature, K - Liquid Mole fraction of Diethyl carbonate (1) - Liquid Mass density, kg/m3 - Liquid
298.15 0.0000 925.54
298.15 0.0957 929.94
298.15 0.1529 932.54
298.15 0.2624 937.43
298.15 0.3484 941.21
298.15 0.4447 945.38
298.15 0.5468 949.76
298.15 0.6539 954.3
298.15 0.7721 959.31
298.15 0.8793 963.87
298.15 1.0000 969.1
303.15 0.0000 920.99
303.15 0.0957 925.24
303.15 0.1529 927.76
303.15 0.2624 932.5
303.15 0.3484 936.17
303.15 0.4447 940.24
303.15 0.5468 944.5
303.15 0.6539 948.94
303.15 0.7721 953.83
303.15 0.8793 958.31
303.15 1.0000 963.47
308.15 0.0000 916.41
308.15 0.0957 920.51
308.15 0.1529 922.94
308.15 0.2624 927.54
308.15 0.3484 931.11
308.15 0.4447 935.08
308.15 0.5468 939.21
308.15 0.6539 943.54
308.15 0.7721 948.31
308.15 0.8793 952.72
308.15 1.0000 957.81
313.15 0.0000 911.8
313.15 0.0957 915.76
313.15 0.1529 918.09
313.15 0.2624 922.55
313.15 0.3484 926.0
313.15 0.4447 929.84
313.15 0.5468 933.88
313.15 0.6539 938.09
313.15 0.7721 942.77
313.15 0.8793 947.11
313.15 1.0000 952.13
318.15 0.0000 907.15
318.15 0.0957 910.93
318.15 0.1529 913.21
318.15 0.2624 917.51
318.15 0.3484 920.86
318.15 0.4447 924.57
318.15 0.5468 928.49
318.15 0.6539 932.6
318.15 0.7721 937.19
318.15 0.8793 941.45
318.15 1.0000 946.43
323.15 0.0000 902.46
323.15 0.0957 906.11
323.15 0.1529 908.28
323.15 0.2624 912.44
323.15 0.3484 915.7
323.15 0.4447 919.3
323.15 0.5468 923.1
323.15 0.6539 927.1
323.15 0.7721 931.58
323.15 0.8793 935.76
323.15 1.0000 940.69

Mass density, kg/m3 [ref]

Operational condition: Pressure, kPa = 100 (Liquid)

Fixed Measured
Temperature, K - Liquid Mole fraction of Diethyl carbonate (1) - Liquid Mass density, kg/m3 - Liquid
298.15 0.0000 925.54
298.15 0.0957 929.94
298.15 0.1529 932.54
298.15 0.2624 937.43
298.15 0.3484 941.21
298.15 0.4447 945.38
298.15 0.5468 949.76
298.15 0.6539 954.3
298.15 0.7721 959.31
298.15 0.8793 963.87
298.15 1.0000 969.1
303.15 0.0000 920.99
303.15 0.0957 925.24
303.15 0.1529 927.76
303.15 0.2624 932.5
303.15 0.3484 936.17
303.15 0.4447 940.24
303.15 0.5468 944.5
303.15 0.6539 948.94
303.15 0.7721 953.83
303.15 0.8793 958.31
303.15 1.0000 963.47
308.15 0.0000 916.41
308.15 0.0957 920.51
308.15 0.1529 922.94
308.15 0.2624 927.54
308.15 0.3484 931.11
308.15 0.4447 935.08
308.15 0.5468 939.21
308.15 0.6539 943.54
308.15 0.7721 948.31
308.15 0.8793 952.72
308.15 1.0000 957.81
313.15 0.0000 911.8
313.15 0.0957 915.76
313.15 0.1529 918.09
313.15 0.2624 922.55
313.15 0.3484 926.0
313.15 0.4447 929.84
313.15 0.5468 933.88
313.15 0.6539 938.09
313.15 0.7721 942.77
313.15 0.8793 947.11
313.15 1.0000 952.13
318.15 0.0000 907.15
318.15 0.0957 910.93
318.15 0.1529 913.21
318.15 0.2624 917.51
318.15 0.3484 920.86
318.15 0.4447 924.57
318.15 0.5468 928.49
318.15 0.6539 932.6
318.15 0.7721 937.19
318.15 0.8793 941.45
318.15 1.0000 946.43
323.15 0.0000 902.46
323.15 0.0957 906.11
323.15 0.1529 908.28
323.15 0.2624 912.44
323.15 0.3484 915.7
323.15 0.4447 919.3
323.15 0.5468 923.1
323.15 0.6539 927.1
323.15 0.7721 931.58
323.15 0.8793 935.76
323.15 1.0000 940.69

Speed of sound, m/s [ref]

Operational conditions:

Fixed Measured
Temperature, K - Liquid Mole fraction of Diethyl carbonate (1) - Liquid Speed of sound, m/s - Liquid
298.15 0.0000 1302.81
298.15 0.0957 1287.05
298.15 0.1529 1278.3
298.15 0.2624 1262.2
298.15 0.3484 1249.95
298.15 0.4447 1236.66
298.15 0.5468 1223.5
298.15 0.6539 1210.85
298.15 0.7721 1198.32
298.15 0.8793 1188.0
298.15 1.0000 1177.46
303.15 0.0000 1285.05
303.15 0.0957 1268.93
303.15 0.1529 1259.85
303.15 0.2624 1243.38
303.15 0.3484 1230.72
303.15 0.4447 1217.28
303.15 0.5468 1204.02
303.15 0.6539 1191.1
303.15 0.7721 1178.35
303.15 0.8793 1167.75
303.15 1.0000 1156.94
308.15 0.0000 1267.32
308.15 0.0957 1250.68
308.15 0.1529 1241.35
308.15 0.2624 1224.56
308.15 0.3484 1211.93
308.15 0.4447 1198.34
308.15 0.5468 1184.74
308.15 0.6539 1171.56
308.15 0.7721 1158.37
308.15 0.8793 1147.58
308.15 1.0000 1136.62
313.15 0.0000 1249.63
313.15 0.0957 1232.45
313.15 0.1529 1223.02
313.15 0.2624 1205.91
313.15 0.3484 1193.05
313.15 0.4447 1179.31
313.15 0.5468 1165.63
313.15 0.6539 1152.09
313.15 0.7721 1138.63
313.15 0.8793 1127.54
313.15 1.0000 1116.45
318.15 0.0000 1231.95
318.15 0.0957 1214.38
318.15 0.1529 1204.6
318.15 0.2624 1187.23
318.15 0.3484 1174.32
318.15 0.4447 1160.42
318.15 0.5468 1146.57
318.15 0.6539 1132.84
318.15 0.7721 1118.99
318.15 0.8793 1107.76
318.15 1.0000 1096.47
323.15 0.0000 1214.29
323.15 0.0957 1196.28
323.15 0.1529 1186.32
323.15 0.2624 1168.68
323.15 0.3484 1155.63
323.15 0.4447 1141.57
323.15 0.5468 1127.53
323.15 0.6539 1113.64
323.15 0.7721 1099.63
323.15 0.8793 1088.1
323.15 1.0000 1076.66

Speed of sound, m/s [ref]

Operational conditions:

Fixed Measured
Temperature, K - Liquid Mole fraction of Diethyl carbonate (1) - Liquid Speed of sound, m/s - Liquid
298.15 0.0000 1302.81
298.15 0.0957 1287.05
298.15 0.1529 1278.3
298.15 0.2624 1262.2
298.15 0.3484 1249.95
298.15 0.4447 1236.66
298.15 0.5468 1223.5
298.15 0.6539 1210.85
298.15 0.7721 1198.32
298.15 0.8793 1188.0
298.15 1.0000 1177.46
303.15 0.0000 1285.05
303.15 0.0957 1268.93
303.15 0.1529 1259.85
303.15 0.2624 1243.38
303.15 0.3484 1230.72
303.15 0.4447 1217.28
303.15 0.5468 1204.02
303.15 0.6539 1191.1
303.15 0.7721 1178.35
303.15 0.8793 1167.75
303.15 1.0000 1156.94
308.15 0.0000 1267.32
308.15 0.0957 1250.68
308.15 0.1529 1241.35
308.15 0.2624 1224.56
308.15 0.3484 1211.93
308.15 0.4447 1198.34
308.15 0.5468 1184.74
308.15 0.6539 1171.56
308.15 0.7721 1158.37
308.15 0.8793 1147.58
308.15 1.0000 1136.62
313.15 0.0000 1249.63
313.15 0.0957 1232.45
313.15 0.1529 1223.02
313.15 0.2624 1205.91
313.15 0.3484 1193.05
313.15 0.4447 1179.31
313.15 0.5468 1165.63
313.15 0.6539 1152.09
313.15 0.7721 1138.63
313.15 0.8793 1127.54
313.15 1.0000 1116.45
318.15 0.0000 1231.95
318.15 0.0957 1214.38
318.15 0.1529 1204.6
318.15 0.2624 1187.23
318.15 0.3484 1174.32
318.15 0.4447 1160.42
318.15 0.5468 1146.57
318.15 0.6539 1132.84
318.15 0.7721 1118.99
318.15 0.8793 1107.76
318.15 1.0000 1096.47
323.15 0.0000 1214.29
323.15 0.0957 1196.28
323.15 0.1529 1186.32
323.15 0.2624 1168.68
323.15 0.3484 1155.63
323.15 0.4447 1141.57
323.15 0.5468 1127.53
323.15 0.6539 1113.64
323.15 0.7721 1099.63
323.15 0.8793 1088.1
323.15 1.0000 1076.66
