Mixture of Dimethyl Sulfoxide + Methyl Alcohol


Dimethyl Sulfoxide

Dimethyl Sulfoxide
InChI Key
Mol. Weight (g/mol)

Methyl Alcohol

Methyl Alcohol
InChI Key
Mol. Weight (g/mol)
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  1. Mole fraction (2)
  2. Cp,liquid - Molar heat capacity at constant pressure, J/K/mol (2)
  3. η - Viscosity, Pa*s (2)
  4. Excess molar enthalpy (molar enthalpy (2)
  5. ρl - Mass density, kg/m3 (2)
  6. γ - Surface tension liquid-gas, N/m (2)
  7. Tboil - Boiling temperature at pressure P, K (2)

Mole fraction of Methyl Alcohol (2) [ref]

Operational condition: Pressure, kPa = 101.3 (Liquid)

Mole fraction of Methyl Alcohol (2) - Liquid Mole fraction of Methyl Alcohol (2) - Gas
0.9570 1.0000
0.8950 1.0000
0.7970 0.9990
0.7320 0.9970
0.6770 0.9960
0.5950 0.9930
0.4900 0.9850
0.3940 0.9730
0.3130 0.9520
0.2490 0.9240
0.2000 0.8890
0.1640 0.8510
0.1200 0.7780
0.0830 0.6730
0.0450 0.4870
0.0270 0.3410
0.0140 0.2060
0.0040 0.0670
Mole fraction of Methyl Alcohol (2)
Mole fraction of Methyl Alcohol (2)

Mole fraction of Methyl Alcohol (2) [ref]

Operational condition: Pressure, kPa = 101.3 (Liquid)

Mole fraction of Methyl Alcohol (2) - Liquid Mole fraction of Methyl Alcohol (2) - Gas
0.9570 1.0000
0.8950 1.0000
0.7970 0.9990
0.7320 0.9970
0.6770 0.9960
0.5950 0.9930
0.4900 0.9850
0.3940 0.9730
0.3130 0.9520
0.2490 0.9240
0.2000 0.8890
0.1640 0.8510
0.1200 0.7780
0.0830 0.6730
0.0450 0.4870
0.0270 0.3410
0.0140 0.2060
0.0040 0.0670
Mole fraction of Methyl Alcohol (2)
Mole fraction of Methyl Alcohol (2)

Molar heat capacity at constant pressure, J/K/mol [ref]

Operational conditions:

Mole fraction of Dimethyl Sulfoxide (1) - Liquid Molar heat capacity at constant pressure, J/K/mol - Liquid
0.0308 84.00
0.0610 85.80
0.1103 88.30
0.1970 93.90
0.2818 97.80
0.3571 102.30
0.4676 109.70
0.5886 116.10
0.6833 124.60
0.8398 137.50
0.9068 142.50
0.9230 144.60
Mole fraction of Dimethyl Sulfoxide (1)
Molar heat capacity at constant pressure, J/K/mol

Molar heat capacity at constant pressure, J/K/mol [ref]

Operational conditions:

Mole fraction of Dimethyl Sulfoxide (1) - Liquid Molar heat capacity at constant pressure, J/K/mol - Liquid
0.0308 84.00
0.0610 85.80
0.1103 88.30
0.1970 93.90
0.2818 97.80
0.3571 102.30
0.4676 109.70
0.5886 116.10
0.6833 124.60
0.8398 137.50
0.9068 142.50
0.9230 144.60
Mole fraction of Dimethyl Sulfoxide (1)
Molar heat capacity at constant pressure, J/K/mol

Viscosity, Pa*s [ref]

Operational condition: Pressure, kPa = 101 (Liquid)

Fixed Measured
Temperature, K - Liquid Mole fraction of Dimethyl Sulfoxide (1) - Liquid Viscosity, Pa*s - Liquid
303.15 0.0000 0.0005
303.15 0.0998 0.0006
303.15 0.2004 0.0007
303.15 0.3007 0.0008
303.15 0.3998 0.0009
303.15 0.4996 0.0010
303.15 0.6008 0.0011
303.15 0.6990 0.0013
303.15 0.8011 0.0014
303.15 0.8997 0.0016
303.15 1.0000 0.0018
308.15 0.0000 0.0005
308.15 0.0998 0.0006
308.15 0.2004 0.0006
308.15 0.3007 0.0007
308.15 0.3998 0.0008
308.15 0.4996 0.0009
308.15 0.6008 0.0010
308.15 0.6990 0.0012
308.15 0.8011 0.0013
308.15 0.8997 0.0015
308.15 1.0000 0.0017
313.15 0.0000 0.0005
313.15 0.0998 0.0005
313.15 0.2004 0.0006
313.15 0.3007 0.0007
313.15 0.3998 0.0008
313.15 0.4996 0.0009
313.15 0.6008 0.0010
313.15 0.6990 0.0011
313.15 0.8011 0.0012
313.15 0.8997 0.0014
313.15 1.0000 0.0015
318.15 0.0000 0.0004
318.15 0.0998 0.0005
318.15 0.2004 0.0006
318.15 0.3007 0.0006
318.15 0.3998 0.0007
318.15 0.4996 0.0008
318.15 0.6008 0.0009
318.15 0.6990 0.0010
318.15 0.8011 0.0011
318.15 0.8997 0.0013
318.15 1.0000 0.0014
323.15 0.0000 0.0004
323.15 0.0998 0.0005
323.15 0.2004 0.0005
323.15 0.3007 0.0006
323.15 0.3998 0.0007
323.15 0.4996 0.0007
323.15 0.6008 0.0008
323.15 0.6990 0.0009
323.15 0.8011 0.0010
323.15 0.8997 0.0012
323.15 1.0000 0.0013

Viscosity, Pa*s [ref]

Operational condition: Pressure, kPa = 101 (Liquid)

Fixed Measured
Temperature, K - Liquid Mole fraction of Dimethyl Sulfoxide (1) - Liquid Viscosity, Pa*s - Liquid
303.15 0.0000 0.0005
303.15 0.0998 0.0006
303.15 0.2004 0.0007
303.15 0.3007 0.0008
303.15 0.3998 0.0009
303.15 0.4996 0.0010
303.15 0.6008 0.0011
303.15 0.6990 0.0013
303.15 0.8011 0.0014
303.15 0.8997 0.0016
303.15 1.0000 0.0018
308.15 0.0000 0.0005
308.15 0.0998 0.0006
308.15 0.2004 0.0006
308.15 0.3007 0.0007
308.15 0.3998 0.0008
308.15 0.4996 0.0009
308.15 0.6008 0.0010
308.15 0.6990 0.0012
308.15 0.8011 0.0013
308.15 0.8997 0.0015
308.15 1.0000 0.0017
313.15 0.0000 0.0005
313.15 0.0998 0.0005
313.15 0.2004 0.0006
313.15 0.3007 0.0007
313.15 0.3998 0.0008
313.15 0.4996 0.0009
313.15 0.6008 0.0010
313.15 0.6990 0.0011
313.15 0.8011 0.0012
313.15 0.8997 0.0014
313.15 1.0000 0.0015
318.15 0.0000 0.0004
318.15 0.0998 0.0005
318.15 0.2004 0.0006
318.15 0.3007 0.0006
318.15 0.3998 0.0007
318.15 0.4996 0.0008
318.15 0.6008 0.0009
318.15 0.6990 0.0010
318.15 0.8011 0.0011
318.15 0.8997 0.0013
318.15 1.0000 0.0014
323.15 0.0000 0.0004
323.15 0.0998 0.0005
323.15 0.2004 0.0005
323.15 0.3007 0.0006
323.15 0.3998 0.0007
323.15 0.4996 0.0007
323.15 0.6008 0.0008
323.15 0.6990 0.0009
323.15 0.8011 0.0010
323.15 0.8997 0.0012
323.15 1.0000 0.0013

Excess molar enthalpy (molar enthalpy of mixing), kJ/mol [ref]

Operational conditions:

Mole fraction of Dimethyl Sulfoxide (1) - Liquid Excess molar enthalpy (molar enthalpy of mixing), kJ/mol - Liquid
0.0176 0.0080
0.0233 0.0090
0.0455 0.0030
0.0667 -0.0110
0.0870 -0.0320
0.1251 -0.0810
0.1601 -0.1330
0.2223 -0.2270
0.2760 -0.2980
0.3639 -0.3800
0.4619 -0.4280
0.5336 -0.4330
0.6318 -0.4120
0.6959 -0.3730
0.7744 -0.3170
0.8207 -0.2530
0.8728 -0.1850
0.9321 -0.0970
Mole fraction of Dimethyl Sulfoxide (1)
Excess molar enthalpy (molar enthalpy of mixing), kJ/mol

Excess molar enthalpy (molar enthalpy of mixing), kJ/mol [ref]

Operational conditions:

Mole fraction of Dimethyl Sulfoxide (1) - Liquid Excess molar enthalpy (molar enthalpy of mixing), kJ/mol - Liquid
0.0176 0.0080
0.0233 0.0090
0.0455 0.0030
0.0667 -0.0110
0.0870 -0.0320
0.1251 -0.0810
0.1601 -0.1330
0.2223 -0.2270
0.2760 -0.2980
0.3639 -0.3800
0.4619 -0.4280
0.5336 -0.4330
0.6318 -0.4120
0.6959 -0.3730
0.7744 -0.3170
0.8207 -0.2530
0.8728 -0.1850
0.9321 -0.0970
Mole fraction of Dimethyl Sulfoxide (1)
Excess molar enthalpy (molar enthalpy of mixing), kJ/mol

Mass density, kg/m3 [ref]

Operational condition: Pressure, kPa = 101 (Liquid)

Fixed Measured
Temperature, K - Liquid Mole fraction of Dimethyl Sulfoxide (1) - Liquid Mass density, kg/m3 - Liquid
303.15 0.0000 781.3
303.15 0.0998 837.8
303.15 0.2004 886.0
303.15 0.3007 925.0
303.15 0.3998 959.3
303.15 0.4996 988.4
303.15 0.6008 1013.9
303.15 0.6990 1035.3
303.15 0.8011 1055.5
303.15 0.8997 1073.7
303.15 1.0000 1090.7
308.15 0.0000 778.2
308.15 0.0998 834.7
308.15 0.2004 882.3
308.15 0.3007 921.0
308.15 0.3998 955.0
308.15 0.4996 983.6
308.15 0.6008 1009.0
308.15 0.6990 1030.1
308.15 0.8011 1050.3
308.15 0.8997 1068.3
308.15 1.0000 1084.7
313.15 0.0000 772.4
313.15 0.0998 829.9
313.15 0.2004 877.3
313.15 0.3007 916.3
313.15 0.3998 950.7
313.15 0.4996 979.6
313.15 0.6008 1005.6
313.15 0.6990 1026.9
313.15 0.8011 1047.7
313.15 0.8997 1065.8
313.15 1.0000 1082.3
318.15 0.0000 767.8
318.15 0.0998 825.2
318.15 0.2004 872.2
318.15 0.3007 910.8
318.15 0.3998 944.7
318.15 0.4996 973.3
318.15 0.6008 999.4
318.15 0.6990 1020.9
318.15 0.8011 1040.9
318.15 0.8997 1059.0
318.15 1.0000 1075.1
323.15 0.0000 762.7
323.15 0.0998 820.4
323.15 0.2004 867.1
323.15 0.3007 905.7
323.15 0.3998 939.6
323.15 0.4996 968.4
323.15 0.6008 994.4
323.15 0.6990 1016.0
323.15 0.8011 1036.3
323.15 0.8997 1054.0
323.15 1.0000 1070.1

Mass density, kg/m3 [ref]

Operational condition: Pressure, kPa = 101 (Liquid)

Fixed Measured
Temperature, K - Liquid Mole fraction of Dimethyl Sulfoxide (1) - Liquid Mass density, kg/m3 - Liquid
303.15 0.0000 781.3
303.15 0.0998 837.8
303.15 0.2004 886.0
303.15 0.3007 925.0
303.15 0.3998 959.3
303.15 0.4996 988.4
303.15 0.6008 1013.9
303.15 0.6990 1035.3
303.15 0.8011 1055.5
303.15 0.8997 1073.7
303.15 1.0000 1090.7
308.15 0.0000 778.2
308.15 0.0998 834.7
308.15 0.2004 882.3
308.15 0.3007 921.0
308.15 0.3998 955.0
308.15 0.4996 983.6
308.15 0.6008 1009.0
308.15 0.6990 1030.1
308.15 0.8011 1050.3
308.15 0.8997 1068.3
308.15 1.0000 1084.7
313.15 0.0000 772.4
313.15 0.0998 829.9
313.15 0.2004 877.3
313.15 0.3007 916.3
313.15 0.3998 950.7
313.15 0.4996 979.6
313.15 0.6008 1005.6
313.15 0.6990 1026.9
313.15 0.8011 1047.7
313.15 0.8997 1065.8
313.15 1.0000 1082.3
318.15 0.0000 767.8
318.15 0.0998 825.2
318.15 0.2004 872.2
318.15 0.3007 910.8
318.15 0.3998 944.7
318.15 0.4996 973.3
318.15 0.6008 999.4
318.15 0.6990 1020.9
318.15 0.8011 1040.9
318.15 0.8997 1059.0
318.15 1.0000 1075.1
323.15 0.0000 762.7
323.15 0.0998 820.4
323.15 0.2004 867.1
323.15 0.3007 905.7
323.15 0.3998 939.6
323.15 0.4996 968.4
323.15 0.6008 994.4
323.15 0.6990 1016.0
323.15 0.8011 1036.3
323.15 0.8997 1054.0
323.15 1.0000 1070.1

Surface tension liquid-gas, N/m [ref]

Fixed Measured
Temperature, K - Liquid Mole fraction of Methyl Alcohol (2) - Liquid Surface tension liquid-gas, N/m - Liquid
298.15 0.0770 0.0413
298.15 0.1540 0.0400
298.15 0.2310 0.0386
298.15 0.3080 0.0371
298.15 0.3840 0.0356
298.15 0.4620 0.0341
298.15 0.5380 0.0325
298.15 0.6150 0.0308
298.15 0.6930 0.0292
298.15 0.7690 0.0275
298.15 0.8460 0.0258
298.15 0.9000 0.0246
308.15 0.0770 0.0402
308.15 0.1540 0.0390
308.15 0.2310 0.0375
308.15 0.3080 0.0362
308.15 0.3840 0.0347
308.15 0.4620 0.0332
308.15 0.5380 0.0316
308.15 0.6150 0.0300
308.15 0.6930 0.0284
308.15 0.7690 0.0267
308.15 0.8460 0.0249
308.15 0.9000 0.0237
318.15 0.0770 0.0391
318.15 0.1540 0.0379
318.15 0.2310 0.0366
318.15 0.3080 0.0352
318.15 0.3840 0.0338
318.15 0.4620 0.0323
318.15 0.5380 0.0308
318.15 0.6150 0.0292
318.15 0.6930 0.0276
318.15 0.7690 0.0258
318.15 0.8460 0.0242
318.15 0.9000 0.0229
328.15 0.0770 0.0381
328.15 0.1540 0.0368
328.15 0.2310 0.0355
328.15 0.3080 0.0343
328.15 0.3840 0.0328
328.15 0.4620 0.0315
328.15 0.5380 0.0300
328.15 0.6150 0.0284
328.15 0.6930 0.0268
328.15 0.7690 0.0250
328.15 0.8460 0.0233
328.15 0.9000 0.0219
298.15 0.0000 0.0424
308.15 0.0000 0.0413
318.15 0.0000 0.0402
328.15 0.0000 0.0391
298.15 1.0000 0.0222
308.15 1.0000 0.0214
318.15 1.0000 0.0205
328.15 1.0000 0.0195

Surface tension liquid-gas, N/m [ref]

Fixed Measured
Temperature, K - Liquid Mole fraction of Methyl Alcohol (2) - Liquid Surface tension liquid-gas, N/m - Liquid
298.15 0.0770 0.0413
298.15 0.1540 0.0400
298.15 0.2310 0.0386
298.15 0.3080 0.0371
298.15 0.3840 0.0356
298.15 0.4620 0.0341
298.15 0.5380 0.0325
298.15 0.6150 0.0308
298.15 0.6930 0.0292
298.15 0.7690 0.0275
298.15 0.8460 0.0258
298.15 0.9000 0.0246
308.15 0.0770 0.0402
308.15 0.1540 0.0390
308.15 0.2310 0.0375
308.15 0.3080 0.0362
308.15 0.3840 0.0347
308.15 0.4620 0.0332
308.15 0.5380 0.0316
308.15 0.6150 0.0300
308.15 0.6930 0.0284
308.15 0.7690 0.0267
308.15 0.8460 0.0249
308.15 0.9000 0.0237
318.15 0.0770 0.0391
318.15 0.1540 0.0379
318.15 0.2310 0.0366
318.15 0.3080 0.0352
318.15 0.3840 0.0338
318.15 0.4620 0.0323
318.15 0.5380 0.0308
318.15 0.6150 0.0292
318.15 0.6930 0.0276
318.15 0.7690 0.0258
318.15 0.8460 0.0242
318.15 0.9000 0.0229
328.15 0.0770 0.0381
328.15 0.1540 0.0368
328.15 0.2310 0.0355
328.15 0.3080 0.0343
328.15 0.3840 0.0328
328.15 0.4620 0.0315
328.15 0.5380 0.0300
328.15 0.6150 0.0284
328.15 0.6930 0.0268
328.15 0.7690 0.0250
328.15 0.8460 0.0233
328.15 0.9000 0.0219
298.15 0.0000 0.0424
308.15 0.0000 0.0413
318.15 0.0000 0.0402
328.15 0.0000 0.0391
298.15 1.0000 0.0222
308.15 1.0000 0.0214
318.15 1.0000 0.0205
328.15 1.0000 0.0195

Boiling temperature at pressure P, K [ref]

Operational condition: Pressure, kPa = 101.3 (Liquid)

Mole fraction of Methyl Alcohol (2) - Liquid Boiling temperature at pressure P, K - Liquid
0.9570 338.44
0.8950 340.94
0.7970 344.93
0.7320 347.91
0.6770 351.84
0.5950 356.40
0.4900 364.53
0.3940 373.35
0.3130 382.46
0.2490 391.57
0.2000 400.01
0.1640 406.23
0.1200 416.43
0.0830 426.81
0.0450 440.36
0.0270 448.43
0.0140 454.75
0.0040 460.44
Mole fraction of Methyl Alcohol (2)
Boiling temperature at pressure P, K

Boiling temperature at pressure P, K [ref]

Operational condition: Pressure, kPa = 101.3 (Liquid)

Mole fraction of Methyl Alcohol (2) - Liquid Boiling temperature at pressure P, K - Liquid
0.9570 338.44
0.8950 340.94
0.7970 344.93
0.7320 347.91
0.6770 351.84
0.5950 356.40
0.4900 364.53
0.3940 373.35
0.3130 382.46
0.2490 391.57
0.2000 400.01
0.1640 406.23
0.1200 416.43
0.0830 426.81
0.0450 440.36
0.0270 448.43
0.0140 454.75
0.0040 460.44
Mole fraction of Methyl Alcohol (2)
Boiling temperature at pressure P, K
