Mixture of Dimethyl Sulfoxide + Water


Dimethyl Sulfoxide

Dimethyl Sulfoxide
InChI Key
Mol. Weight (g/mol)


InChI Key
Mol. Weight (g/mol)
Cheméo is a service of Céondo GmbH, since 2007, we provide simulation, modelling and software development services for the industry. Do not hesitate to contact us for your projects.


  1. Mole fraction (4)
  2. Cp,liquid - Molar heat capacity at constant pressure, J/K/mol (2)
  3. η - Viscosity, Pa*s (6)
  4. Apparent molar heat capacity, J/K/mol (2)
  5. n0 - Refractive index (Na D-line) (2)
  6. ρl - Mass density, kg/m3 (18)
  7. csound,fluid - Speed of Sound, m/s (6)
  8. γ - Surface tension liquid-gas, N/m (2)
  9. Tboil - Boiling temperature at pressure P, K (4)
  10. λ - Thermal conductivity, W/m/K (2)
  11. Tfus - Solid-liquid equilibrium temperature, K (2)

Mole fraction of Water (2) [ref]

Operational condition: Pressure, kPa = 13.33 (Gas)

Mole fraction of Water (2) - Liquid Mole fraction of Water (2) - Gas
0.0880 0.3818
0.0939 0.4080
0.1235 0.4820
0.1508 0.5786
0.1612 0.5977
0.1708 0.6282
0.2158 0.7119
0.2439 0.7612
0.2754 0.7847
0.3443 0.8535
0.3763 0.8797
0.5200 0.9420
0.5848 0.9756
0.6743 0.9832
0.7329 0.9913
0.8146 0.9975
Mole fraction of Water (2)
Mole fraction of Water (2)

Mole fraction of Water (2) [ref]

Operational condition: Pressure, kPa = 101.3 (Liquid)

Mole fraction of Water (2) - Liquid Mole fraction of Water (2) - Gas
0.0000 0.0000
0.0360 0.2070
0.0610 0.3510
0.0850 0.4240
0.1200 0.5690
0.1700 0.6470
0.2070 0.7420
0.3660 0.8780
0.3890 0.8990
0.4580 0.9330
0.5540 0.9570
0.5760 0.9690
0.6400 0.9810
0.6810 0.9910
0.7310 0.9950
0.7790 0.9940
0.8220 0.9960
0.8740 0.9970
0.8980 0.9990
0.9230 0.9990
1.0000 1.0000
Mole fraction of Water (2)
Mole fraction of Water (2)

Mole fraction of Water (2) [ref]

Operational condition: Pressure, kPa = 13.33 (Gas)

Mole fraction of Water (2) - Liquid Mole fraction of Water (2) - Gas
0.0880 0.3818
0.0939 0.4080
0.1235 0.4820
0.1508 0.5786
0.1612 0.5977
0.1708 0.6282
0.2158 0.7119
0.2439 0.7612
0.2754 0.7847
0.3443 0.8535
0.3763 0.8797
0.5200 0.9420
0.5848 0.9756
0.6743 0.9832
0.7329 0.9913
0.8146 0.9975
Mole fraction of Water (2)
Mole fraction of Water (2)

Mole fraction of Water (2) [ref]

Operational condition: Pressure, kPa = 101.3 (Liquid)

Mole fraction of Water (2) - Liquid Mole fraction of Water (2) - Gas
0.0000 0.0000
0.0360 0.2070
0.0610 0.3510
0.0850 0.4240
0.1200 0.5690
0.1700 0.6470
0.2070 0.7420
0.3660 0.8780
0.3890 0.8990
0.4580 0.9330
0.5540 0.9570
0.5760 0.9690
0.6400 0.9810
0.6810 0.9910
0.7310 0.9950
0.7790 0.9940
0.8220 0.9960
0.8740 0.9970
0.8980 0.9990
0.9230 0.9990
1.0000 1.0000
Mole fraction of Water (2)
Mole fraction of Water (2)

Molar heat capacity at constant pressure, J/K/mol [ref]

Operational conditions:

Mole fraction of Dimethyl Sulfoxide (1) - Liquid Molar heat capacity at constant pressure, J/K/mol - Liquid
0.0506 78.23
0.1011 86.86
0.2003 100.87
0.3011 106.00
0.3984 103.11
0.4868 109.79
0.6967 131.48
Mole fraction of Dimethyl Sulfoxide (1)
Molar heat capacity at constant pressure, J/K/mol

Molar heat capacity at constant pressure, J/K/mol [ref]

Operational conditions:

Mole fraction of Dimethyl Sulfoxide (1) - Liquid Molar heat capacity at constant pressure, J/K/mol - Liquid
0.0506 78.23
0.1011 86.86
0.2003 100.87
0.3011 106.00
0.3984 103.11
0.4868 109.79
0.6967 131.48
Mole fraction of Dimethyl Sulfoxide (1)
Molar heat capacity at constant pressure, J/K/mol

Viscosity, Pa*s [ref]

Operational condition: Pressure, kPa = 101 (Liquid)

Fixed Measured
Temperature, K - Liquid Mole fraction of Dimethyl Sulfoxide (1) - Liquid Viscosity, Pa*s - Liquid
298.15 0.0000 0.0009
298.15 0.0238 0.0010
298.15 0.0489 0.0013
298.15 0.0796 0.0016
298.15 0.1183 0.0021
298.15 0.1587 0.0025
298.15 0.2036 0.0030
298.15 0.2379 0.0033
298.15 0.2768 0.0035
298.15 0.3074 0.0037
298.15 0.3335 0.0037
298.15 0.3638 0.0037
298.15 0.3906 0.0037
298.15 0.4412 0.0036
298.15 0.5193 0.0033
298.15 0.5677 0.0031
298.15 0.6195 0.0029
298.15 0.6813 0.0027
298.15 0.7595 0.0024
298.15 0.8095 0.0023
298.15 0.8856 0.0022
298.15 0.9407 0.0021
298.15 0.9781 0.0020
298.15 1.0000 0.0020
303.15 0.0000 0.0008
303.15 0.0238 0.0009
303.15 0.0489 0.0011
303.15 0.0796 0.0015
303.15 0.1183 0.0019
303.15 0.1587 0.0023
303.15 0.2036 0.0027
303.15 0.2379 0.0030
303.15 0.2768 0.0032
303.15 0.3074 0.0033
303.15 0.3335 0.0033
303.15 0.3638 0.0033
303.15 0.3906 0.0033
303.15 0.4412 0.0032
303.15 0.5193 0.0030
303.15 0.5677 0.0028
303.15 0.6195 0.0026
303.15 0.6813 0.0024
303.15 0.7595 0.0022
303.15 0.8095 0.0021
303.15 0.8856 0.0020
303.15 0.9407 0.0019
303.15 0.9781 0.0019
303.15 1.0000 0.0018
308.15 0.0000 0.0007
308.15 0.0238 0.0009
308.15 0.0489 0.0010
308.15 0.0796 0.0013
308.15 0.1183 0.0017
308.15 0.1587 0.0020
308.15 0.2036 0.0024
308.15 0.2379 0.0026
308.15 0.2768 0.0028
308.15 0.3074 0.0029
308.15 0.3335 0.0029
308.15 0.3638 0.0030
308.15 0.3906 0.0029
308.15 0.4412 0.0029
308.15 0.5193 0.0027
308.15 0.5677 0.0025
308.15 0.6195 0.0024
308.15 0.6813 0.0022
308.15 0.7595 0.0020
308.15 0.8095 0.0019
308.15 0.8856 0.0018
308.15 0.9407 0.0017
308.15 0.9781 0.0017
308.15 1.0000 0.0017
313.15 0.0000 0.0007
313.15 0.0238 0.0008
313.15 0.0489 0.0009
313.15 0.0796 0.0012
313.15 0.1183 0.0015
313.15 0.1587 0.0018
313.15 0.2036 0.0021
313.15 0.2379 0.0023
313.15 0.2768 0.0024
313.15 0.3074 0.0025
313.15 0.3335 0.0025
313.15 0.3638 0.0026
313.15 0.3906 0.0026
313.15 0.4412 0.0025
313.15 0.5193 0.0023
313.15 0.5677 0.0022
313.15 0.6195 0.0021
313.15 0.6813 0.0020
313.15 0.7595 0.0018
313.15 0.8095 0.0017
313.15 0.8856 0.0017
313.15 0.9407 0.0016
313.15 0.9781 0.0016
313.15 1.0000 0.0015
318.15 0.0000 0.0006
318.15 0.0238 0.0007
318.15 0.0489 0.0008
318.15 0.0796 0.0010
318.15 0.1183 0.0013
318.15 0.1587 0.0015
318.15 0.2036 0.0018
318.15 0.2379 0.0019
318.15 0.2768 0.0020
318.15 0.3074 0.0021
318.15 0.3335 0.0021
318.15 0.3638 0.0022
318.15 0.3906 0.0022
318.15 0.4412 0.0021
318.15 0.5193 0.0020
318.15 0.5677 0.0019
318.15 0.6195 0.0018
318.15 0.6813 0.0017
318.15 0.7595 0.0016
318.15 0.8095 0.0016
318.15 0.8856 0.0015
318.15 0.9407 0.0014
318.15 0.9781 0.0014
318.15 1.0000 0.0014

Viscosity, Pa*s [ref]

Operational condition: Pressure, kPa = 101 (Liquid)

Fixed Measured
Mole fraction of Dimethyl Sulfoxide (1) - Liquid Temperature, K - Liquid Viscosity, Pa*s - Liquid
0.0121 303.15 0.0009
0.0121 308.15 0.0008
0.0121 313.15 0.0007
0.0121 318.15 0.0007
0.0255 303.15 0.0010
0.0255 308.15 0.0009
0.0255 313.15 0.0008
0.0255 318.15 0.0007
0.0424 303.15 0.0011
0.0424 308.15 0.0010
0.0424 313.15 0.0009
0.0424 318.15 0.0008
0.0583 303.15 0.0012
0.0583 308.15 0.0011
0.0583 313.15 0.0010
0.0583 318.15 0.0009

Viscosity, Pa*s [ref]

Operational condition: Pressure, kPa = 101 (Liquid)

Fixed Measured
Temperature, K - Liquid Mass fraction of Dimethyl Sulfoxide (1) - Liquid Viscosity, Pa*s - Liquid
298.15 0.0000 0.0009
298.15 0.2000 0.0013
298.15 0.4000 0.0022
298.15 0.5000 0.0028
298.15 0.6000 0.0034
298.15 0.7000 0.0024
298.15 1.0000 0.0020
303.15 0.0000 0.0008
303.15 0.2000 0.0013
303.15 0.4000 0.0022
303.15 0.5000 0.0025
303.15 0.6000 0.0034
303.15 0.7000 0.0029
303.15 1.0000 0.0018
308.15 0.0000 0.0008
308.15 0.2000 0.0011
308.15 0.4000 0.0019
308.15 0.5000 0.0023
308.15 0.6000 0.0031
308.15 0.7000 0.0021
308.15 1.0000 0.0017
313.15 0.0000 0.0006
313.15 0.2000 0.0010
313.15 0.4000 0.0016
313.15 0.5000 0.0021
313.15 0.6000 0.0028
313.15 0.7000 0.0019
313.15 1.0000 0.0016
318.15 0.0000 0.0005
318.15 0.2000 0.0008
318.15 0.4000 0.0015
318.15 0.5000 0.0019
318.15 0.6000 0.0028
318.15 0.7000 0.0019
318.15 1.0000 0.0015

Viscosity, Pa*s [ref]

Operational condition: Pressure, kPa = 101 (Liquid)

Fixed Measured
Temperature, K - Liquid Mole fraction of Dimethyl Sulfoxide (1) - Liquid Viscosity, Pa*s - Liquid
298.15 0.0000 0.0009
298.15 0.0238 0.0010
298.15 0.0489 0.0013
298.15 0.0796 0.0016
298.15 0.1183 0.0021
298.15 0.1587 0.0025
298.15 0.2036 0.0030
298.15 0.2379 0.0033
298.15 0.2768 0.0035
298.15 0.3074 0.0037
298.15 0.3335 0.0037
298.15 0.3638 0.0037
298.15 0.3906 0.0037
298.15 0.4412 0.0036
298.15 0.5193 0.0033
298.15 0.5677 0.0031
298.15 0.6195 0.0029
298.15 0.6813 0.0027
298.15 0.7595 0.0024
298.15 0.8095 0.0023
298.15 0.8856 0.0022
298.15 0.9407 0.0021
298.15 0.9781 0.0020
298.15 1.0000 0.0020
303.15 0.0000 0.0008
303.15 0.0238 0.0009
303.15 0.0489 0.0011
303.15 0.0796 0.0015
303.15 0.1183 0.0019
303.15 0.1587 0.0023
303.15 0.2036 0.0027
303.15 0.2379 0.0030
303.15 0.2768 0.0032
303.15 0.3074 0.0033
303.15 0.3335 0.0033
303.15 0.3638 0.0033
303.15 0.3906 0.0033
303.15 0.4412 0.0032
303.15 0.5193 0.0030
303.15 0.5677 0.0028
303.15 0.6195 0.0026
303.15 0.6813 0.0024
303.15 0.7595 0.0022
303.15 0.8095 0.0021
303.15 0.8856 0.0020
303.15 0.9407 0.0019
303.15 0.9781 0.0019
303.15 1.0000 0.0018
308.15 0.0000 0.0007
308.15 0.0238 0.0009
308.15 0.0489 0.0010
308.15 0.0796 0.0013
308.15 0.1183 0.0017
308.15 0.1587 0.0020
308.15 0.2036 0.0024
308.15 0.2379 0.0026
308.15 0.2768 0.0028
308.15 0.3074 0.0029
308.15 0.3335 0.0029
308.15 0.3638 0.0030
308.15 0.3906 0.0029
308.15 0.4412 0.0029
308.15 0.5193 0.0027
308.15 0.5677 0.0025
308.15 0.6195 0.0024
308.15 0.6813 0.0022
308.15 0.7595 0.0020
308.15 0.8095 0.0019
308.15 0.8856 0.0018
308.15 0.9407 0.0017
308.15 0.9781 0.0017
308.15 1.0000 0.0017
313.15 0.0000 0.0007
313.15 0.0238 0.0008
313.15 0.0489 0.0009
313.15 0.0796 0.0012
313.15 0.1183 0.0015
313.15 0.1587 0.0018
313.15 0.2036 0.0021
313.15 0.2379 0.0023
313.15 0.2768 0.0024
313.15 0.3074 0.0025
313.15 0.3335 0.0025
313.15 0.3638 0.0026
313.15 0.3906 0.0026
313.15 0.4412 0.0025
313.15 0.5193 0.0023
313.15 0.5677 0.0022
313.15 0.6195 0.0021
313.15 0.6813 0.0020
313.15 0.7595 0.0018
313.15 0.8095 0.0017
313.15 0.8856 0.0017
313.15 0.9407 0.0016
313.15 0.9781 0.0016
313.15 1.0000 0.0015
318.15 0.0000 0.0006
318.15 0.0238 0.0007
318.15 0.0489 0.0008
318.15 0.0796 0.0010
318.15 0.1183 0.0013
318.15 0.1587 0.0015
318.15 0.2036 0.0018
318.15 0.2379 0.0019
318.15 0.2768 0.0020
318.15 0.3074 0.0021
318.15 0.3335 0.0021
318.15 0.3638 0.0022
318.15 0.3906 0.0022
318.15 0.4412 0.0021
318.15 0.5193 0.0020
318.15 0.5677 0.0019
318.15 0.6195 0.0018
318.15 0.6813 0.0017
318.15 0.7595 0.0016
318.15 0.8095 0.0016
318.15 0.8856 0.0015
318.15 0.9407 0.0014
318.15 0.9781 0.0014
318.15 1.0000 0.0014

Viscosity, Pa*s [ref]

Operational condition: Pressure, kPa = 101 (Liquid)

Fixed Measured
Mole fraction of Dimethyl Sulfoxide (1) - Liquid Temperature, K - Liquid Viscosity, Pa*s - Liquid
0.0121 303.15 0.0009
0.0121 308.15 0.0008
0.0121 313.15 0.0007
0.0121 318.15 0.0007
0.0255 303.15 0.0010
0.0255 308.15 0.0009
0.0255 313.15 0.0008
0.0255 318.15 0.0007
0.0424 303.15 0.0011
0.0424 308.15 0.0010
0.0424 313.15 0.0009
0.0424 318.15 0.0008
0.0583 303.15 0.0012
0.0583 308.15 0.0011
0.0583 313.15 0.0010
0.0583 318.15 0.0009

Viscosity, Pa*s [ref]

Operational condition: Pressure, kPa = 101 (Liquid)

Fixed Measured
Temperature, K - Liquid Mass fraction of Dimethyl Sulfoxide (1) - Liquid Viscosity, Pa*s - Liquid
298.15 0.0000 0.0009
298.15 0.2000 0.0013
298.15 0.4000 0.0022
298.15 0.5000 0.0028
298.15 0.6000 0.0034
298.15 0.7000 0.0024
298.15 1.0000 0.0020
303.15 0.0000 0.0008
303.15 0.2000 0.0013
303.15 0.4000 0.0022
303.15 0.5000 0.0025
303.15 0.6000 0.0034
303.15 0.7000 0.0029
303.15 1.0000 0.0018
308.15 0.0000 0.0008
308.15 0.2000 0.0011
308.15 0.4000 0.0019
308.15 0.5000 0.0023
308.15 0.6000 0.0031
308.15 0.7000 0.0021
308.15 1.0000 0.0017
313.15 0.0000 0.0006
313.15 0.2000 0.0010
313.15 0.4000 0.0016
313.15 0.5000 0.0021
313.15 0.6000 0.0028
313.15 0.7000 0.0019
313.15 1.0000 0.0016
318.15 0.0000 0.0005
318.15 0.2000 0.0008
318.15 0.4000 0.0015
318.15 0.5000 0.0019
318.15 0.6000 0.0028
318.15 0.7000 0.0019
318.15 1.0000 0.0015

Apparent molar heat capacity, J/K/mol [ref]

Operational condition: Pressure, kPa = 350 (Liquid)

Fixed Measured
Temperature, K - Liquid Molality, mol/kg of Dimethyl Sulfoxide (1) - Liquid Apparent molar heat capacity, J/K/mol - Liquid
278.15 0.0205 148.0
278.15 0.0500 157.6
278.15 0.1009 165.0
278.15 0.2999 162.3
278.15 0.5999 159.9
278.15 1.0002 157.8
278.15 1.4008 153.2
278.15 1.9989 149.0
278.15 2.9997 137.8
283.15 0.0205 158.0
283.15 0.0500 164.1
283.15 0.1009 174.1
283.15 0.2999 170.1
283.15 0.5999 168.4
283.15 1.0002 166.9
283.15 1.4008 162.6
283.15 1.9989 159.1
283.15 2.9997 150.5
288.15 0.0205 165.0
288.15 0.0500 168.1
288.15 0.1009 181.7
288.15 0.2999 176.2
288.15 0.5999 175.0
288.15 1.0002 174.2
288.15 1.4008 170.0
288.15 1.9989 167.0
288.15 2.9997 160.1
293.15 0.0205 172.0
293.15 0.0500 173.9
293.15 0.1009 186.1
293.15 0.2999 181.9
293.15 0.5999 180.95
293.15 1.0002 180.3
293.15 1.4008 176.5
293.15 1.9989 173.8
293.15 2.9997 167.9
298.15 0.0205 177.0
298.15 0.0500 179.9
298.15 0.1009 189.1
298.15 0.2999 186.9
298.15 0.5999 186.01
298.15 1.0002 185.3
298.15 1.4008 182.03
298.15 1.9989 179.65
298.15 2.9997 174.2
303.15 0.0205 183.0
303.15 0.0500 185.8
303.15 0.1009 192.2
303.15 0.2999 191.4
303.15 0.5999 190.61
303.15 1.0002 189.93
303.15 1.4008 187.11
303.15 1.9989 184.92
303.15 2.9997 179.7
308.15 0.0205 187.0
308.15 0.0500 189.5
308.15 0.1009 195.2
308.15 0.2999 195.6
308.15 0.5999 194.86
308.15 1.0002 194.11
308.15 1.4008 191.75
308.15 1.9989 189.71
308.15 2.9997 184.4
313.15 0.0205 191.0
313.15 0.0500 194.5
313.15 0.1009 198.6
313.15 0.2999 199.5
313.15 0.5999 198.74
313.15 1.0002 197.9
313.15 1.4008 195.96
313.15 1.9989 193.97
313.15 2.9997 188.7
318.15 0.0205 197.4
318.15 0.0500 201.6
318.15 0.1009 201.7
318.15 0.2999 202.9
318.15 0.5999 202.3
318.15 1.0002 201.49
318.15 1.4008 199.9
318.15 1.9989 197.95
318.15 2.9997 192.57
323.15 0.0205 205.0
323.15 0.0500 210.2
323.15 0.1009 204.5
323.15 0.2999 206.1
323.15 0.5999 205.61
323.15 1.0002 204.92
323.15 1.4008 203.63
323.15 1.9989 201.64
323.15 2.9997 196.07
328.15 0.0205 211.0
328.15 0.0500 212.6
328.15 0.1009 207.7
328.15 0.2999 209.2
328.15 0.5999 208.72
328.15 1.0002 208.17
328.15 1.4008 207.15
328.15 1.9989 205.02
328.15 2.9997 199.3
333.15 0.0205 216.0
333.15 0.0500 215.0
333.15 0.1009 211.4
333.15 0.2999 212.2
333.15 0.5999 211.77
333.15 1.0002 211.31
333.15 1.4008 210.6
333.15 1.9989 208.26
333.15 2.9997 202.38
338.15 0.0205 220.3
338.15 0.0500 217.4
338.15 0.1009 214.9
338.15 0.2999 215.31
338.15 0.5999 214.75
338.15 1.0002 214.32
338.15 1.4008 214.02
338.15 1.9989 211.36
338.15 2.9997 205.28
343.15 0.0205 222.5
343.15 0.0500 220.1
343.15 0.1009 217.8
343.15 0.2999 218.0
343.15 0.5999 217.47
343.15 1.0002 217.11
343.15 1.4008 217.29
343.15 1.9989 214.23
343.15 2.9997 207.89
348.15 0.0205 224.5
348.15 0.0500 222.5
348.15 0.1009 220.6
348.15 0.2999 220.53
348.15 0.5999 220.11
348.15 1.0002 219.8
348.15 1.4008 220.55
348.15 1.9989 216.95
348.15 2.9997 210.38
353.15 0.0205 226.4
353.15 0.0500 225.1
353.15 0.1009 223.2
353.15 0.2999 223.02
353.15 0.5999 222.61
353.15 1.0002 222.32
353.15 1.4008 223.8
353.15 1.9989 219.51
353.15 2.9997 212.71
358.15 0.0205 228.9
358.15 0.0500 226.9
358.15 0.1009 225.7
358.15 0.2999 225.46
358.15 0.5999 225.04
358.15 1.0002 224.75
358.15 1.4008 227.11
358.15 1.9989 221.95
358.15 2.9997 214.96
363.15 0.0205 230.5
363.15 0.0500 228.4
363.15 0.1009 228.2
363.15 0.2999 227.78
363.15 0.5999 227.35
363.15 1.0002 227.06
363.15 1.4008 230.55
363.15 1.9989 224.23
363.15 2.9997 217.12
368.15 0.0205 232.2
368.15 0.0500 229.7
368.15 0.1009 230.5
368.15 0.2999 229.85
368.15 0.5999 229.39
368.15 1.0002 229.11
368.15 1.4008 234.04
368.15 1.9989 226.23
368.15 2.9997 219.02
373.15 0.0205 235.1
373.15 0.0500 230.7
373.15 0.1009 232.8
373.15 0.2999 231.8
373.15 0.5999 231.32
373.15 1.0002 231.04
373.15 1.4008 237.96
373.15 1.9989 228.1
373.15 2.9997 220.89
378.15 0.0205 238.2
378.15 0.0500 231.3
378.15 0.1009 234.7
378.15 0.2999 233.5
378.15 0.5999 233.0
378.15 1.0002 232.7
378.15 1.4008 242.58
378.15 1.9989 229.7
378.15 2.9997 222.59
383.15 0.0205 241.0
383.15 0.0500 232.1
383.15 0.1009 236.1
383.15 0.2999 234.8
383.15 0.5999 234.3
383.15 1.0002 234.0
383.15 1.4008 248.71
383.15 1.9989 230.9
383.15 2.9997 224.12
388.15 0.0205 243.0
388.15 0.0500 233.4
388.15 0.1009 236.9
388.15 0.2999 235.8
388.15 0.5999 235.2
388.15 1.0002 234.8
388.15 1.4008 257.65
388.15 1.9989 231.7
388.15 2.9997 225.34
393.15 0.0205 244.0
393.15 0.0500 236.1
393.15 0.1009 237.4
393.15 0.2999 236.1
393.15 0.5999 235.5
393.15 1.0002 235.0
393.15 1.4008 271.04
393.15 1.9989 231.8
393.15 2.9997 225.1

Apparent molar heat capacity, J/K/mol [ref]

Operational condition: Pressure, kPa = 350 (Liquid)

Fixed Measured
Temperature, K - Liquid Molality, mol/kg of Dimethyl Sulfoxide (1) - Liquid Apparent molar heat capacity, J/K/mol - Liquid
278.15 0.0205 148.0
278.15 0.0500 157.6
278.15 0.1009 165.0
278.15 0.2999 162.3
278.15 0.5999 159.9
278.15 1.0002 157.8
278.15 1.4008 153.2
278.15 1.9989 149.0
278.15 2.9997 137.8
283.15 0.0205 158.0
283.15 0.0500 164.1
283.15 0.1009 174.1
283.15 0.2999 170.1
283.15 0.5999 168.4
283.15 1.0002 166.9
283.15 1.4008 162.6
283.15 1.9989 159.1
283.15 2.9997 150.5
288.15 0.0205 165.0
288.15 0.0500 168.1
288.15 0.1009 181.7
288.15 0.2999 176.2
288.15 0.5999 175.0
288.15 1.0002 174.2
288.15 1.4008 170.0
288.15 1.9989 167.0
288.15 2.9997 160.1
293.15 0.0205 172.0
293.15 0.0500 173.9
293.15 0.1009 186.1
293.15 0.2999 181.9
293.15 0.5999 180.95
293.15 1.0002 180.3
293.15 1.4008 176.5
293.15 1.9989 173.8
293.15 2.9997 167.9
298.15 0.0205 177.0
298.15 0.0500 179.9
298.15 0.1009 189.1
298.15 0.2999 186.9
298.15 0.5999 186.01
298.15 1.0002 185.3
298.15 1.4008 182.03
298.15 1.9989 179.65
298.15 2.9997 174.2
303.15 0.0205 183.0
303.15 0.0500 185.8
303.15 0.1009 192.2
303.15 0.2999 191.4
303.15 0.5999 190.61
303.15 1.0002 189.93
303.15 1.4008 187.11
303.15 1.9989 184.92
303.15 2.9997 179.7
308.15 0.0205 187.0
308.15 0.0500 189.5
308.15 0.1009 195.2
308.15 0.2999 195.6
308.15 0.5999 194.86
308.15 1.0002 194.11
308.15 1.4008 191.75
308.15 1.9989 189.71
308.15 2.9997 184.4
313.15 0.0205 191.0
313.15 0.0500 194.5
313.15 0.1009 198.6
313.15 0.2999 199.5
313.15 0.5999 198.74
313.15 1.0002 197.9
313.15 1.4008 195.96
313.15 1.9989 193.97
313.15 2.9997 188.7
318.15 0.0205 197.4
318.15 0.0500 201.6
318.15 0.1009 201.7
318.15 0.2999 202.9
318.15 0.5999 202.3
318.15 1.0002 201.49
318.15 1.4008 199.9
318.15 1.9989 197.95
318.15 2.9997 192.57
323.15 0.0205 205.0
323.15 0.0500 210.2
323.15 0.1009 204.5
323.15 0.2999 206.1
323.15 0.5999 205.61
323.15 1.0002 204.92
323.15 1.4008 203.63
323.15 1.9989 201.64
323.15 2.9997 196.07
328.15 0.0205 211.0
328.15 0.0500 212.6
328.15 0.1009 207.7
328.15 0.2999 209.2
328.15 0.5999 208.72
328.15 1.0002 208.17
328.15 1.4008 207.15
328.15 1.9989 205.02
328.15 2.9997 199.3
333.15 0.0205 216.0
333.15 0.0500 215.0
333.15 0.1009 211.4
333.15 0.2999 212.2
333.15 0.5999 211.77
333.15 1.0002 211.31
333.15 1.4008 210.6
333.15 1.9989 208.26
333.15 2.9997 202.38
338.15 0.0205 220.3
338.15 0.0500 217.4
338.15 0.1009 214.9
338.15 0.2999 215.31
338.15 0.5999 214.75
338.15 1.0002 214.32
338.15 1.4008 214.02
338.15 1.9989 211.36
338.15 2.9997 205.28
343.15 0.0205 222.5
343.15 0.0500 220.1
343.15 0.1009 217.8
343.15 0.2999 218.0
343.15 0.5999 217.47
343.15 1.0002 217.11
343.15 1.4008 217.29
343.15 1.9989 214.23
343.15 2.9997 207.89
348.15 0.0205 224.5
348.15 0.0500 222.5
348.15 0.1009 220.6
348.15 0.2999 220.53
348.15 0.5999 220.11
348.15 1.0002 219.8
348.15 1.4008 220.55
348.15 1.9989 216.95
348.15 2.9997 210.38
353.15 0.0205 226.4
353.15 0.0500 225.1
353.15 0.1009 223.2
353.15 0.2999 223.02
353.15 0.5999 222.61
353.15 1.0002 222.32
353.15 1.4008 223.8
353.15 1.9989 219.51
353.15 2.9997 212.71
358.15 0.0205 228.9
358.15 0.0500 226.9
358.15 0.1009 225.7
358.15 0.2999 225.46
358.15 0.5999 225.04
358.15 1.0002 224.75
358.15 1.4008 227.11
358.15 1.9989 221.95
358.15 2.9997 214.96
363.15 0.0205 230.5
363.15 0.0500 228.4
363.15 0.1009 228.2
363.15 0.2999 227.78
363.15 0.5999 227.35
363.15 1.0002 227.06
363.15 1.4008 230.55
363.15 1.9989 224.23
363.15 2.9997 217.12
368.15 0.0205 232.2
368.15 0.0500 229.7
368.15 0.1009 230.5
368.15 0.2999 229.85
368.15 0.5999 229.39
368.15 1.0002 229.11
368.15 1.4008 234.04
368.15 1.9989 226.23
368.15 2.9997 219.02
373.15 0.0205 235.1
373.15 0.0500 230.7
373.15 0.1009 232.8
373.15 0.2999 231.8
373.15 0.5999 231.32
373.15 1.0002 231.04
373.15 1.4008 237.96
373.15 1.9989 228.1
373.15 2.9997 220.89
378.15 0.0205 238.2
378.15 0.0500 231.3
378.15 0.1009 234.7
378.15 0.2999 233.5
378.15 0.5999 233.0
378.15 1.0002 232.7
378.15 1.4008 242.58
378.15 1.9989 229.7
378.15 2.9997 222.59
383.15 0.0205 241.0
383.15 0.0500 232.1
383.15 0.1009 236.1
383.15 0.2999 234.8
383.15 0.5999 234.3
383.15 1.0002 234.0
383.15 1.4008 248.71
383.15 1.9989 230.9
383.15 2.9997 224.12
388.15 0.0205 243.0
388.15 0.0500 233.4
388.15 0.1009 236.9
388.15 0.2999 235.8
388.15 0.5999 235.2
388.15 1.0002 234.8
388.15 1.4008 257.65
388.15 1.9989 231.7
388.15 2.9997 225.34
393.15 0.0205 244.0
393.15 0.0500 236.1
393.15 0.1009 237.4
393.15 0.2999 236.1
393.15 0.5999 235.5
393.15 1.0002 235.0
393.15 1.4008 271.04
393.15 1.9989 231.8
393.15 2.9997 225.1

Refractive index (Na D-line) [ref]

Operational condition: Pressure, kPa = 101 (Liquid)

Fixed Measured
Temperature, K - Liquid Mole fraction of Dimethyl Sulfoxide (1) - Liquid Refractive index (Na D-line) - Liquid
298.15 0.0121 1.34
298.15 0.0202 1.344
298.15 0.1467 1.396
298.15 0.2455 1.4215
298.15 0.2959 1.4305
298.15 0.3213 1.4345
298.15 0.3713 1.4415
298.15 0.3967 1.4445
298.15 0.4301 1.4475
298.15 0.5964 1.461
298.15 0.7685 1.47
303.15 0.0121 1.339
303.15 0.0202 1.3435
303.15 0.1467 1.4005
303.15 0.2455 1.42
303.15 0.2959 1.4295
303.15 0.3213 1.4335
303.15 0.3713 1.4405
303.15 0.3967 1.443
303.15 0.4301 1.4455
303.15 0.5964 1.459
303.15 0.7685 1.468
308.15 0.0121 1.3395
308.15 0.0202 1.343
308.15 0.1467 1.4
308.15 0.2455 1.419
308.15 0.2959 1.428
308.15 0.3213 1.432
308.15 0.3713 1.4395
308.15 0.3967 1.442
308.15 0.4301 1.4445
308.15 0.5964 1.458
308.15 0.7685 1.466

Refractive index (Na D-line) [ref]

Operational condition: Pressure, kPa = 101 (Liquid)

Fixed Measured
Temperature, K - Liquid Mole fraction of Dimethyl Sulfoxide (1) - Liquid Refractive index (Na D-line) - Liquid
298.15 0.0121 1.34
298.15 0.0202 1.344
298.15 0.1467 1.396
298.15 0.2455 1.4215
298.15 0.2959 1.4305
298.15 0.3213 1.4345
298.15 0.3713 1.4415
298.15 0.3967 1.4445
298.15 0.4301 1.4475
298.15 0.5964 1.461
298.15 0.7685 1.47
303.15 0.0121 1.339
303.15 0.0202 1.3435
303.15 0.1467 1.4005
303.15 0.2455 1.42
303.15 0.2959 1.4295
303.15 0.3213 1.4335
303.15 0.3713 1.4405
303.15 0.3967 1.443
303.15 0.4301 1.4455
303.15 0.5964 1.459
303.15 0.7685 1.468
308.15 0.0121 1.3395
308.15 0.0202 1.343
308.15 0.1467 1.4
308.15 0.2455 1.419
308.15 0.2959 1.428
308.15 0.3213 1.432
308.15 0.3713 1.4395
308.15 0.3967 1.442
308.15 0.4301 1.4445
308.15 0.5964 1.458
308.15 0.7685 1.466

Mass density, kg/m3 [ref]

Operational condition: Pressure, kPa = 100 (Liquid)

Fixed Measured
Temperature, K - Liquid Mole fraction of Water (2) - Liquid Mass density, kg/m3 - Liquid
288.15 0.0308 1105.54
288.15 0.0551 1105.84
288.15 0.0666 1106.0
288.15 0.0845 1106.18
288.15 0.0919 1106.22
288.15 0.1500 1106.64
288.15 0.3035 1107.71
288.15 0.4053 1108.48
288.15 0.4504 1107.53
288.15 0.4990 1107.78
288.15 0.5480 1106.57
288.15 0.5992 1104.45
288.15 0.6504 1101.18
288.15 0.6987 1096.45
288.15 0.7492 1089.07
288.15 0.8014 1078.47
288.15 0.8495 1065.42
288.15 0.8997 1047.42
288.15 0.9200 1038.95
288.15 0.9298 1034.59
288.15 0.9495 1025.37
288.15 0.9599 1020.2
288.15 0.9697 1015.21
288.15 0.9798 1009.97
293.15 0.0308 1100.52
293.15 0.0551 1100.84
293.15 0.0666 1101.05
293.15 0.0845 1101.21
293.15 0.0919 1101.26
293.15 0.1500 1101.72
293.15 0.3035 1102.97
293.15 0.4053 1103.82
293.15 0.4504 1102.97
293.15 0.4990 1103.24
293.15 0.5480 1102.26
293.15 0.5992 1100.14
293.15 0.6504 1096.99
293.15 0.6987 1092.41
293.15 0.7492 1085.28
293.15 0.8014 1075.06
293.15 0.8495 1062.38
293.15 0.8997 1044.95
293.15 0.9200 1036.79
293.15 0.9298 1032.54
293.15 0.9495 1023.62
293.15 0.9599 1018.6
293.15 0.9697 1013.86
293.15 0.9798 1008.78
298.15 0.0308 1095.32
298.15 0.0551 1095.86
298.15 0.0666 1096.08
298.15 0.0845 1096.24
298.15 0.0919 1096.29
298.15 0.1500 1096.8
298.15 0.3035 1098.2
298.15 0.4053 1099.01
298.15 0.4504 1098.36
298.15 0.4990 1098.66
298.15 0.5480 1097.86
298.15 0.5992 1095.77
298.15 0.6504 1092.73
298.15 0.6987 1088.33
298.15 0.7492 1081.4
298.15 0.8014 1071.57
298.15 0.8495 1059.24
298.15 0.8997 1042.38
298.15 0.9200 1034.47
298.15 0.9298 1030.4
298.15 0.9495 1021.75
298.15 0.9599 1016.89
298.15 0.9697 1012.29
298.15 0.9798 1007.35
303.15 0.0308 1090.32
303.15 0.0551 1090.87
303.15 0.0666 1091.09
303.15 0.0845 1091.29
303.15 0.0919 1091.33
303.15 0.1500 1091.9
303.15 0.3035 1093.42
303.15 0.4053 1094.49
303.15 0.4504 1093.75
303.15 0.4990 1094.06
303.15 0.5480 1093.4
303.15 0.5992 1091.42
303.15 0.6504 1088.44
303.15 0.6987 1084.2
303.15 0.7492 1077.48
303.15 0.8014 1068.02
303.15 0.8495 1056.02
303.15 0.8997 1039.7
303.15 0.9200 1031.95
303.15 0.9298 1028.16
303.15 0.9495 1019.74
303.15 0.9599 1015.07
303.15 0.9697 1010.48
303.15 0.9798 1005.71

Mass density, kg/m3 [ref]

Operational conditions:

Temperature, K - Liquid Mass density, kg/m3 - Liquid
288.15 1019.8
293.15 1018.1
298.15 1016.2
303.15 1014.4
308.15 1012.3
313.15 1010.2
Temperature, K
Mass density, kg/m3

Mass density, kg/m3 [ref]

Operational condition: Pressure, kPa = 101 (Liquid)

Fixed Measured
Temperature, K - Liquid Mole fraction of Dimethyl Sulfoxide (1) - Liquid Mass density, kg/m3 - Liquid
298.15 0.0000 997.05
298.15 0.0238 1009.5
298.15 0.0489 1021.56
298.15 0.0796 1034.64
298.15 0.1183 1048.91
298.15 0.1587 1061.32
298.15 0.2036 1072.5
298.15 0.2379 1079.21
298.15 0.2768 1085.26
298.15 0.3074 1088.96
298.15 0.3335 1091.44
298.15 0.3638 1093.61
298.15 0.3906 1095.11
298.15 0.4412 1097.04
298.15 0.5193 1098.34
298.15 0.5677 1098.66
298.15 0.6195 1098.86
298.15 0.6813 1098.85
298.15 0.7595 1098.49
298.15 0.8095 1098.02
298.15 0.8856 1097.3
298.15 0.9407 1096.83
298.15 0.9781 1096.41
298.15 1.0000 1096.29
303.15 0.0000 995.65
303.15 0.0238 1007.8
303.15 0.0489 1019.59
303.15 0.0796 1032.3
303.15 0.1183 1046.26
303.15 0.1587 1058.32
303.15 0.2036 1069.04
303.15 0.2379 1075.61
303.15 0.2768 1081.43
303.15 0.3074 1085.02
303.15 0.3335 1087.45
303.15 0.3638 1089.68
303.15 0.3906 1091.09
303.15 0.4412 1092.88
303.15 0.5193 1094.01
303.15 0.5677 1094.24
303.15 0.6195 1094.29
303.15 0.6813 1094.13
303.15 0.7595 1093.75
303.15 0.8095 1093.29
303.15 0.8856 1092.53
303.15 0.9407 1091.95
303.15 0.9781 1091.56
303.15 1.0000 1091.44
308.15 0.0000 994.03
308.15 0.0238 1005.89
308.15 0.0489 1017.38
308.15 0.0796 1029.76
308.15 0.1183 1043.35
308.15 0.1587 1055.11
308.15 0.2036 1065.5
308.15 0.2379 1071.77
308.15 0.2768 1077.51
308.15 0.3074 1080.99
308.15 0.3335 1083.41
308.15 0.3638 1085.47
308.15 0.3906 1086.84
308.15 0.4412 1088.48
308.15 0.5193 1089.48
308.15 0.5677 1089.61
308.15 0.6195 1089.61
308.15 0.6813 1089.3
308.15 0.7595 1088.81
308.15 0.8095 1088.4
308.15 0.8856 1087.58
308.15 0.9407 1086.95
308.15 0.9781 1086.54
308.15 1.0000 1086.41
313.15 0.0000 992.22
313.15 0.0238 1003.79
313.15 0.0489 1015.03
313.15 0.0796 1027.04
313.15 0.1183 1040.22
313.15 0.1587 1051.58
313.15 0.2036 1061.82
313.15 0.2379 1067.99
313.15 0.2768 1073.27
313.15 0.3074 1076.81
313.15 0.3335 1079.21
313.15 0.3638 1081.11
313.15 0.3906 1082.43
313.15 0.4412 1084.05
313.15 0.5193 1085.1
313.15 0.5677 1085.12
313.15 0.6195 1085.01
313.15 0.6813 1084.66
313.15 0.7595 1083.92
313.15 0.8095 1083.63
313.15 0.8856 1082.75
313.15 0.9407 1082.04
313.15 0.9781 1081.71
313.15 1.0000 1081.59
318.15 0.0000 990.21
318.15 0.0238 1001.51
318.15 0.0489 1012.48
318.15 0.0796 1024.2
318.15 0.1183 1036.98
318.15 0.1587 1047.91
318.15 0.2036 1057.83
318.15 0.2379 1063.81
318.15 0.2768 1069.16
318.15 0.3074 1072.4
318.15 0.3335 1074.68
318.15 0.3638 1076.63
318.15 0.3906 1077.78
318.15 0.4412 1079.52
318.15 0.5193 1080.42
318.15 0.5677 1080.33
318.15 0.6195 1080.01
318.15 0.6813 1079.61
318.15 0.7595 1078.92
318.15 0.8095 1078.58
318.15 0.8856 1077.68
318.15 0.9407 1076.93
318.15 0.9781 1076.53
318.15 1.0000 1076.46

Mass density, kg/m3 [ref]

Operational condition: Pressure, kPa = 101 (Liquid)

Fixed Measured
Temperature, K - Liquid Mole fraction of Dimethyl Sulfoxide (1) - Liquid Mass density, kg/m3 - Liquid
275.15 0.0000 999.9
275.15 0.0506 1028.9
275.15 0.1011 1053.6
275.15 0.2003 1087.7
275.15 0.3011 1106.3
275.15 0.3984 1158.3
275.15 0.4868 1119.0
275.15 0.6967 1120.4
277.15 0.0000 1000.0
277.15 0.0506 1028.4
277.15 0.1011 1052.8
277.15 0.2003 1086.8
277.15 0.3011 1105.1
277.15 0.3984 1113.7
277.15 0.4868 1116.8
277.15 0.6967 1119.0
279.15 0.0000 999.9
279.15 0.0506 1027.8
279.15 0.1011 1051.5
279.15 0.2003 1085.1
279.15 0.3011 1103.5
279.15 0.3984 1111.9
279.15 0.4868 1115.6
279.15 0.6967 1116.6
281.15 0.0000 999.9
281.15 0.0506 1027.1
281.15 0.1011 1050.7
281.15 0.2003 1084.0
281.15 0.3011 1102.3
281.15 0.3984 1110.6
281.15 0.4868 1112.6
281.15 0.6967 1115.3
283.15 0.0000 999.7
283.15 0.0506 1026.5
283.15 0.1011 1050.0
283.15 0.2003 1082.4
283.15 0.3011 1101.0
283.15 0.3984 1108.6
283.15 0.4868 1111.1
283.15 0.6967 1113.0

Mass density, kg/m3 [ref]

Operational condition: Pressure, kPa = 350 (Liquid)

Fixed Measured
Molality, mol/kg of Dimethyl Sulfoxide (1) - Liquid Temperature, K - Liquid Mass density, kg/m3 - Liquid
0.0205 278.15 1000.2
0.0205 283.15 999.99
0.0205 288.15 999.38
0.0205 298.15 997.3
0.0500 278.15 1000.65
0.0500 283.15 1000.35
0.0500 288.15 999.69
0.0500 298.15 997.53
0.0500 308.15 994.47
0.0500 318.15 990.68
0.0500 328.15 986.19
0.0500 338.15 981.04
0.0500 348.15 975.34
0.0500 358.15 969.08
0.0500 368.15 962.38
0.1009 278.15 1001.05
0.1009 283.15 1000.8
0.1009 288.15 1000.17
0.1009 298.15 998.08
0.1009 308.15 995.04
0.1009 318.15 991.2
0.1009 328.15 986.65
0.1009 338.15 981.52
0.1009 348.15 975.75
0.1009 358.15 969.42
0.1009 368.15 962.67
0.2999 278.15 1003.09
0.2999 283.15 1002.79
0.2999 288.15 1002.09
0.2999 298.15 999.86
0.2999 308.15 996.71
0.2999 318.15 992.82
0.2999 328.15 988.24
0.2999 338.15 983.04
0.2999 348.15 977.27
0.2999 358.15 970.97
0.2999 368.15 964.17
0.5999 278.15 1006.21
0.5999 283.15 1005.8
0.5999 288.15 1005.01
0.5999 298.15 1002.59
0.5999 308.15 999.39
0.5999 318.15 995.39
0.5999 328.15 990.69
0.5999 338.15 985.43
0.5999 348.15 979.56
0.5999 358.15 973.19
0.5999 368.15 966.32
1.0002 278.15 1010.12
1.0002 283.15 1009.57
1.0002 288.15 1008.68
1.0002 298.15 1006.13
1.0002 308.15 1002.69
1.0002 318.15 998.51
1.0002 328.15 993.67
1.0002 338.15 988.23
1.0002 348.15 982.3
1.0002 358.15 975.81
1.0002 368.15 968.85
1.4008 278.15 1014.07
1.4008 283.15 1013.37
1.4008 288.15 1012.33
1.4008 298.15 1009.63
1.4008 308.15 1006.02
1.4008 318.15 1001.67
1.4008 328.15 996.68
1.4008 338.15 991.12
1.4008 348.15 985.04
1.4008 358.15 978.46
1.4008 368.15 971.4
1.9989 278.15 1019.14
1.9989 283.15 1018.37
1.9989 288.15 1017.21
1.9989 298.15 1014.14
1.9989 308.15 1010.3
1.9989 318.15 1005.75
1.9989 328.15 1000.61
1.9989 338.15 994.9
1.9989 348.15 988.67
1.9989 358.15 981.95
1.9989 368.15 974.78
2.9997 278.15 1028.8
2.9997 283.15 1027.48
2.9997 288.15 1025.86
2.9997 298.15 1022.13
2.9997 308.15 1017.72
2.9997 318.15 1012.79
2.9997 328.15 1007.27
2.9997 338.15 1001.21
2.9997 348.15 994.7
2.9997 358.15 987.76
2.9997 368.15 980.35

Mass density, kg/m3 [ref]

Operational condition: Pressure, kPa = 101 (Liquid)

Fixed Measured
Mole fraction of Dimethyl Sulfoxide (1) - Liquid Temperature, K - Liquid Mass density, kg/m3 - Liquid
0.0121 303.15 1002.0
0.0121 308.15 1000.3
0.0121 313.15 998.5
0.0121 318.15 996.2
0.0255 303.15 1008.0
0.0255 308.15 1006.4
0.0255 313.15 1004.4
0.0255 318.15 1002.3
0.0424 303.15 1015.3
0.0424 308.15 1013.6
0.0424 313.15 1011.4
0.0424 318.15 1009.3
0.0583 303.15 1021.4
0.0583 308.15 1019.3
0.0583 313.15 1017.6
0.0583 318.15 1015.3

Mass density, kg/m3 [ref]

Operational conditions:

Temperature, K - Liquid Mass density, kg/m3 - Liquid
293.15 1100.2
303.15 1090.2
313.15 1080.4
323.15 1070.2
333.15 1060.3
343.15 1050.2
353.15 1040.2
363.15 1029.9
373.15 1019.8
Temperature, K
Mass density, kg/m3

Mass density, kg/m3 [ref]

Operational condition: Pressure, kPa = 81.5 (Liquid)

Fixed Measured
Temperature, K - Liquid Mole fraction of Water (2) - Liquid Mass density, kg/m3 - Liquid
293.15 0.0000 1100.41
293.15 0.0568 1100.94
293.15 0.1605 1101.91
293.15 0.2252 1102.54
293.15 0.3187 1103.26
293.15 0.3953 1103.54
293.15 0.4582 1103.48
293.15 0.5473 1102.05
293.15 0.6473 1097.2
293.15 0.7213 1089.55
293.15 0.7997 1075.48
293.15 0.8828 1051.12
293.15 0.9632 1016.98
293.15 1.0000 998.2
303.15 0.0000 1090.37
303.15 0.0568 1090.97
303.15 0.1605 1092.1
303.15 0.2252 1092.83
303.15 0.3187 1093.73
303.15 0.3953 1094.31
303.15 0.4582 1094.25
303.15 0.5473 1093.11
303.15 0.6473 1088.67
303.15 0.7213 1081.52
303.15 0.7997 1068.31
303.15 0.8828 1045.47
303.15 0.9632 1013.46
303.15 1.0000 995.64
313.15 0.0000 1080.34
313.15 0.0568 1081.01
313.15 0.1605 1082.26
313.15 0.2252 1083.1
313.15 0.3187 1084.18
313.15 0.3953 1084.89
313.15 0.4582 1084.95
313.15 0.5473 1084.03
313.15 0.6473 1079.97
313.15 0.7213 1073.28
313.15 0.7997 1060.87
313.15 0.8828 1039.4
313.15 0.9632 1009.19
313.15 1.0000 992.21
323.15 0.0000 1070.3
323.15 0.0568 1071.03
323.15 0.1605 1072.41
323.15 0.2252 1073.32
323.15 0.3187 1074.52
323.15 0.3953 1075.37
323.15 0.4582 1075.54
323.15 0.5473 1074.8
323.15 0.6473 1071.08
323.15 0.7213 1064.82
323.15 0.7997 1053.13
323.15 0.8828 1032.81
323.15 0.9632 1003.92
323.15 1.0000 988.03
333.15 0.0000 1060.27
333.15 0.0568 1061.04
333.15 0.1605 1062.5
333.15 0.2252 1063.49
333.15 0.3187 1064.79
333.15 0.3953 1065.74
333.15 0.4582 1066.0
333.15 0.5473 1065.41
333.15 0.6473 1062.0
333.15 0.7213 1056.12
333.15 0.7997 1045.11
333.15 0.8828 1024.92
333.15 0.9632 998.73
333.15 1.0000 983.19

Mass density, kg/m3 [ref]

Operational condition: Pressure, kPa = 101 (Liquid)

Fixed Measured
Temperature, K - Liquid Mass fraction of Dimethyl Sulfoxide (1) - Liquid Mass density, kg/m3 - Liquid
298.15 0.0000 997.15
298.15 0.2000 1024.2
298.15 0.4000 1053.47
298.15 0.5000 1067.81
298.15 0.6000 1082.31
298.15 0.7000 1087.32
298.15 1.0000 1095.41
303.15 0.0000 997.0
303.15 0.2000 1019.7
303.15 0.4000 1052.47
303.15 0.5000 1062.43
303.15 0.6000 1081.11
303.15 0.7000 1084.92
303.15 1.0000 1090.13
308.15 0.0000 983.66
308.15 0.2000 1015.2
308.15 0.4000 1045.3
308.15 0.5000 1056.4
308.15 0.6000 1072.8
308.15 0.7000 1080.83
308.15 1.0000 1085.38
313.15 0.0000 968.41
313.15 0.2000 998.4
313.15 0.4000 1040.12
313.15 0.5000 1048.28
313.15 0.6000 1065.21
313.15 0.7000 1075.23
313.15 1.0000 1080.58
318.15 0.0000 953.21
318.15 0.2000 979.2
318.15 0.4000 1038.01
318.15 0.5000 1047.52
318.15 0.6000 1057.1
318.15 0.7000 1067.12
318.15 1.0000 1074.5

Mass density, kg/m3 [ref]

Operational condition: Pressure, kPa = 100 (Liquid)

Fixed Measured
Temperature, K - Liquid Mole fraction of Water (2) - Liquid Mass density, kg/m3 - Liquid
288.15 0.0308 1105.54
288.15 0.0551 1105.84
288.15 0.0666 1106.0
288.15 0.0845 1106.18
288.15 0.0919 1106.22
288.15 0.1500 1106.64
288.15 0.3035 1107.71
288.15 0.4053 1108.48
288.15 0.4504 1107.53
288.15 0.4990 1107.78
288.15 0.5480 1106.57
288.15 0.5992 1104.45
288.15 0.6504 1101.18
288.15 0.6987 1096.45
288.15 0.7492 1089.07
288.15 0.8014 1078.47
288.15 0.8495 1065.42
288.15 0.8997 1047.42
288.15 0.9200 1038.95
288.15 0.9298 1034.59
288.15 0.9495 1025.37
288.15 0.9599 1020.2
288.15 0.9697 1015.21
288.15 0.9798 1009.97
293.15 0.0308 1100.52
293.15 0.0551 1100.84
293.15 0.0666 1101.05
293.15 0.0845 1101.21
293.15 0.0919 1101.26
293.15 0.1500 1101.72
293.15 0.3035 1102.97
293.15 0.4053 1103.82
293.15 0.4504 1102.97
293.15 0.4990 1103.24
293.15 0.5480 1102.26
293.15 0.5992 1100.14
293.15 0.6504 1096.99
293.15 0.6987 1092.41
293.15 0.7492 1085.28
293.15 0.8014 1075.06
293.15 0.8495 1062.38
293.15 0.8997 1044.95
293.15 0.9200 1036.79
293.15 0.9298 1032.54
293.15 0.9495 1023.62
293.15 0.9599 1018.6
293.15 0.9697 1013.86
293.15 0.9798 1008.78
298.15 0.0308 1095.32
298.15 0.0551 1095.86
298.15 0.0666 1096.08
298.15 0.0845 1096.24
298.15 0.0919 1096.29
298.15 0.1500 1096.8
298.15 0.3035 1098.2
298.15 0.4053 1099.01
298.15 0.4504 1098.36
298.15 0.4990 1098.66
298.15 0.5480 1097.86
298.15 0.5992 1095.77
298.15 0.6504 1092.73
298.15 0.6987 1088.33
298.15 0.7492 1081.4
298.15 0.8014 1071.57
298.15 0.8495 1059.24
298.15 0.8997 1042.38
298.15 0.9200 1034.47
298.15 0.9298 1030.4
298.15 0.9495 1021.75
298.15 0.9599 1016.89
298.15 0.9697 1012.29
298.15 0.9798 1007.35
303.15 0.0308 1090.32
303.15 0.0551 1090.87
303.15 0.0666 1091.09
303.15 0.0845 1091.29
303.15 0.0919 1091.33
303.15 0.1500 1091.9
303.15 0.3035 1093.42
303.15 0.4053 1094.49
303.15 0.4504 1093.75
303.15 0.4990 1094.06
303.15 0.5480 1093.4
303.15 0.5992 1091.42
303.15 0.6504 1088.44
303.15 0.6987 1084.2
303.15 0.7492 1077.48
303.15 0.8014 1068.02
303.15 0.8495 1056.02
303.15 0.8997 1039.7
303.15 0.9200 1031.95
303.15 0.9298 1028.16
303.15 0.9495 1019.74
303.15 0.9599 1015.07
303.15 0.9697 1010.48
303.15 0.9798 1005.71

Mass density, kg/m3 [ref]

Operational conditions:

Temperature, K - Liquid Mass density, kg/m3 - Liquid
288.15 1019.8
293.15 1018.1
298.15 1016.2
303.15 1014.4
308.15 1012.3
313.15 1010.2
Temperature, K
Mass density, kg/m3

Mass density, kg/m3 [ref]

Operational condition: Pressure, kPa = 101 (Liquid)

Fixed Measured
Temperature, K - Liquid Mole fraction of Dimethyl Sulfoxide (1) - Liquid Mass density, kg/m3 - Liquid
298.15 0.0000 997.05
298.15 0.0238 1009.5
298.15 0.0489 1021.56
298.15 0.0796 1034.64
298.15 0.1183 1048.91
298.15 0.1587 1061.32
298.15 0.2036 1072.5
298.15 0.2379 1079.21
298.15 0.2768 1085.26
298.15 0.3074 1088.96
298.15 0.3335 1091.44
298.15 0.3638 1093.61
298.15 0.3906 1095.11
298.15 0.4412 1097.04
298.15 0.5193 1098.34
298.15 0.5677 1098.66
298.15 0.6195 1098.86
298.15 0.6813 1098.85
298.15 0.7595 1098.49
298.15 0.8095 1098.02
298.15 0.8856 1097.3
298.15 0.9407 1096.83
298.15 0.9781 1096.41
298.15 1.0000 1096.29
303.15 0.0000 995.65
303.15 0.0238 1007.8
303.15 0.0489 1019.59
303.15 0.0796 1032.3
303.15 0.1183 1046.26
303.15 0.1587 1058.32
303.15 0.2036 1069.04
303.15 0.2379 1075.61
303.15 0.2768 1081.43
303.15 0.3074 1085.02
303.15 0.3335 1087.45
303.15 0.3638 1089.68
303.15 0.3906 1091.09
303.15 0.4412 1092.88
303.15 0.5193 1094.01
303.15 0.5677 1094.24
303.15 0.6195 1094.29
303.15 0.6813 1094.13
303.15 0.7595 1093.75
303.15 0.8095 1093.29
303.15 0.8856 1092.53
303.15 0.9407 1091.95
303.15 0.9781 1091.56
303.15 1.0000 1091.44
308.15 0.0000 994.03
308.15 0.0238 1005.89
308.15 0.0489 1017.38
308.15 0.0796 1029.76
308.15 0.1183 1043.35
308.15 0.1587 1055.11
308.15 0.2036 1065.5
308.15 0.2379 1071.77
308.15 0.2768 1077.51
308.15 0.3074 1080.99
308.15 0.3335 1083.41
308.15 0.3638 1085.47
308.15 0.3906 1086.84
308.15 0.4412 1088.48
308.15 0.5193 1089.48
308.15 0.5677 1089.61
308.15 0.6195 1089.61
308.15 0.6813 1089.3
308.15 0.7595 1088.81
308.15 0.8095 1088.4
308.15 0.8856 1087.58
308.15 0.9407 1086.95
308.15 0.9781 1086.54
308.15 1.0000 1086.41
313.15 0.0000 992.22
313.15 0.0238 1003.79
313.15 0.0489 1015.03
313.15 0.0796 1027.04
313.15 0.1183 1040.22
313.15 0.1587 1051.58
313.15 0.2036 1061.82
313.15 0.2379 1067.99
313.15 0.2768 1073.27
313.15 0.3074 1076.81
313.15 0.3335 1079.21
313.15 0.3638 1081.11
313.15 0.3906 1082.43
313.15 0.4412 1084.05
313.15 0.5193 1085.1
313.15 0.5677 1085.12
313.15 0.6195 1085.01
313.15 0.6813 1084.66
313.15 0.7595 1083.92
313.15 0.8095 1083.63
313.15 0.8856 1082.75
313.15 0.9407 1082.04
313.15 0.9781 1081.71
313.15 1.0000 1081.59
318.15 0.0000 990.21
318.15 0.0238 1001.51
318.15 0.0489 1012.48
318.15 0.0796 1024.2
318.15 0.1183 1036.98
318.15 0.1587 1047.91
318.15 0.2036 1057.83
318.15 0.2379 1063.81
318.15 0.2768 1069.16
318.15 0.3074 1072.4
318.15 0.3335 1074.68
318.15 0.3638 1076.63
318.15 0.3906 1077.78
318.15 0.4412 1079.52
318.15 0.5193 1080.42
318.15 0.5677 1080.33
318.15 0.6195 1080.01
318.15 0.6813 1079.61
318.15 0.7595 1078.92
318.15 0.8095 1078.58
318.15 0.8856 1077.68
318.15 0.9407 1076.93
318.15 0.9781 1076.53
318.15 1.0000 1076.46

Mass density, kg/m3 [ref]

Operational condition: Pressure, kPa = 101 (Liquid)

Fixed Measured
Temperature, K - Liquid Mole fraction of Dimethyl Sulfoxide (1) - Liquid Mass density, kg/m3 - Liquid
275.15 0.0000 999.9
275.15 0.0506 1028.9
275.15 0.1011 1053.6
275.15 0.2003 1087.7
275.15 0.3011 1106.3
275.15 0.3984 1158.3
275.15 0.4868 1119.0
275.15 0.6967 1120.4
277.15 0.0000 1000.0
277.15 0.0506 1028.4
277.15 0.1011 1052.8
277.15 0.2003 1086.8
277.15 0.3011 1105.1
277.15 0.3984 1113.7
277.15 0.4868 1116.8
277.15 0.6967 1119.0
279.15 0.0000 999.9
279.15 0.0506 1027.8
279.15 0.1011 1051.5
279.15 0.2003 1085.1
279.15 0.3011 1103.5
279.15 0.3984 1111.9
279.15 0.4868 1115.6
279.15 0.6967 1116.6
281.15 0.0000 999.9
281.15 0.0506 1027.1
281.15 0.1011 1050.7
281.15 0.2003 1084.0
281.15 0.3011 1102.3
281.15 0.3984 1110.6
281.15 0.4868 1112.6
281.15 0.6967 1115.3
283.15 0.0000 999.7
283.15 0.0506 1026.5
283.15 0.1011 1050.0
283.15 0.2003 1082.4
283.15 0.3011 1101.0
283.15 0.3984 1108.6
283.15 0.4868 1111.1
283.15 0.6967 1113.0

Mass density, kg/m3 [ref]

Operational condition: Pressure, kPa = 350 (Liquid)

Fixed Measured
Molality, mol/kg of Dimethyl Sulfoxide (1) - Liquid Temperature, K - Liquid Mass density, kg/m3 - Liquid
0.0205 278.15 1000.2
0.0205 283.15 999.99
0.0205 288.15 999.38
0.0205 298.15 997.3
0.0500 278.15 1000.65
0.0500 283.15 1000.35
0.0500 288.15 999.69
0.0500 298.15 997.53
0.0500 308.15 994.47
0.0500 318.15 990.68
0.0500 328.15 986.19
0.0500 338.15 981.04
0.0500 348.15 975.34
0.0500 358.15 969.08
0.0500 368.15 962.38
0.1009 278.15 1001.05
0.1009 283.15 1000.8
0.1009 288.15 1000.17
0.1009 298.15 998.08
0.1009 308.15 995.04
0.1009 318.15 991.2
0.1009 328.15 986.65
0.1009 338.15 981.52
0.1009 348.15 975.75
0.1009 358.15 969.42
0.1009 368.15 962.67
0.2999 278.15 1003.09
0.2999 283.15 1002.79
0.2999 288.15 1002.09
0.2999 298.15 999.86
0.2999 308.15 996.71
0.2999 318.15 992.82
0.2999 328.15 988.24
0.2999 338.15 983.04
0.2999 348.15 977.27
0.2999 358.15 970.97
0.2999 368.15 964.17
0.5999 278.15 1006.21
0.5999 283.15 1005.8
0.5999 288.15 1005.01
0.5999 298.15 1002.59
0.5999 308.15 999.39
0.5999 318.15 995.39
0.5999 328.15 990.69
0.5999 338.15 985.43
0.5999 348.15 979.56
0.5999 358.15 973.19
0.5999 368.15 966.32
1.0002 278.15 1010.12
1.0002 283.15 1009.57
1.0002 288.15 1008.68
1.0002 298.15 1006.13
1.0002 308.15 1002.69
1.0002 318.15 998.51
1.0002 328.15 993.67
1.0002 338.15 988.23
1.0002 348.15 982.3
1.0002 358.15 975.81
1.0002 368.15 968.85
1.4008 278.15 1014.07
1.4008 283.15 1013.37
1.4008 288.15 1012.33
1.4008 298.15 1009.63
1.4008 308.15 1006.02
1.4008 318.15 1001.67
1.4008 328.15 996.68
1.4008 338.15 991.12
1.4008 348.15 985.04
1.4008 358.15 978.46
1.4008 368.15 971.4
1.9989 278.15 1019.14
1.9989 283.15 1018.37
1.9989 288.15 1017.21
1.9989 298.15 1014.14
1.9989 308.15 1010.3
1.9989 318.15 1005.75
1.9989 328.15 1000.61
1.9989 338.15 994.9
1.9989 348.15 988.67
1.9989 358.15 981.95
1.9989 368.15 974.78
2.9997 278.15 1028.8
2.9997 283.15 1027.48
2.9997 288.15 1025.86
2.9997 298.15 1022.13
2.9997 308.15 1017.72
2.9997 318.15 1012.79
2.9997 328.15 1007.27
2.9997 338.15 1001.21
2.9997 348.15 994.7
2.9997 358.15 987.76
2.9997 368.15 980.35

Mass density, kg/m3 [ref]

Operational condition: Pressure, kPa = 101 (Liquid)

Fixed Measured
Mole fraction of Dimethyl Sulfoxide (1) - Liquid Temperature, K - Liquid Mass density, kg/m3 - Liquid
0.0121 303.15 1002.0
0.0121 308.15 1000.3
0.0121 313.15 998.5
0.0121 318.15 996.2
0.0255 303.15 1008.0
0.0255 308.15 1006.4
0.0255 313.15 1004.4
0.0255 318.15 1002.3
0.0424 303.15 1015.3
0.0424 308.15 1013.6
0.0424 313.15 1011.4
0.0424 318.15 1009.3
0.0583 303.15 1021.4
0.0583 308.15 1019.3
0.0583 313.15 1017.6
0.0583 318.15 1015.3

Mass density, kg/m3 [ref]

Operational conditions:

Temperature, K - Liquid Mass density, kg/m3 - Liquid
293.15 1100.2
303.15 1090.2
313.15 1080.4
323.15 1070.2
333.15 1060.3
343.15 1050.2
353.15 1040.2
363.15 1029.9
373.15 1019.8
Temperature, K
Mass density, kg/m3

Mass density, kg/m3 [ref]

Operational condition: Pressure, kPa = 81.5 (Liquid)

Fixed Measured
Temperature, K - Liquid Mole fraction of Water (2) - Liquid Mass density, kg/m3 - Liquid
293.15 0.0000 1100.41
293.15 0.0568 1100.94
293.15 0.1605 1101.91
293.15 0.2252 1102.54
293.15 0.3187 1103.26
293.15 0.3953 1103.54
293.15 0.4582 1103.48
293.15 0.5473 1102.05
293.15 0.6473 1097.2
293.15 0.7213 1089.55
293.15 0.7997 1075.48
293.15 0.8828 1051.12
293.15 0.9632 1016.98
293.15 1.0000 998.2
303.15 0.0000 1090.37
303.15 0.0568 1090.97
303.15 0.1605 1092.1
303.15 0.2252 1092.83
303.15 0.3187 1093.73
303.15 0.3953 1094.31
303.15 0.4582 1094.25
303.15 0.5473 1093.11
303.15 0.6473 1088.67
303.15 0.7213 1081.52
303.15 0.7997 1068.31
303.15 0.8828 1045.47
303.15 0.9632 1013.46
303.15 1.0000 995.64
313.15 0.0000 1080.34
313.15 0.0568 1081.01
313.15 0.1605 1082.26
313.15 0.2252 1083.1
313.15 0.3187 1084.18
313.15 0.3953 1084.89
313.15 0.4582 1084.95
313.15 0.5473 1084.03
313.15 0.6473 1079.97
313.15 0.7213 1073.28
313.15 0.7997 1060.87
313.15 0.8828 1039.4
313.15 0.9632 1009.19
313.15 1.0000 992.21
323.15 0.0000 1070.3
323.15 0.0568 1071.03
323.15 0.1605 1072.41
323.15 0.2252 1073.32
323.15 0.3187 1074.52
323.15 0.3953 1075.37
323.15 0.4582 1075.54
323.15 0.5473 1074.8
323.15 0.6473 1071.08
323.15 0.7213 1064.82
323.15 0.7997 1053.13
323.15 0.8828 1032.81
323.15 0.9632 1003.92
323.15 1.0000 988.03
333.15 0.0000 1060.27
333.15 0.0568 1061.04
333.15 0.1605 1062.5
333.15 0.2252 1063.49
333.15 0.3187 1064.79
333.15 0.3953 1065.74
333.15 0.4582 1066.0
333.15 0.5473 1065.41
333.15 0.6473 1062.0
333.15 0.7213 1056.12
333.15 0.7997 1045.11
333.15 0.8828 1024.92
333.15 0.9632 998.73
333.15 1.0000 983.19

Mass density, kg/m3 [ref]

Operational condition: Pressure, kPa = 101 (Liquid)

Fixed Measured
Temperature, K - Liquid Mass fraction of Dimethyl Sulfoxide (1) - Liquid Mass density, kg/m3 - Liquid
298.15 0.0000 997.15
298.15 0.2000 1024.2
298.15 0.4000 1053.47
298.15 0.5000 1067.81
298.15 0.6000 1082.31
298.15 0.7000 1087.32
298.15 1.0000 1095.41
303.15 0.0000 997.0
303.15 0.2000 1019.7
303.15 0.4000 1052.47
303.15 0.5000 1062.43
303.15 0.6000 1081.11
303.15 0.7000 1084.92
303.15 1.0000 1090.13
308.15 0.0000 983.66
308.15 0.2000 1015.2
308.15 0.4000 1045.3
308.15 0.5000 1056.4
308.15 0.6000 1072.8
308.15 0.7000 1080.83
308.15 1.0000 1085.38
313.15 0.0000 968.41
313.15 0.2000 998.4
313.15 0.4000 1040.12
313.15 0.5000 1048.28
313.15 0.6000 1065.21
313.15 0.7000 1075.23
313.15 1.0000 1080.58
318.15 0.0000 953.21
318.15 0.2000 979.2
318.15 0.4000 1038.01
318.15 0.5000 1047.52
318.15 0.6000 1057.1
318.15 0.7000 1067.12
318.15 1.0000 1074.5

Speed of sound, m/s [ref]

Operational conditions:

Temperature, K - Liquid Speed of sound, m/s - Liquid
288.15 1555.18
293.15 1562.46
298.15 1568.53
303.15 1573.38
308.15 1577.0
313.15 1579.41
Temperature, K
Speed of sound, m/s

Speed of sound, m/s [ref]

Operational condition: Pressure, kPa = 101 (Liquid)

Fixed Measured
Temperature, K - Liquid Mole fraction of Dimethyl Sulfoxide (1) - Liquid Speed of sound, m/s - Liquid
275.15 0.0000 1415.0
275.15 0.0506 1555.4
275.15 0.1011 1661.0
275.15 0.2003 1754.0
275.15 0.3011 1771.0
275.15 0.3984 1743.0
275.15 0.4868 1701.6
275.15 0.6967 1631.0
277.15 0.0000 1424.6
277.15 0.0506 1554.4
277.15 0.1011 1662.4
277.15 0.2003 1748.0
277.15 0.3011 1758.6
277.15 0.3984 1726.0
277.15 0.4868 1699.0
277.15 0.6967 1629.6
279.15 0.0000 1430.4
279.15 0.0506 1556.4
279.15 0.1011 1662.4
279.15 0.2003 1748.0
279.15 0.3011 1759.0
279.15 0.3984 1722.0
279.15 0.4868 1692.0
279.15 0.6967 1620.0
281.15 0.0000 1441.6
281.15 0.0506 1573.4
281.15 0.1011 1661.6
281.15 0.2003 1749.6
281.15 0.3011 1753.4
281.15 0.3984 1724.4
281.15 0.4868 1678.8
281.15 0.6967 1609.0
283.15 0.0000 1448.0
283.15 0.0506 1567.4
283.15 0.1011 1659.4
283.15 0.2003 1735.4
283.15 0.3011 1740.4
283.15 0.3984 1717.0
283.15 0.4868 1681.4
283.15 0.6967 1606.4

Speed of sound, m/s [ref]

Operational condition: Pressure, kPa = 101 (Liquid)

Fixed Measured
Mole fraction of Dimethyl Sulfoxide (1) - Liquid Temperature, K - Liquid Speed of sound, m/s - Liquid
0.0121 303.15 1534.6
0.0121 308.15 1541.3
0.0121 313.15 1546.2
0.0121 318.15 1552.4
0.0255 303.15 1556.6
0.0255 308.15 1561.7
0.0255 313.15 1566.0
0.0255 318.15 1569.7
0.0424 303.15 1580.0
0.0424 308.15 1583.1
0.0424 313.15 1586.1
0.0424 318.15 1587.2
0.0583 303.15 1602.7
0.0583 308.15 1603.5
0.0583 313.15 1604.9
0.0583 318.15 1603.3

Speed of sound, m/s [ref]

Operational conditions:

Temperature, K - Liquid Speed of sound, m/s - Liquid
288.15 1555.18
293.15 1562.46
298.15 1568.53
303.15 1573.38
308.15 1577.0
313.15 1579.41
Temperature, K
Speed of sound, m/s

Speed of sound, m/s [ref]

Operational condition: Pressure, kPa = 101 (Liquid)

Fixed Measured
Temperature, K - Liquid Mole fraction of Dimethyl Sulfoxide (1) - Liquid Speed of sound, m/s - Liquid
275.15 0.0000 1415.0
275.15 0.0506 1555.4
275.15 0.1011 1661.0
275.15 0.2003 1754.0
275.15 0.3011 1771.0
275.15 0.3984 1743.0
275.15 0.4868 1701.6
275.15 0.6967 1631.0
277.15 0.0000 1424.6
277.15 0.0506 1554.4
277.15 0.1011 1662.4
277.15 0.2003 1748.0
277.15 0.3011 1758.6
277.15 0.3984 1726.0
277.15 0.4868 1699.0
277.15 0.6967 1629.6
279.15 0.0000 1430.4
279.15 0.0506 1556.4
279.15 0.1011 1662.4
279.15 0.2003 1748.0
279.15 0.3011 1759.0
279.15 0.3984 1722.0
279.15 0.4868 1692.0
279.15 0.6967 1620.0
281.15 0.0000 1441.6
281.15 0.0506 1573.4
281.15 0.1011 1661.6
281.15 0.2003 1749.6
281.15 0.3011 1753.4
281.15 0.3984 1724.4
281.15 0.4868 1678.8
281.15 0.6967 1609.0
283.15 0.0000 1448.0
283.15 0.0506 1567.4
283.15 0.1011 1659.4
283.15 0.2003 1735.4
283.15 0.3011 1740.4
283.15 0.3984 1717.0
283.15 0.4868 1681.4
283.15 0.6967 1606.4

Speed of sound, m/s [ref]

Operational condition: Pressure, kPa = 101 (Liquid)

Fixed Measured
Mole fraction of Dimethyl Sulfoxide (1) - Liquid Temperature, K - Liquid Speed of sound, m/s - Liquid
0.0121 303.15 1534.6
0.0121 308.15 1541.3
0.0121 313.15 1546.2
0.0121 318.15 1552.4
0.0255 303.15 1556.6
0.0255 308.15 1561.7
0.0255 313.15 1566.0
0.0255 318.15 1569.7
0.0424 303.15 1580.0
0.0424 308.15 1583.1
0.0424 313.15 1586.1
0.0424 318.15 1587.2
0.0583 303.15 1602.7
0.0583 308.15 1603.5
0.0583 313.15 1604.9
0.0583 318.15 1603.3

Surface tension liquid-gas, N/m [ref]

Fixed Measured
Temperature, K - Liquid Mole fraction of Dimethyl Sulfoxide (1) - Liquid Surface tension liquid-gas, N/m - Liquid
298.15 0.0121 0.0710
298.15 0.0202 0.0697
298.15 0.1044 0.0612
298.15 0.1979 0.0567
298.15 0.2507 0.0554
298.15 0.2999 0.0533
298.15 0.3187 0.0531
298.15 0.3536 0.0526
298.15 0.3802 0.0520
298.15 0.4191 0.0510
298.15 0.4523 0.0503
298.15 0.5010 0.0483
298.15 0.5900 0.0460
298.15 0.7027 0.0440
298.15 0.8088 0.0426
298.15 0.8945 0.0420
303.15 0.0121 0.0701
303.15 0.0202 0.0687
303.15 0.1044 0.0606
303.15 0.1979 0.0558
303.15 0.2507 0.0545
303.15 0.2999 0.0524
303.15 0.3187 0.0523
303.15 0.3536 0.0517
303.15 0.3802 0.0512
303.15 0.4191 0.0500
303.15 0.4523 0.0499
303.15 0.5010 0.0474
303.15 0.5900 0.0452
303.15 0.7027 0.0434
303.15 0.8088 0.0421
303.15 0.8945 0.0414
308.15 0.0121 0.0692
308.15 0.0202 0.0679
308.15 0.1044 0.0598
308.15 0.1979 0.0548
308.15 0.2507 0.0532
308.15 0.2999 0.0515
308.15 0.3187 0.0514
308.15 0.3536 0.0506
308.15 0.3802 0.0503
308.15 0.4191 0.0492
308.15 0.4523 0.0491
308.15 0.5010 0.0467
308.15 0.5900 0.0446
308.15 0.7027 0.0426
308.15 0.8088 0.0415
308.15 0.8945 0.0409
313.15 0.0121 0.0676
313.15 0.0202 0.0669
313.15 0.1044 0.0587
313.15 0.1979 0.0539
313.15 0.2507 0.0523
313.15 0.2999 0.0506
313.15 0.3187 0.0504
313.15 0.3536 0.0500
313.15 0.3802 0.0495
313.15 0.4191 0.0484
313.15 0.4523 0.0482
313.15 0.5010 0.0460
313.15 0.5900 0.0438
313.15 0.7027 0.0421
313.15 0.8088 0.0409
313.15 0.8945 0.0403
318.15 0.0121 0.0664
318.15 0.0202 0.0658
318.15 0.1044 0.0579
318.15 0.1979 0.0530
318.15 0.2507 0.0512
318.15 0.3218 0.0507
318.15 0.3506 0.0497
318.15 0.3549 0.0494
318.15 0.3802 0.0486
318.15 0.4191 0.0475
318.15 0.4523 0.0473
318.15 0.5010 0.0451
318.15 0.5900 0.0431
318.15 0.7027 0.0414
318.15 0.8088 0.0404
318.15 0.8945 0.0398
323.15 0.0121 0.0653
323.15 0.0202 0.0648
323.15 0.1044 0.0570
323.15 0.1979 0.0522
323.15 0.2507 0.0503
323.15 0.3218 0.0499
323.15 0.3506 0.0487
323.15 0.3549 0.0484
323.15 0.3802 0.0477
323.15 0.4191 0.0467
323.15 0.4523 0.0463
323.15 0.5010 0.0444
323.15 0.5900 0.0423
323.15 0.7027 0.0408
323.15 0.8088 0.0398
323.15 0.8945 0.0392
328.15 0.0121 0.0651
328.15 0.0202 0.0638
328.15 0.1044 0.0551
328.15 0.1979 0.0511
328.15 0.2507 0.0494
328.15 0.3218 0.0490
328.15 0.3506 0.0477
328.15 0.3549 0.0474
328.15 0.3802 0.0468
328.15 0.4191 0.0459
328.15 0.4523 0.0453
328.15 0.5010 0.0435
328.15 0.5900 0.0417
328.15 0.7027 0.0402
328.15 0.8088 0.0392
328.15 0.8945 0.0387

Surface tension liquid-gas, N/m [ref]

Fixed Measured
Temperature, K - Liquid Mole fraction of Dimethyl Sulfoxide (1) - Liquid Surface tension liquid-gas, N/m - Liquid
298.15 0.0121 0.0710
298.15 0.0202 0.0697
298.15 0.1044 0.0612
298.15 0.1979 0.0567
298.15 0.2507 0.0554
298.15 0.2999 0.0533
298.15 0.3187 0.0531
298.15 0.3536 0.0526
298.15 0.3802 0.0520
298.15 0.4191 0.0510
298.15 0.4523 0.0503
298.15 0.5010 0.0483
298.15 0.5900 0.0460
298.15 0.7027 0.0440
298.15 0.8088 0.0426
298.15 0.8945 0.0420
303.15 0.0121 0.0701
303.15 0.0202 0.0687
303.15 0.1044 0.0606
303.15 0.1979 0.0558
303.15 0.2507 0.0545
303.15 0.2999 0.0524
303.15 0.3187 0.0523
303.15 0.3536 0.0517
303.15 0.3802 0.0512
303.15 0.4191 0.0500
303.15 0.4523 0.0499
303.15 0.5010 0.0474
303.15 0.5900 0.0452
303.15 0.7027 0.0434
303.15 0.8088 0.0421
303.15 0.8945 0.0414
308.15 0.0121 0.0692
308.15 0.0202 0.0679
308.15 0.1044 0.0598
308.15 0.1979 0.0548
308.15 0.2507 0.0532
308.15 0.2999 0.0515
308.15 0.3187 0.0514
308.15 0.3536 0.0506
308.15 0.3802 0.0503
308.15 0.4191 0.0492
308.15 0.4523 0.0491
308.15 0.5010 0.0467
308.15 0.5900 0.0446
308.15 0.7027 0.0426
308.15 0.8088 0.0415
308.15 0.8945 0.0409
313.15 0.0121 0.0676
313.15 0.0202 0.0669
313.15 0.1044 0.0587
313.15 0.1979 0.0539
313.15 0.2507 0.0523
313.15 0.2999 0.0506
313.15 0.3187 0.0504
313.15 0.3536 0.0500
313.15 0.3802 0.0495
313.15 0.4191 0.0484
313.15 0.4523 0.0482
313.15 0.5010 0.0460
313.15 0.5900 0.0438
313.15 0.7027 0.0421
313.15 0.8088 0.0409
313.15 0.8945 0.0403
318.15 0.0121 0.0664
318.15 0.0202 0.0658
318.15 0.1044 0.0579
318.15 0.1979 0.0530
318.15 0.2507 0.0512
318.15 0.3218 0.0507
318.15 0.3506 0.0497
318.15 0.3549 0.0494
318.15 0.3802 0.0486
318.15 0.4191 0.0475
318.15 0.4523 0.0473
318.15 0.5010 0.0451
318.15 0.5900 0.0431
318.15 0.7027 0.0414
318.15 0.8088 0.0404
318.15 0.8945 0.0398
323.15 0.0121 0.0653
323.15 0.0202 0.0648
323.15 0.1044 0.0570
323.15 0.1979 0.0522
323.15 0.2507 0.0503
323.15 0.3218 0.0499
323.15 0.3506 0.0487
323.15 0.3549 0.0484
323.15 0.3802 0.0477
323.15 0.4191 0.0467
323.15 0.4523 0.0463
323.15 0.5010 0.0444
323.15 0.5900 0.0423
323.15 0.7027 0.0408
323.15 0.8088 0.0398
323.15 0.8945 0.0392
328.15 0.0121 0.0651
328.15 0.0202 0.0638
328.15 0.1044 0.0551
328.15 0.1979 0.0511
328.15 0.2507 0.0494
328.15 0.3218 0.0490
328.15 0.3506 0.0477
328.15 0.3549 0.0474
328.15 0.3802 0.0468
328.15 0.4191 0.0459
328.15 0.4523 0.0453
328.15 0.5010 0.0435
328.15 0.5900 0.0417
328.15 0.7027 0.0402
328.15 0.8088 0.0392
328.15 0.8945 0.0387

Boiling temperature at pressure P, K [ref]

Operational condition: Pressure, kPa = 13.33 (Gas)

Mole fraction of Water (2) - Liquid Boiling temperature at pressure P, K - Gas
0.0880 388.15
0.0939 386.27
0.1235 383.15
0.1508 380.45
0.1612 378.95
0.1708 377.65
0.2158 373.45
0.2439 370.55
0.2754 368.35
0.3443 362.65
0.3763 361.15
0.5200 349.95
0.5848 344.05
0.6743 338.15
0.7329 335.65
0.8146 331.10
Mole fraction of Water (2)
Boiling temperature at pressure P, K

Boiling temperature at pressure P, K [ref]

Operational condition: Pressure, kPa = 101.3 (Liquid)

Mole fraction of Water (2) - Liquid Boiling temperature at pressure P, K - Liquid
0.0000 463.43
0.0360 456.40
0.0610 450.25
0.0850 446.96
0.1200 439.65
0.1700 434.03
0.2070 427.85
0.3660 411.35
0.3890 408.90
0.4580 403.75
0.5540 395.87
0.5760 392.84
0.6400 389.25
0.6810 385.05
0.7310 382.05
0.7790 380.11
0.8220 379.06
0.8740 377.25
0.8980 375.80
0.9230 374.55
1.0000 373.15
Mole fraction of Water (2)
Boiling temperature at pressure P, K

Boiling temperature at pressure P, K [ref]

Operational condition: Pressure, kPa = 13.33 (Gas)

Mole fraction of Water (2) - Liquid Boiling temperature at pressure P, K - Gas
0.0880 388.15
0.0939 386.27
0.1235 383.15
0.1508 380.45
0.1612 378.95
0.1708 377.65
0.2158 373.45
0.2439 370.55
0.2754 368.35
0.3443 362.65
0.3763 361.15
0.5200 349.95
0.5848 344.05
0.6743 338.15
0.7329 335.65
0.8146 331.10
Mole fraction of Water (2)
Boiling temperature at pressure P, K

Boiling temperature at pressure P, K [ref]

Operational condition: Pressure, kPa = 101.3 (Liquid)

Mole fraction of Water (2) - Liquid Boiling temperature at pressure P, K - Liquid
0.0000 463.43
0.0360 456.40
0.0610 450.25
0.0850 446.96
0.1200 439.65
0.1700 434.03
0.2070 427.85
0.3660 411.35
0.3890 408.90
0.4580 403.75
0.5540 395.87
0.5760 392.84
0.6400 389.25
0.6810 385.05
0.7310 382.05
0.7790 380.11
0.8220 379.06
0.8740 377.25
0.8980 375.80
0.9230 374.55
1.0000 373.15
Mole fraction of Water (2)
Boiling temperature at pressure P, K

Thermal conductivity, W/m/K [ref]

Operational condition: Pressure, kPa = 100 (Liquid)

Fixed Measured
Mass fraction of Dimethyl Sulfoxide (1) - Liquid Temperature, K - Liquid Thermal conductivity, W/m/K - Liquid
0.1000 279.63 0.5220
0.1000 289.49 0.5390
0.1000 299.22 0.5510
0.1000 309.03 0.5630
0.1000 318.88 0.5750
0.1000 328.78 0.5860
0.1000 338.60 0.5940
0.1995 279.91 0.4660
0.1995 289.80 0.4800
0.1995 299.67 0.4920
0.1995 309.51 0.5030
0.1995 319.20 0.5110
0.1995 329.20 0.5230
0.1995 338.93 0.5280
0.2998 280.21 0.4140
0.2998 290.02 0.4240
0.2998 299.92 0.4340
0.2998 309.95 0.4440
0.2998 319.70 0.4520
0.2998 329.56 0.4600
0.2998 339.37 0.4650
0.3967 279.76 0.3660
0.3967 289.60 0.3740
0.3967 299.58 0.3820
0.3967 309.43 0.3890
0.3967 319.18 0.3960
0.3967 328.97 0.4000
0.3967 338.87 0.4040
0.5013 279.57 0.3190
0.5013 289.12 0.3240
0.5013 299.16 0.3300
0.5013 309.00 0.3350
0.5013 318.75 0.3390
0.5013 328.48 0.3430
0.5013 338.61 0.3470
0.5990 280.01 0.2820
0.5990 289.59 0.2840
0.5990 299.60 0.2880
0.5990 309.51 0.2920
0.5990 319.44 0.2960
0.5990 329.12 0.2980
0.5990 338.90 0.2990
0.6929 279.37 0.2500
0.6929 288.93 0.2510
0.6929 298.86 0.2530
0.6929 308.79 0.2550
0.6929 318.54 0.2570
0.6929 328.60 0.2590
0.6929 338.59 0.2610
0.7941 279.69 0.2220
0.7941 289.32 0.2220
0.7941 299.26 0.2230
0.7941 309.16 0.2240
0.7941 318.90 0.2240
0.7941 328.75 0.2240
0.7941 338.86 0.2240
0.9000 279.18 0.2000
0.9000 289.38 0.2000
0.9000 299.40 0.2000
0.9000 309.13 0.1990
0.9000 319.21 0.1990
0.9000 328.90 0.1980
0.9000 338.51 0.1960

Thermal conductivity, W/m/K [ref]

Operational condition: Pressure, kPa = 100 (Liquid)

Fixed Measured
Mass fraction of Dimethyl Sulfoxide (1) - Liquid Temperature, K - Liquid Thermal conductivity, W/m/K - Liquid
0.1000 279.63 0.5220
0.1000 289.49 0.5390
0.1000 299.22 0.5510
0.1000 309.03 0.5630
0.1000 318.88 0.5750
0.1000 328.78 0.5860
0.1000 338.60 0.5940
0.1995 279.91 0.4660
0.1995 289.80 0.4800
0.1995 299.67 0.4920
0.1995 309.51 0.5030
0.1995 319.20 0.5110
0.1995 329.20 0.5230
0.1995 338.93 0.5280
0.2998 280.21 0.4140
0.2998 290.02 0.4240
0.2998 299.92 0.4340
0.2998 309.95 0.4440
0.2998 319.70 0.4520
0.2998 329.56 0.4600
0.2998 339.37 0.4650
0.3967 279.76 0.3660
0.3967 289.60 0.3740
0.3967 299.58 0.3820
0.3967 309.43 0.3890
0.3967 319.18 0.3960
0.3967 328.97 0.4000
0.3967 338.87 0.4040
0.5013 279.57 0.3190
0.5013 289.12 0.3240
0.5013 299.16 0.3300
0.5013 309.00 0.3350
0.5013 318.75 0.3390
0.5013 328.48 0.3430
0.5013 338.61 0.3470
0.5990 280.01 0.2820
0.5990 289.59 0.2840
0.5990 299.60 0.2880
0.5990 309.51 0.2920
0.5990 319.44 0.2960
0.5990 329.12 0.2980
0.5990 338.90 0.2990
0.6929 279.37 0.2500
0.6929 288.93 0.2510
0.6929 298.86 0.2530
0.6929 308.79 0.2550
0.6929 318.54 0.2570
0.6929 328.60 0.2590
0.6929 338.59 0.2610
0.7941 279.69 0.2220
0.7941 289.32 0.2220
0.7941 299.26 0.2230
0.7941 309.16 0.2240
0.7941 318.90 0.2240
0.7941 328.75 0.2240
0.7941 338.86 0.2240
0.9000 279.18 0.2000
0.9000 289.38 0.2000
0.9000 299.40 0.2000
0.9000 309.13 0.1990
0.9000 319.21 0.1990
0.9000 328.90 0.1980
0.9000 338.51 0.1960

Solid-liquid equilibrium temperature, K [ref]

Operational condition: Pressure, kPa = 101 (Liquid)

Molality, mol/kg of Dimethyl Sulfoxide (1) - Liquid Solid-liquid equilibrium temperature, K - Liquid
1.0000 271.53
2.0 268.94
3.0 266.20
5.0 260.12
9.0 245.67
Molality, mol/kg of Dimethyl Sulfoxide (1)
Solid-liquid equilibrium temperature, K

Solid-liquid equilibrium temperature, K [ref]

Operational condition: Pressure, kPa = 101 (Liquid)

Molality, mol/kg of Dimethyl Sulfoxide (1) - Liquid Solid-liquid equilibrium temperature, K - Liquid
1.0000 271.53
2.0 268.94
3.0 266.20
5.0 260.12
9.0 245.67
Molality, mol/kg of Dimethyl Sulfoxide (1)
Solid-liquid equilibrium temperature, K
