Mixture of Propane + Fluoroform



InChI Key
Mol. Weight (g/mol)


InChI Key
Mol. Weight (g/mol)
Cheméo is a service of Céondo GmbH, since 2007, we provide simulation, modelling and software development services for the industry. Do not hesitate to contact us for your projects.


  1. Mole fraction (4)
  2. Pc - Critical pressure, kPa (2)
  3. Pvap - Vapor or sublimation pressure, kPa (4)
  4. Tc - Critical temperature, K (2)
  5. Vapor or sublimation pressure, kPa (2)

Mole fraction of Fluoroform (2) [ref]

Fixed Measured
Temperature, K - Gas Mole fraction of Fluoroform (2) - Liquid Mole fraction of Fluoroform (2) - Gas
283.15 0.0000 0.0000
283.15 0.0317 0.2610
283.15 0.0657 0.4111
283.15 0.1142 0.5186
283.15 0.1545 0.5865
283.15 0.2030 0.6343
283.15 0.3190 0.6928
283.15 0.4203 0.7260
283.15 0.5494 0.7622
283.15 0.7001 0.8156
283.15 1.0000 1.0000
293.15 0.0000 0.0000
293.15 0.0487 0.3084
293.15 0.1110 0.4784
293.15 0.1711 0.5645
293.15 0.2366 0.6148
293.15 0.3251 0.6606
293.15 0.4409 0.7082
293.15 0.5662 0.7527
293.15 0.6814 0.7921
293.15 0.7873 0.8414
293.15 1.0000 1.0000
303.15 0.0000 0.0000
303.15 0.0427 0.2397
303.15 0.1061 0.4226
303.15 0.1543 0.4980
303.15 0.2301 0.5674
303.15 0.3056 0.6110
303.15 0.4332 0.6699
303.15 0.5318 0.7007
303.15 0.6962 0.7548
313.15 0.0000 0.0000
313.15 0.0526 0.2508
313.15 0.1485 0.4420
313.15 0.2203 0.5143
313.15 0.3233 0.5759
313.15 0.4263 0.6183
313.15 0.4831 0.6274

Mole fraction of Fluoroform (2) [ref]

Fixed Measured
Mole fraction of Fluoroform (2) - Liquid Temperature, K - Liquid Mole fraction of Fluoroform (2) - Gas
0.0000 293.18 0.0000
0.0530 293.18 0.3410
0.1200 293.18 0.5080
0.3220 293.18 0.6700
0.4530 293.18 0.7170
0.6250 293.18 0.7690
0.6870 293.18 0.7920
0.7760 293.18 0.8300
0.9060 293.18 0.9150
0.9370 293.18 0.9400
0.9480 293.18 0.9490
0.9540 293.18 0.9550
0.9590 293.18 0.9600
0.9660 293.18 0.9670
0.9700 293.18 0.9700
0.9740 293.18 0.9740
0.9770 293.18 0.9770
0.9820 293.18 0.9820
0.9860 293.18 0.9860
0.9920 293.18 0.9910
1.0000 293.18 1.0000
0.0000 298.15 0.0000
0.0750 298.15 0.3870
0.3140 298.15 0.6480
0.1700 298.15 0.5500
0.4840 298.15 0.7090
0.6100 298.15 0.7470
0.7200 298.15 0.7880
0.8190 298.15 0.8410
0.8400 298.15 0.8540
0.8500 298.15 0.8620
0.8710 298.15 0.8780
0.8830 298.15 0.8880
0.9060 298.15 0.9060
0.9270 298.15 0.9270
0.9570 298.15 0.9570
0.9640 298.15 0.9640
0.9680 298.15 0.9680
0.9800 298.15 0.9790
0.9880 298.15 0.9880
1.0000 298.15 1.0000
0.0000 313.15 0.0000
0.0570 313.15 0.2740
0.1730 313.15 0.4810
0.2780 313.15 0.5580
0.3540 313.15 0.5920
0.4600 313.15 0.6230
0.5120 313.15 0.6290
0.5500 313.15 0.6300
0.5760 313.15 0.6230
0.0000 323.15 0.0000
0.0400 323.15 0.1820
0.0600 323.15 0.2390
0.0970 323.15 0.3270
0.1280 323.15 0.3740
0.1720 323.15 0.4310
0.2570 323.15 0.4910
0.3070 323.15 0.5050
0.3660 323.15 0.5230
0.4060 323.15 0.5300
0.4370 323.15 0.5270
0.4470 323.15 0.5230
0.0000 353.15 0.0000
0.0180 353.15 0.0480
0.0250 353.15 0.0630
0.0460 353.15 0.1040
0.0620 353.15 0.1330
0.0850 353.15 0.1630
0.0920 353.15 0.1700
0.0960 353.15 0.1730
0.1050 353.15 0.1820
0.1150 353.15 0.1890
0.1250 353.15 0.1950

Mole fraction of Fluoroform (2) [ref]

Fixed Measured
Temperature, K - Gas Mole fraction of Fluoroform (2) - Liquid Mole fraction of Fluoroform (2) - Gas
283.15 0.0000 0.0000
283.15 0.0317 0.2610
283.15 0.0657 0.4111
283.15 0.1142 0.5186
283.15 0.1545 0.5865
283.15 0.2030 0.6343
283.15 0.3190 0.6928
283.15 0.4203 0.7260
283.15 0.5494 0.7622
283.15 0.7001 0.8156
283.15 1.0000 1.0000
293.15 0.0000 0.0000
293.15 0.0487 0.3084
293.15 0.1110 0.4784
293.15 0.1711 0.5645
293.15 0.2366 0.6148
293.15 0.3251 0.6606
293.15 0.4409 0.7082
293.15 0.5662 0.7527
293.15 0.6814 0.7921
293.15 0.7873 0.8414
293.15 1.0000 1.0000
303.15 0.0000 0.0000
303.15 0.0427 0.2397
303.15 0.1061 0.4226
303.15 0.1543 0.4980
303.15 0.2301 0.5674
303.15 0.3056 0.6110
303.15 0.4332 0.6699
303.15 0.5318 0.7007
303.15 0.6962 0.7548
313.15 0.0000 0.0000
313.15 0.0526 0.2508
313.15 0.1485 0.4420
313.15 0.2203 0.5143
313.15 0.3233 0.5759
313.15 0.4263 0.6183
313.15 0.4831 0.6274

Mole fraction of Fluoroform (2) [ref]

Fixed Measured
Mole fraction of Fluoroform (2) - Liquid Temperature, K - Liquid Mole fraction of Fluoroform (2) - Gas
0.0000 293.18 0.0000
0.0530 293.18 0.3410
0.1200 293.18 0.5080
0.3220 293.18 0.6700
0.4530 293.18 0.7170
0.6250 293.18 0.7690
0.6870 293.18 0.7920
0.7760 293.18 0.8300
0.9060 293.18 0.9150
0.9370 293.18 0.9400
0.9480 293.18 0.9490
0.9540 293.18 0.9550
0.9590 293.18 0.9600
0.9660 293.18 0.9670
0.9700 293.18 0.9700
0.9740 293.18 0.9740
0.9770 293.18 0.9770
0.9820 293.18 0.9820
0.9860 293.18 0.9860
0.9920 293.18 0.9910
1.0000 293.18 1.0000
0.0000 298.15 0.0000
0.0750 298.15 0.3870
0.3140 298.15 0.6480
0.1700 298.15 0.5500
0.4840 298.15 0.7090
0.6100 298.15 0.7470
0.7200 298.15 0.7880
0.8190 298.15 0.8410
0.8400 298.15 0.8540
0.8500 298.15 0.8620
0.8710 298.15 0.8780
0.8830 298.15 0.8880
0.9060 298.15 0.9060
0.9270 298.15 0.9270
0.9570 298.15 0.9570
0.9640 298.15 0.9640
0.9680 298.15 0.9680
0.9800 298.15 0.9790
0.9880 298.15 0.9880
1.0000 298.15 1.0000
0.0000 313.15 0.0000
0.0570 313.15 0.2740
0.1730 313.15 0.4810
0.2780 313.15 0.5580
0.3540 313.15 0.5920
0.4600 313.15 0.6230
0.5120 313.15 0.6290
0.5500 313.15 0.6300
0.5760 313.15 0.6230
0.0000 323.15 0.0000
0.0400 323.15 0.1820
0.0600 323.15 0.2390
0.0970 323.15 0.3270
0.1280 323.15 0.3740
0.1720 323.15 0.4310
0.2570 323.15 0.4910
0.3070 323.15 0.5050
0.3660 323.15 0.5230
0.4060 323.15 0.5300
0.4370 323.15 0.5270
0.4470 323.15 0.5230
0.0000 353.15 0.0000
0.0180 353.15 0.0480
0.0250 353.15 0.0630
0.0460 353.15 0.1040
0.0620 353.15 0.1330
0.0850 353.15 0.1630
0.0920 353.15 0.1700
0.0960 353.15 0.1730
0.1050 353.15 0.1820
0.1150 353.15 0.1890
0.1250 353.15 0.1950

Critical pressure, kPa [ref]

Mole fraction of Fluoroform (2) - Liquid Critical pressure, kPa - Liquid
0.0710 4610.00
0.2210 5080.00
0.3250 5320.00
0.3260 5280.00
0.4340 5370.00
0.5690 5070.00
0.6240 4970.00
0.7060 4820.00
Mole fraction of Fluoroform (2)
Critical pressure, kPa

Critical pressure, kPa [ref]

Mole fraction of Fluoroform (2) - Liquid Critical pressure, kPa - Liquid
0.0710 4610.00
0.2210 5080.00
0.3250 5320.00
0.3260 5280.00
0.4340 5370.00
0.5690 5070.00
0.6240 4970.00
0.7060 4820.00
Mole fraction of Fluoroform (2)
Critical pressure, kPa

Vapor or sublimation pressure, kPa [ref]

Fixed Measured
Mole fraction of Fluoroform (2) - Liquid Temperature, K - Liquid Vapor or sublimation pressure, kPa - Liquid
0.0000 293.18 836.80
0.0530 293.18 1353.80
0.1200 293.18 1859.40
0.3220 293.18 2811.80
0.4530 293.18 3197.90
0.6250 293.18 3600.20
0.6870 293.18 3734.50
0.7760 293.18 3925.80
0.9060 293.18 4141.90
0.9370 293.18 4170.30
0.9480 293.18 4176.90
0.9540 293.18 4180.00
0.9590 293.18 4179.70
0.9660 293.18 4181.90
0.9700 293.18 4182.30
0.9740 293.18 4182.10
0.9770 293.18 4182.20
0.9820 293.18 4180.50
0.9860 293.18 4179.00
0.9920 293.18 4178.70
1.0000 293.18 4171.70
0.0000 298.15 950.80
0.0750 298.15 1683.10
0.3140 298.15 3065.10
0.1700 298.15 2362.10
0.4840 298.15 3616.40
0.6100 298.15 3960.40
0.7200 298.15 4246.40
0.8190 298.15 4494.90
0.8400 298.15 4541.10
0.8500 298.15 4564.40
0.8710 298.15 4606.70
0.8830 298.15 4628.70
0.9060 298.15 4668.60
0.9270 298.15 4694.40
0.9570 298.15 4718.00
0.9640 298.15 4719.10
0.9680 298.15 4720.60
0.9800 298.15 4721.70
0.9880 298.15 4720.80
1.0000 298.15 4709.30
0.0000 313.15 1380.10
0.0570 313.15 2038.80
0.1730 313.15 3067.40
0.2780 313.15 3740.90
0.3540 313.15 4140.80
0.4600 313.15 4605.40
0.5120 313.15 4803.80
0.5500 313.15 4932.40
0.5760 313.15 5000.60
0.0000 323.15 1713.00
0.0400 323.15 2226.40
0.0600 323.15 2452.50
0.0970 323.15 2850.30
0.1280 323.15 3157.20
0.1720 323.15 3554.10
0.2570 323.15 4181.00
0.3070 323.15 4498.20
0.3660 323.15 4832.60
0.4060 323.15 5028.70
0.4370 323.15 5150.40
0.4470 323.15 5189.50
0.0000 353.15 3135.40
0.0180 353.15 3420.40
0.0250 353.15 3501.00
0.0460 353.15 3794.90
0.0620 353.15 4001.50
0.0850 353.15 4283.10
0.0920 353.15 4370.80
0.0960 353.15 4419.80
0.1050 353.15 4521.80
0.1150 353.15 4625.60
0.1250 353.15 4720.80

Vapor or sublimation pressure, kPa [ref]

Fixed Measured
Mole fraction of Fluoroform (2) - Gas Temperature, K - Liquid Vapor or sublimation pressure, kPa - Liquid
0.9550 293.18 4177.40
0.9620 298.15 4718.40
0.2370 323.15 2439.00
0.4180 323.15 3513.00
0.4850 323.15 4074.80

Vapor or sublimation pressure, kPa [ref]

Fixed Measured
Mole fraction of Fluoroform (2) - Liquid Temperature, K - Liquid Vapor or sublimation pressure, kPa - Liquid
0.0000 293.18 836.80
0.0530 293.18 1353.80
0.1200 293.18 1859.40
0.3220 293.18 2811.80
0.4530 293.18 3197.90
0.6250 293.18 3600.20
0.6870 293.18 3734.50
0.7760 293.18 3925.80
0.9060 293.18 4141.90
0.9370 293.18 4170.30
0.9480 293.18 4176.90
0.9540 293.18 4180.00
0.9590 293.18 4179.70
0.9660 293.18 4181.90
0.9700 293.18 4182.30
0.9740 293.18 4182.10
0.9770 293.18 4182.20
0.9820 293.18 4180.50
0.9860 293.18 4179.00
0.9920 293.18 4178.70
1.0000 293.18 4171.70
0.0000 298.15 950.80
0.0750 298.15 1683.10
0.3140 298.15 3065.10
0.1700 298.15 2362.10
0.4840 298.15 3616.40
0.6100 298.15 3960.40
0.7200 298.15 4246.40
0.8190 298.15 4494.90
0.8400 298.15 4541.10
0.8500 298.15 4564.40
0.8710 298.15 4606.70
0.8830 298.15 4628.70
0.9060 298.15 4668.60
0.9270 298.15 4694.40
0.9570 298.15 4718.00
0.9640 298.15 4719.10
0.9680 298.15 4720.60
0.9800 298.15 4721.70
0.9880 298.15 4720.80
1.0000 298.15 4709.30
0.0000 313.15 1380.10
0.0570 313.15 2038.80
0.1730 313.15 3067.40
0.2780 313.15 3740.90
0.3540 313.15 4140.80
0.4600 313.15 4605.40
0.5120 313.15 4803.80
0.5500 313.15 4932.40
0.5760 313.15 5000.60
0.0000 323.15 1713.00
0.0400 323.15 2226.40
0.0600 323.15 2452.50
0.0970 323.15 2850.30
0.1280 323.15 3157.20
0.1720 323.15 3554.10
0.2570 323.15 4181.00
0.3070 323.15 4498.20
0.3660 323.15 4832.60
0.4060 323.15 5028.70
0.4370 323.15 5150.40
0.4470 323.15 5189.50
0.0000 353.15 3135.40
0.0180 353.15 3420.40
0.0250 353.15 3501.00
0.0460 353.15 3794.90
0.0620 353.15 4001.50
0.0850 353.15 4283.10
0.0920 353.15 4370.80
0.0960 353.15 4419.80
0.1050 353.15 4521.80
0.1150 353.15 4625.60
0.1250 353.15 4720.80

Vapor or sublimation pressure, kPa [ref]

Fixed Measured
Mole fraction of Fluoroform (2) - Gas Temperature, K - Liquid Vapor or sublimation pressure, kPa - Liquid
0.9550 293.18 4177.40
0.9620 298.15 4718.40
0.2370 323.15 2439.00
0.4180 323.15 3513.00
0.4850 323.15 4074.80

Critical temperature, K [ref]

Mole fraction of Fluoroform (2) - Liquid Critical temperature, K - Liquid
0.0710 364.20
0.2210 351.90
0.3250 342.00
0.3260 342.10
0.4340 331.30
0.5690 313.90
0.6240 311.30
0.7060 306.50
Mole fraction of Fluoroform (2)
Critical temperature, K

Critical temperature, K [ref]

Mole fraction of Fluoroform (2) - Liquid Critical temperature, K - Liquid
0.0710 364.20
0.2210 351.90
0.3250 342.00
0.3260 342.10
0.4340 331.30
0.5690 313.90
0.6240 311.30
0.7060 306.50
Mole fraction of Fluoroform (2)
Critical temperature, K

Vapor or sublimation pressure, kPa [ref]

Fixed Measured
Temperature, K - Gas Mole fraction of Fluoroform (2) - Liquid Vapor or sublimation pressure, kPa - Gas
283.15 0.0000 638.00
283.15 0.0317 908.00
283.15 0.0657 1157.00
283.15 0.1142 1470.00
283.15 0.1545 1676.00
283.15 0.2030 1896.00
283.15 0.3190 2288.00
283.15 0.4203 2540.00
283.15 0.5494 2770.00
283.15 0.7001 3013.00
283.15 1.0000 3246.00
293.15 0.0000 840.00
293.15 0.0487 1283.00
293.15 0.1110 1753.00
293.15 0.1711 2106.00
293.15 0.2366 2442.00
293.15 0.3251 2794.00
293.15 0.4409 3144.00
293.15 0.5662 3467.00
293.15 0.6814 3727.00
293.15 0.7873 3953.00
293.15 1.0000 4158.00
303.15 0.0000 1083.00
303.15 0.0427 1503.00
303.15 0.1061 2056.00
303.15 0.1543 2410.00
303.15 0.2301 2862.00
303.15 0.3056 3254.00
303.15 0.4332 3769.00
303.15 0.5318 4113.00
303.15 0.6962 4617.00
313.15 0.0000 1375.00
313.15 0.0526 1961.00
313.15 0.1485 2806.00
313.15 0.2203 3316.00
313.15 0.3233 3914.00
313.15 0.4263 4408.00
313.15 0.4831 4671.00

Vapor or sublimation pressure, kPa [ref]

Fixed Measured
Temperature, K - Gas Mole fraction of Fluoroform (2) - Liquid Vapor or sublimation pressure, kPa - Gas
283.15 0.0000 638.00
283.15 0.0317 908.00
283.15 0.0657 1157.00
283.15 0.1142 1470.00
283.15 0.1545 1676.00
283.15 0.2030 1896.00
283.15 0.3190 2288.00
283.15 0.4203 2540.00
283.15 0.5494 2770.00
283.15 0.7001 3013.00
283.15 1.0000 3246.00
293.15 0.0000 840.00
293.15 0.0487 1283.00
293.15 0.1110 1753.00
293.15 0.1711 2106.00
293.15 0.2366 2442.00
293.15 0.3251 2794.00
293.15 0.4409 3144.00
293.15 0.5662 3467.00
293.15 0.6814 3727.00
293.15 0.7873 3953.00
293.15 1.0000 4158.00
303.15 0.0000 1083.00
303.15 0.0427 1503.00
303.15 0.1061 2056.00
303.15 0.1543 2410.00
303.15 0.2301 2862.00
303.15 0.3056 3254.00
303.15 0.4332 3769.00
303.15 0.5318 4113.00
303.15 0.6962 4617.00
313.15 0.0000 1375.00
313.15 0.0526 1961.00
313.15 0.1485 2806.00
313.15 0.2203 3316.00
313.15 0.3233 3914.00
313.15 0.4263 4408.00
313.15 0.4831 4671.00
