Mixture of Lactic acid + 1-Pentanol + Water


Lactic acid

Lactic acid
InChI Key
Mol. Weight (g/mol)


InChI Key
Mol. Weight (g/mol)


InChI Key
Mol. Weight (g/mol)
Cheméo is a service of Céondo GmbH, since 2007, we provide simulation, modelling and software development services for the industry. Do not hesitate to contact us for your projects.


  1. Mass fraction (4)
  2. n0 - Refractive index (Na D-line) (4)
  3. ρl - Mass density, kg/m3 (4)

Mass fraction of Water (3) [ref]

Operational conditions:

Mass fraction of Lactic acid (1) - Liquid mixture 1 Mass fraction of Water (3) - Liquid mixture 1
0.0000 0.9800
0.0999 0.8768
0.0828 0.8919
0.1200 0.8560
0.1463 0.8285
0.1681 0.8049
0.3052 0.6173
0.3212 0.5204
0.3201 0.4237
0.2980 0.3173
0.2436 0.2362
0.1603 0.1692
0.1314 0.1539
0.0932 0.1383
0.0511 0.1217
0.0000 0.1080

Mole fraction [ref]

Operational conditions:

Fixed Measured
Mole fraction of Water (3) - Liquid mixture 1 Mole fraction of Lactic acid (1) - Liquid mixture 1 Mole fraction of Lactic acid (1) - Liquid mixture 2 Mole fraction of Water (3) - Liquid mixture 2
0.3941 0.0295 0.0110 0.9843
0.4110 0.0410 0.0156 0.9796
0.4397 0.0643 0.0259 0.9685
0.4682 0.0853 0.0366 0.9571
0.5106 0.1059 0.0494 0.9429
0.5587 0.1208 0.0619 0.9289
0.5703 0.1233 0.0644 0.9257
0.6264 0.1316 0.0769 0.9092

Mass fraction of Water (3) [ref]

Operational conditions:

Mass fraction of Lactic acid (1) - Liquid mixture 1 Mass fraction of Water (3) - Liquid mixture 1
0.0000 0.9800
0.0999 0.8768
0.0828 0.8919
0.1200 0.8560
0.1463 0.8285
0.1681 0.8049
0.3052 0.6173
0.3212 0.5204
0.3201 0.4237
0.2980 0.3173
0.2436 0.2362
0.1603 0.1692
0.1314 0.1539
0.0932 0.1383
0.0511 0.1217
0.0000 0.1080

Mole fraction [ref]

Operational conditions:

Fixed Measured
Mole fraction of Water (3) - Liquid mixture 1 Mole fraction of Lactic acid (1) - Liquid mixture 1 Mole fraction of Lactic acid (1) - Liquid mixture 2 Mole fraction of Water (3) - Liquid mixture 2
0.3941 0.0295 0.0110 0.9843
0.4110 0.0410 0.0156 0.9796
0.4397 0.0643 0.0259 0.9685
0.4682 0.0853 0.0366 0.9571
0.5106 0.1059 0.0494 0.9429
0.5587 0.1208 0.0619 0.9289
0.5703 0.1233 0.0644 0.9257
0.6264 0.1316 0.0769 0.9092

Refractive index (Na D-line) [ref]

Operational conditions:

Fixed Measured
Mass fraction of Water (3) - Liquid Mass fraction of Lactic acid (1) - Liquid Refractive index (Na D-line) - Liquid
0.9800 0.0000 1.3353
0.8768 0.0999 1.3452
0.8919 0.0828 1.3435
0.8560 0.1200 1.3474
0.8285 0.1463 1.3501
0.8049 0.1681 1.3525
0.6173 0.3052 1.3716
0.5204 0.3212 1.3803
0.4237 0.3201 1.3877
0.3173 0.2980 1.3952
0.2362 0.2436 1.3993
0.1692 0.1603 1.4017
0.1539 0.1314 1.4019
0.1383 0.0932 1.4022
0.1217 0.0511 1.4021
0.1080 0.0000 1.4021

Refractive index (Na D-line) [ref]

Operational conditions:

Fixed Measured
Mole fraction of Water (3) - Liquid Mole fraction of Lactic acid (1) - Liquid Refractive index (Na D-line) - Liquid
0.3941 0.0295 1.4024
0.4110 0.0410 1.4023
0.4397 0.0643 1.4023
0.4682 0.0853 1.4023
0.5106 0.1059 1.4019
0.5587 0.1208 1.401
0.5703 0.1233 1.4007
0.6264 0.1316 1.3989
0.9843 0.0110 1.3404
0.9796 0.0156 1.3424
0.9685 0.0259 1.3469
0.9571 0.0366 1.3513
0.9429 0.0494 1.3564
0.9289 0.0619 1.3611
0.9257 0.0644 1.3621
0.9092 0.0769 1.3669

Refractive index (Na D-line) [ref]

Operational conditions:

Fixed Measured
Mass fraction of Water (3) - Liquid Mass fraction of Lactic acid (1) - Liquid Refractive index (Na D-line) - Liquid
0.9800 0.0000 1.3353
0.8768 0.0999 1.3452
0.8919 0.0828 1.3435
0.8560 0.1200 1.3474
0.8285 0.1463 1.3501
0.8049 0.1681 1.3525
0.6173 0.3052 1.3716
0.5204 0.3212 1.3803
0.4237 0.3201 1.3877
0.3173 0.2980 1.3952
0.2362 0.2436 1.3993
0.1692 0.1603 1.4017
0.1539 0.1314 1.4019
0.1383 0.0932 1.4022
0.1217 0.0511 1.4021
0.1080 0.0000 1.4021

Refractive index (Na D-line) [ref]

Operational conditions:

Fixed Measured
Mole fraction of Water (3) - Liquid Mole fraction of Lactic acid (1) - Liquid Refractive index (Na D-line) - Liquid
0.3941 0.0295 1.4024
0.4110 0.0410 1.4023
0.4397 0.0643 1.4023
0.4682 0.0853 1.4023
0.5106 0.1059 1.4019
0.5587 0.1208 1.401
0.5703 0.1233 1.4007
0.6264 0.1316 1.3989
0.9843 0.0110 1.3404
0.9796 0.0156 1.3424
0.9685 0.0259 1.3469
0.9571 0.0366 1.3513
0.9429 0.0494 1.3564
0.9289 0.0619 1.3611
0.9257 0.0644 1.3621
0.9092 0.0769 1.3669

Mass density, kg/m3 [ref]

Operational conditions:

Fixed Measured
Mass fraction of Water (3) - Liquid Mass fraction of Lactic acid (1) - Liquid Mass density, kg/m3 - Liquid
0.9800 0.0000 993.753
0.8768 0.0999 1016.635
0.8919 0.0828 1012.801
0.8560 0.1200 1021.233
0.8285 0.1463 1027.251
0.8049 0.1681 1031.654
0.6173 0.3052 1050.705
0.5204 0.3212 1033.221
0.4237 0.3201 1008.171
0.3173 0.2980 973.111
0.2362 0.2436 933.948
0.1692 0.1603 890.288
0.1539 0.1314 878.352
0.1383 0.0932 862.84
0.1217 0.0511 846.838
0.1080 0.0000 829.368

Mass density, kg/m3 [ref]

Operational conditions:

Fixed Measured
Mole fraction of Water (3) - Liquid Mole fraction of Lactic acid (1) - Liquid Mass density, kg/m3 - Liquid
0.3941 0.0295 844.004
0.4110 0.0410 850.709
0.4397 0.0643 865.143
0.4682 0.0853 880.044
0.5106 0.1059 899.144
0.5587 0.1208 919.225
0.5703 0.1233 923.871
0.6264 0.1316 946.733
0.9843 0.0110 1005.694
0.9796 0.0156 1010.522
0.9685 0.0259 1020.234
0.9571 0.0366 1029.45
0.9429 0.0494 1038.866
0.9289 0.0619 1047.141
0.9257 0.0644 1048.244
0.9092 0.0769 1052.769

Mass density, kg/m3 [ref]

Operational conditions:

Fixed Measured
Mass fraction of Water (3) - Liquid Mass fraction of Lactic acid (1) - Liquid Mass density, kg/m3 - Liquid
0.9800 0.0000 993.753
0.8768 0.0999 1016.635
0.8919 0.0828 1012.801
0.8560 0.1200 1021.233
0.8285 0.1463 1027.251
0.8049 0.1681 1031.654
0.6173 0.3052 1050.705
0.5204 0.3212 1033.221
0.4237 0.3201 1008.171
0.3173 0.2980 973.111
0.2362 0.2436 933.948
0.1692 0.1603 890.288
0.1539 0.1314 878.352
0.1383 0.0932 862.84
0.1217 0.0511 846.838
0.1080 0.0000 829.368

Mass density, kg/m3 [ref]

Operational conditions:

Fixed Measured
Mole fraction of Water (3) - Liquid Mole fraction of Lactic acid (1) - Liquid Mass density, kg/m3 - Liquid
0.3941 0.0295 844.004
0.4110 0.0410 850.709
0.4397 0.0643 865.143
0.4682 0.0853 880.044
0.5106 0.1059 899.144
0.5587 0.1208 919.225
0.5703 0.1233 923.871
0.6264 0.1316 946.733
0.9843 0.0110 1005.694
0.9796 0.0156 1010.522
0.9685 0.0259 1020.234
0.9571 0.0366 1029.45
0.9429 0.0494 1038.866
0.9289 0.0619 1047.141
0.9257 0.0644 1048.244
0.9092 0.0769 1052.769
